
General information
Phases Date phase valid fromDate phase valid toPhase19.02.202119.02.2028INITIAL20.02.202819.02.2029INITIAL EXTENDED -
Licensees — current
Licensees — current Date valid fromCompany longnameInterest [%]31.05.202440.000000-20.000000-20.000000-20.000000 -
Operatorship — current
Operatorship — current Date valid fromCompany longname28.01.2022 -
Area – current
Area – current Date valid fromBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations19.02.20217123/77237-7123/8898-7122/11582-7122/12614-7122/10428-7122/81155-7122/93109-7122/92144-7123/9917 -
Work program (initial phase)
Work program (initial phase) Work obligationDecisionTask statusExpiry dateWellbore if drilledStudy of geology and geophysicsApprovedReprocessing of 3D seismicApprovedDecision to drillWill be drilled19.02.2024Drill exploration wellApproved7122/9-2(BoK) Decision to concretizeIn process19.02.2026Conceptual studiesIn process(BoV) Decision to continueIn process19.02.2028(PDO) Prepare plan for developmentIn process(PDO) Submit plan for developmentIn process19.02.2029Decision to enter extension periodIn process19.02.2029 -
Conditions (production phase)
Conditions (production phase) Work taskDecisionDescription (norwegian)Task statusExpiry date -
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only)
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only) Ingen heftelser registert. -
Wellbores – exploration, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – exploration, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeContent19.12.202413.01.2025WILDCATGAS -
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose - planned -
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose -
Licensees — full history
Licensees — full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longnameInterest [%]31.05.202440.00000020.00000020.00000020.00000001.01.202330.05.202440.00000020.00000020.00000020.00000030.06.202231.12.202240.00000020.00000020.00000020.00000028.01.202229.06.202240.00000020.00000020.00000020.00000019.02.202127.01.202240.00000020.00000020.00000020.000000 -
Operatorship — full history
Operatorship — full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longname28.01.202219.02.202127.01.2022 -
Area – full history
Area – full history Date valid fromDate valid toBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations19.02.20217123/772377123/88987122/115827122/126147122/104287122/811557122/931097122/921447123/9917 -
Licensees – transfers
Licensees – transfers Date valid fromTransfer directionType of changeCompany nameTransferred interest [%]31.05.2024TOTRANSFER20.000000FROMTRANSFER20.00000001.01.2023FROMMERGER/TAKEOVER20.000000TOMERGER/TAKEOVER20.00000030.06.2022FROMCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME20.000000TOCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME20.00000028.01.2022FROMCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME40.000000TOCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME40.000000 -
Status reports
Status reports Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]