Factpages Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Factpages Norwegian Offshore Directorate
sodir.no          Norsk
02.10.2024 - 01:28
Time of last synchronization with Norwegian Offshore Directorate's internal systems

Greatship Global Offshore Services Pte. Ltd.

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  • General information

    General information
    Attribute Value
    The company's official name.
    Greatship Global Offshore Services Pte. Ltd.
    Organisation number
    Official Norwegian organisation number.
    Nation code
    2 letter nation code (ISO) for the nation the company is registered in.
    NPDID company
    Norwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companies
    Currently licence operator
    Indicator which tells if the company is currently a production licence operator
    Former licence operator
    Indicator which tells if the company has previously been a production licence operator
    Currently licence licensee
    Indicator which tells if the company is currently a licensee in production licences
    Former licence licensee
    Indicator which tells if the company has been a licensee in production licences
    Currently TUF operator
    Indicator which tells if the company is currently an operator for Transportation and Utilization Facilities
    Former TUF operator
    Indicator which tells if the company has been an operator for Transportation and Utilization Facilities
    Currently TUF partner
    Indicator which tells if the company is currently a licensee in Transportation and Utilization Facilities
    Former TUF partner
    Indicator which tells if the company has been a licensee inTransportation and Utilization Facilities
    Currently bsns. arr. area operator
    Indicator which tells if the company is currently an operator for business arrangement areas
    Former bsns. arr. area operator
    Indicator which tells if the company has been an operator for business arrangement areas
    Currently bsns. arr. area parner
    Indicator which tells if the company is currently a licensee in business arrangment areas
    Former bsns. arr. area parner
    Indicator which tells if the company has been a licensee in business arrangment areas
  • Licensees – current

    Licensees – current
    Production licence
    Date valid from
    Interest [%]
  • Operatorship – current

    Operatorship – current
    Production licence
    Date valid from
  • Business Arrangement Area (BAA) – current

    Business Arrangement Area (BAA) – current
    Date valid from
    Interest [%]
  • the Norwegian Offshore Directorate estimate for reserves (company share)

    the Norwegian Offshore Directorate estimate for reserves (company share)
    Reserves updated date:
    the Norwegian Offshore Directorate estimate for reserves (company share)
    Field name
    Company share [%]
    Remaining oil
    [mill Sm3]
    Remaining gas
    [bill Sm3]
    Remaining NGL
    [mill tonn]
    Remaining cond.
    [mill Sm3]
    Remaining oil eq.
    [mill Sm3 o.e]
  • Licensees – transfers

    Licensees – transfers
    Production licence
    Date valid from
    Transfer direction
    Type of change
    Transferred interest [%]
  • Business Arrangement Areas (BAA) – transfers

    Business Arrangement Areas (BAA) – transfers
    Date valid from
    Transfer direction
    Type of change
    Company name
    Transferred interest [%]
  • Licensees – full history

    Licensees – full history
    Production licence
    Date valid from
    Date valid to
    Interest [%]
  • Operatorship – full history

    Operatorship – full history
    Production licence
    Date valid from
    Date valid to