LICENCE – description
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Main level
Main level Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID production licenceNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for production licencesprlNpdidLicenceintNPDID licensing activityNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for licensing activitieslcaNpdidLicensingActivityintProduction licenceName of the production licenceprlNamevarchar(40)Licensing activityName of the licensing activity the production licence was awarded in.prlLicensingActivityNamevarchar(40)StatusCurrent status of production licence. Example of legal values: ACTIVE, INACTIVEprlStatusvarchar(40)StratigraphicalIndicates if the licence has vertical limitations based on stratigraphy. 'NO' means no such limitations, 'YES OR PARTLY' means that either whole or parts of the licence has such limitations.prlStratigraphicalvarchar(40)ActiveIndicator telling if the production licence is active. Example of legal values: Y, NprlActivevarchar(1)Fact pageURL to the production licence's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBprlFactPageUrlvarchar(200)FactmapsURL to the production licence's FactMap on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBprlFactMapUrlvarchar(200)Date grantedDate the production licence was granted by the Norwegian authorities.prlDateGranteddatetimeDate valid toDate the production licence is valid to.prlDateValidTodatetimeOriginal area [km2]Original area of the production licence in square kilometres.prlOriginalAreadecimalCurrent area [km2]Current area of the production licence in square kilometres.prlCurrentAreadecimalPhase - currentCurrent phase for the prodcution licence. Examples of legal values: INITIAL; INITIAL EXTENDED; PRODUCTION; PRODUCTION EXTENDED.prlPhaseCurrentvarchar(40)Main areaName of the area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf where the wellbore is located. Example of legal values: Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, North SeaprlMainAreavarchar(40)Expiry date, initial periodExpiry date of the initial period of the production licenceprlDateInitialPeriodExpiresdatetimeIn initial periodIndicator which tells if the production licence is in the initial periodprlInitialPeriodvarchar(4)Date last changedDate the production licence was changed in Norwegian Offshore Directorate's databaseprlDateLastChangeddatetimeOperator FactPageURL to the operating company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWebcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)NPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintOperatorThe operating company's official name.cmpLongNamevarchar(200)Date main level updatedDate when this production licences was last updated or inserted for the first time.The date will only be changed if the data in the 'Main level' in the tab 'Licence' will be changed.prlDateUpdateddatetimeDate all updatedDate when any information about this production licences was last updated or inserted for the first time. The date also will bli change if some of the data in the 'Sub levels' in the tab 'Licence' will be changed.prlDateUpdatedMaxdatetime -
Sub level – Phases
Sub level – Phases Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID production licenceNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for production licencesprlNpdidLicenceintProduction licenceName of the production licenceprlNamevarchar(40)ActiveIndicator which tells if the production licence is active. Example of legal values: ACTIVE, INACTIVEprlActiveStatusIndicatorvarchar(40)Date grantedDate the production licence was granted by the Norwegian authorities.prlDateGranteddatetimeDate valid toDate the production licence is valid to.prlDateValidTodatetimeExpiry date, initial periodExpiry date of the initial period of the production licenceprlDateInitialPeriodExpiresdatetimeDate phase valid fromDate the phase is valid fromprlDatePhaseValidFromdatetimeDate phase valid toDate the phase is valid toprlDatePhaseValidTodatetimePhasePhase. Example of legal values: INITIAL, INITIAL EXTENDED, PRODUCTION, PRODUCTION EXTENDEDprlPhasevarchar(40)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.prlPhaseDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Work obligations
Sub level – Work obligations Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeDescription (norwegian)Name of task as given by the Norwegian Offshore Directorate. This task is a part of the work obligations (initial phase) or conditions(production phase) of the production licence.prlTaskNamevarchar(40)Type of taskType of task. Examples of legal values:Relinquishment report;Seismic acquisition;Seismic reprocessing;EM acquisition;Status workobligations to Ministry of Energy/Norwegian Offshore Directorate;Study of geology and geophysics;Seismology - collecting, reprocessing, interpretation;Decision to drill;Drilling;Decision to prepare a plan for development;Hand in plan for development;The expiry of initial period.prlTaskTypeEnvarchar(200)CategoryCategory. Legal values are 'WORKOBLIGATION" or"DESICION".prlTaskCategoryvarchar(200)Task statusTask status. Example of legal values: Approved; Dropped; Not to be drilled, Will be drilled.prlTaskStatusEnvarchar(40)Expiry dateDate when the task exprires.prlTaskExpiryDatedatetimeMain areaName of the area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf where the wellbore is located. Example of legal values: Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, North SeaprlMainAreavarchar(30)Production licenceName of the production licence.prlNamevarchar(40)Date valid to for production licenceDate the production licence is valid to.prlDateValidTodatetimeLicensing activityName of the licensing activity the production licence was awarded in.prlLicensingActivityNamevarchar(40)Operator longname - currentThe operating company's official name. For inactive licences are last operator are given.cmpLongNamevarchar(200)Wellbore if drilledResult wellbore if positiv desicion to drill. If 'Task status' is 'Will be drilled', the name of the wellbore will be given here.wlbNamevarchar(40)Task IDUnique identification of the task.prlTaskIDvarchar(40)Referred task IDUnique key if this task is dependent of another task. An example: a task of type 'Drilling' is dependent of another task of type 'Decision to drill'. See production licence 085 D for example.prlTaskRefIDvarchar(40)NPDID production licenceNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for production licences.prlNpdidLicenceintNPDID company - currentNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companies.cmpNpdidCompanyintDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.prlTaskDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Licensees
Sub level – Licensees Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID production licenceNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for production licencesprlNpdidLicenceintNPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintProduction licenceName of the production licenceprlNamevarchar(40)Company longnameThe company's official name.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Date valid fromDate the company's interest in the production licence is valid fromprlLicenseeDateValidFromdatetimeDate valid toDate the company's interest in the production licence is valid toprlLicenseeDateValidTodatetimeOperator from dateDate for when the company was operator in the production licence is valid fromprlOperDateValidFromdatetimeOperator to dateDate for when the company was operator in the production licence is valid toprlOperDateValidTodatetimeInterest [%]The company's share in percent.prlLicenseeInterestdecimalSDFI [%]The Norwegian State's Direct Financial Interest in percent (only for the history)prlLicenseeSdfidecimalCompany FactPageURL to the company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWebcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.prlLicenseeDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Licencees transfer
Sub level – Licencees transfer Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID production licenceNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for production licencesprlNpdidLicenceintNPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintProduction licenceName of the production licenceprlNamevarchar(40)Date valid fromDate the transfer is valid fromprlTransferDateValidFromdatetimeTransfer directionDirection of the transfer. Example of legal values: FROM, TOprlTransferDirectionvarchar(4)Type of changeType of change. Example of legal values: CHANGE OF COMPANY NAME, TRANSFER, MERGER/TAKEOVER.prlTransferKindvarchar(40)Type of change, Norwegian Offshore DirectorateType of change, Norwegian Offshore Directorate internal. Example of legal values: CHANGE OF COMPANY NAME, TRANSFER, MERGER/TAKEOVER.prlNpdTransferKindvarchar(40)Company nameThe company's official name.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Company fact pageURL to the company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Transferred interest [%]Transferred interest in percentprlTransferredInterestdecimalSDFI [%]The Norwegian State's Direct Financial Interest in percent (only for the history)prlTransferSdfidecimalFact pageURL to the FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactPages for the production licenceprlFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.prlTransferDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Operatorships
Sub level – Operatorships Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID production licenceNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for production licencesprlNpdidLicenceintNPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintProduction licenceName of the production licenceprlNamevarchar(40)Company shortnameCompany shortname, used by Norwegian Offshore Directorate.cmpShortNamevarchar(40)Company longnameThe company's official name.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Date valid fromDate the company's operatorship is valid fromprlOperDateValidFromdatetimeDate valid toDate the company's operatorship is valid toprlOperDateValidTodatetimeCompany FactPageURL to the company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWebcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)FactPageURL to the FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactPages for the production licenceprlFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.prlOperDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Area
Sub level – Area Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID production licenceNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for production licencesprlNpdidLicenceintProduction licenceName of the production licenceprlNamevarchar(40)StratigraphcalIndicator which tells if the production licence is stratigraphical or not. A stratigraphical production licence is vertically limited by stratigraphic units (upper an lower). This means that many production licences may cover the same area on a 2D map. Legal values: YES, NOprlAreaPolyStratigraphicalvarchar(4)Date valid fromFirst day the area of a polygon in a production license is valid from. With changes in area while a production license is active, the new date of the polygon will be set in accordance with the Ministry of Oil and Energy’s decision. In the initial period, parts of a license may be relinquished with 3 months notice. Changes in area in a production license which is in the extension period can only be made at the end of each calendar year. The remaining area in the polygon is valid from January 1st the following year. Ref Petroleum Act, section 3.14.prlAreaPolyDateValidFromdatetimeDate valid toAutomatically set by the system. By relinquishment of an area in a production license this date is equal to the “Polygon valid from date” for the remaining area in the polygon.prlAreaPolyDateValidTodatetimeNation code2 letter nation code (ISO) for the nation the polygon belongs toprlAreaPolyNationCodevarchar(2)Block nameBlock nameprlAreaPolyBlockNamevarchar(40)Polygon area [km2]Polygon area in square kilometresprlAreaPolyPolyAreadecimalVertical limitationsDescription of vertical limitations of the polygon in English. Used only for stratigraphical production licencesprlAreaPolyVertLimEnvarchar(2000)Vertical limitation, fromFrom relative depth (0 - 100)prlAreaPolyFromZvaluenumericVertical limitation, toTo relative depth (0 - 100)prlAreaPolyToZvaluenumericOperator NameName of the company that is currently operator of the licencecmpLongNamevarchar(200)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.prlAreaDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Petroleum register , Main level
Sub level – Petroleum register , Main level HeadingDescriptionTagData typeTillatelseNavn på tillatelsen i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlNamevarchar(40)NPDID for utvinningstillatelserSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for utvinningstillatelser.prlNpdidLicenceintGyldig fra datoDato tillatelsen er gyldig fra.ptlDateValidFromdatetimeGyldig til datoDato tillatelsen er gyldig til.ptlDateValidTodatetimeDato for tildelingDato tillatelsen ble tildelt av norske myndigheter.ptlDateAwardeddatetimeDato hovednivå oppdatertDato for når informasjon om denne Petroleumsregister tillatelsen ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang. Datoen vil bare bli forandret dersom data i 'Hovednivå' blir forandret.ptlDateUpdateddatetimeFactpages petroleum registerUrl to factpages petroleum registerptlFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Dato alle oppdatertDato når noe informasjon om denne Petroleumsregister tillatelsen ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang. Datoen vil også bli forandret dersom data i noen av 'Undernivåene' blir forandret.ptlDateUpdatedMaxdatetime -
Sub level – Petroleum register , Licencees
Sub level – Petroleum register , Licencees HeadingDescriptionTagData typeTillatelseNavn på tillatelsen i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlNamevarchar(40)NPDID for utvinningstillatelserSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for utvinningstillatelser.prlNpdidLicenceintNPDID for selskapSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for selskap.cmpNpdidCompanyintTUFNavn på transport og utnyttelsesanlegget.tufNamevarchar(40)SelskapSelskapets offisielle navn.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Andel [%]Selskapets andel i prosent.ptlLicenseeInterestnumericDato oppdatertDato når denne posten ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang.ptlLicenseeDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Petroleum register , Operatorship
Sub level – Petroleum register , Operatorship HeadingDescriptionTagData typeTillatelseNavn på tillatelsen i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlNamevarchar(40)NPDID for utvinningstillatelserSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for utvinningstillatelser.prlNpdidLicenceintNPDID for selskapSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for selskap.cmpNpdidCompanyintTUFNavn på transport og utnyttelsesanlegget.tufNamevarchar(40)SelskapSelskapets offisielle navn.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Dato oppdatertDato når denne posten ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang.ptlOperDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Petroleum register , Messages
Sub level – Petroleum register , Messages HeadingDescriptionTagData typeTillatelseNavn på tillatelsen i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlNamevarchar(40)NPDID for utvinningstillatelserSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for utvinningstillatelser.prlNpdidLicenceintUtdrag av dokumentUtdrag av dokumentet, orginal dokumentet er registert i SokkeldirektoratetptlMessagevarchar(2000)MerknadMerknad. Hvis ikke meldingen er konferert (kvalitetskontrollert) i Sokkeldirektoratet, vil det stå 'Ikke konferert', ellers er dette feltet blankt.ptlMessageRemarkvarchar(14)TypeType dokument. Eksempel på lovlig verdier: Heftelse,Ny tillatelse, Endring i tillatelse,Sletting av heftelse, Andre meldinger.ptlMessageKindDescvarchar(2000)RegistreringsdatoDato dokumentet er registret i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlMessageRegisteredDatedatetimeTUFNavn på transport og utnyttelsesanlegget.tufNamevarchar(40)Dato oppdatertDato når denne posten ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang.ptlMessageDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Status reports
Sub level – Status reports Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID production licenceNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for production licencesprlNpdidLicenceintLicenceOfficial licence nameprlNamevarchar(40)Document nameLicence document nameprlDocumentNamevarchar(200)Document typeLicence document typeprlDocumentTypevarchar(40)Document URLLicencen document URLprlDocumentUrlvarchar(200)Document formatLicence document formatprlDocumentFormatvarchar(40)Document size [MB]Licence document sizeprlDocumentSizenumericDate updatedDate when this record was last updatedprlDocumentDateUpdateddatetime