
General information
Phases Date phase valid fromDate phase valid toPhase11.03.202211.03.2028INITIAL12.03.202811.03.2029INITIAL EXTENDED12.03.202911.03.2030INITIAL EXTENDED -
Licensees — current
Licensees — current Date valid fromCompany longnameInterest [%]26.09.202482.060000-17.940000 -
Operatorship — current
Operatorship — current Date valid fromCompany longname11.03.2022 -
Area – current
Area – current Date valid fromBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations11.03.202225/5175-25/4215 -
Work program (initial phase)
Work program (initial phase) Work obligationDecisionTask statusExpiry dateWellbore if drilledStudy of geology and geophysicsIn processReprocessing of 3D seismicIn processDecision to drillIn process11.03.2026Drill exploration wellIn process(BoK) Decision to concretizeIn process11.03.2028Conceptual studiesIn process(BoV) Decision to continueIn process11.03.2029(PDO) Prepare plan for developmentIn process(PDO) Submit plan for developmentIn process11.03.2030Decision to enter extension periodIn process11.03.2030 -
Conditions (production phase)
Conditions (production phase) Work taskDecisionDescription (norwegian)Task statusExpiry date -
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only)
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only) Ingen heftelser registert. -
Wellbores – exploration, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – exploration, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeContent -
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose - planned -
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose -
Licensees — full history
Licensees — full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longnameInterest [%]26.09.202482.06000017.94000002.05.202325.09.202482.06000017.94000001.01.202301.05.202382.06000017.94000030.06.202231.12.202273.01000017.9400009.05000011.03.202229.06.202273.01000017.9400009.050000 -
Operatorship — full history
Operatorship — full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longname11.03.2022 -
Area – full history
Area – full history Date valid fromDate valid toBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations11.03.202225/517525/4215 -
Licensees – transfers
Licensees – transfers Date valid fromTransfer directionType of changeCompany nameTransferred interest [%]26.09.2024TOCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME17.940000FROMCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME17.94000002.05.2023FROMTRANSFER17.940000TOTRANSFER17.94000001.01.2023TOMERGER/TAKEOVER9.050000FROMMERGER/TAKEOVER9.05000030.06.2022TOCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME9.050000FROMCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME9.050000 -
Status reports
Status reports Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]