
General information
General information Attribute Value Name Name of the facility used by Norwegian Offshore DirectorateTOR FLNation Name of the country the facility is currently registered inNorwayNPDID facility Norwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for facilities281213Factmaps in new windowKind Kind of facility. Example of legal values: CONCRETE STRUCTURE, CONDEEP 3 SHAFTS, CONDEEP 4 SHAFTS, CONDEEP MONOSHAFT, DORIS, FPSO, FSU, JACKET 12 LEGS, JACKET 4 LEGS, JACKET 6 LEGS, JACKET 8 LEGS, JACKET TRIPOD, JACK-UP 3 LEGS, JACK-UP 4 LEGS, LOADING SYSTEM, MONOTOWER, MULTI WELL TEMPLATE, ONSHORE FACILITY, SEMISUB CONCRETE, SEMISUB STEEL, SINGLE WELL TEMPLATE, SUBSEA STRUCTURE, TLP CONCRETE, TLP STEEL, VESSELJACKET TRIPODPhase Current phase for the facility. Example of legal values: ABANDONED IN PLACE, DECOMMISSIONED, FABRICATION, FUTURE, IN SERVICE, INSTALLATION, LAID UP, REMOVEDREMOVEDFunctions Tells what functions the facility covers. Examples: DRILLING, DRILLING TEMPLATE, FIELD CONTROL CENTER, FISCAL METERING, FLARE STACK, FLOTEL, FULL STABILIZATION, GAS EXPORT, GAS INJECTION, GAS INJECTOR, GAS PRODUCER, ISOLATION VALVE, LOADING BOUY, MANIFOLD, MANIFOLD STATION, OFFLOADING, OIL PRODUCER, PIG RECIVER, PIPELINE END MANIFOLD, QUARTER, RISER, RISER BASE, RISER SUPPORT, SEPARATION, SILO, STORAGE, T-CONNECTION, TERMINAL, TRAWLGEAR PROTECTION, TUNNEL, UMBILICAL SUPPORT, WATER INJECTION, WATER/GAS INJECTION, WELLHEAD, Y-CONNECTION, PROCESSING, ACCOMMODATION, SUPPORT, BOOSTER, DISTRIBUTION, WATER PRODUCER or a combination of these.FLARE STACKSurface facility Indicator telling if the facility is a surface facility. Example of legal values: Y, N. N means its a subsurface facility.YWater depth [m] Water depth from mean sea level at well site.70Design lifetime [year] The number of years the facility was designed for.20Belongs to Name of the information carrier the facility belongs to.Current operator Name of the company that is currently operator of the facility.Startup date The date the facility was set in production.01.08.1977NS degrees Coordinate, north-south degrees56° 38' 27.37 '' NEW degrees Coordinate, east-west degrees3° 19' 39.42 '' EGeodetic datum Geodetic datum for the coordinates of the position of the facility.ED50UTM zone UTM zone for the UTM coordinates of the position of the facility.31NS UTM Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate, north-south6277605.65 NEW UTM Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate, east-west520094.24 E