COMPANY – description
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Main level
Main level Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintNameThe company's official name.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)GroupDesignation of company group that the company is associated with. This attribute was 1.2.2013 marked as NA (not applicable) because of data quality issue. Because of backwards compatibility the attrinute has not been deleted.cmpGroupvarchar(100)Organisation numberOfficial Norwegian organisation number.cmpOrgNumberBrRegvarchar(100)Nation code2 letter nation code (ISO) for the nation the company is registered in.cmpNationCodevarchar(2)Fact pageURL to the company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Currently active on NCSIndicator which tells if the company is currently active on the Norwegian Continental ShelfcmpActiveOnNcsCurrentvarchar(1)Former active on NCSIndicator which tells if the company has previously been active on the Norwegian Continental ShelfcmpActiveOnNcsFormervarchar(1)Currently licence operatorIndicator which tells if the company is currently a production licence operatorcmpLicenceOperCurrentvarchar(1)Former licence operatorIndicator which tells if the company has previously been a production licence operatorcmpLicenceOperFormervarchar(1)Currently licence licenseeIndicator which tells if the company is currently a licensee in production licencescmpLicenceLicenseeCurrentvarchar(1)Former licence licenseeIndicator which tells if the company has been a licensee in production licencescmpLicenceLicenseeFormervarchar(1)Currently bsns. arr. area operatorIndicator which tells if the company is currently an operator for business arrangement areascmpBsnsArrAreaOperCurrentvarchar(1)Former bsns. arr. area operatorIndicator which tells if the company has been an operator for business arrangement areascmpBsnsArrAreaOperFormervarchar(1)Currently bsns. arr. area parnerIndicator which tells if the company is currently a licensee in business arrangment areascmpBsnsArrAreaPartnerCurrentvarchar(1)Former bsns. arr. area parnerIndicator which tells if the company has been a licensee in business arrangment areascmpBsnsArrAreaPartnerFormervarchar(1)Currently TUF operatorIndicator which tells if the company is currently an operator for Transportation and Utilization FacilitiescmpTufOperCurrentvarchar(1)Former TUF operatorIndicator which tells if the company has been an operator for Transportation and Utilization FacilitiescmpTufOperFormervarchar(1)Currently TUF partnerIndicator which tells if the company is currently a licensee in Transportation and Utilization FacilitiescmpTufPartnerCurrentvarchar(1)Former TUF partnerIndicator which tells if the company has been a licensee inTransportation and Utilization FacilitiescmpTufPartnerFormervarchar(1)Moveable facility responsibleIndicator which tells if the company is responsible for moveable facilitiescmpFacilityMoveableResponsiblevarchar(1)Fixed facility operatorIndicator which tells if the company is operator of fixed facilitiescmpFacilityFixedOperatorvarchar(1)Survey prefiksPrefix for survey names. In "ST14001" is ST prefx for Statoil.cmpSurveyPrefixvarchar(4)