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General information
General information Attribute Value Survey name Name of the survey. See chapter 4.1 in Norwegian Offshore Directorate yellow book for more information.GBWI-E89Legal basis Legal basis the survey is given according to.Petroleumsforskriften jf RessursforskriftenNPDID for survey Norwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the survey.3225Status Status for the survey . Example of legal values: "Under behandling", "Planlagt", "Pågående", "Pause","Ferdig".FerdigArea Geographical area in the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Legal values are "Nordsjøen", "Norskehavet", "Barentshavets - Sør" , Barentshavet - Nord".Category Indicates what method that is used in the survey. If seismic source is used the category is set to "Seismisk undersøkelse", if electromagnetic source "Elektromagnetisk undersøkelse" is set. Otherwise "Andre undersøkelser" is set. See also "Main type" and "Sub type".Seismisk undersøkelseMain type Main type of the survey. Legal values are "Ordinær seismisk undersøkelse", "Havbunnseismisk undersøkelse", "Elektromagnetisk undersøkelse","Borestedsundersøkelse / Site survey", "Grunnundersøkelse / Soil survey". See also description of" Category".Ordinær seismisk undersøkelseSub type Sub type of the survey. Legal values are: "2D", "3D", "4D" and "Ikke seismikk". All values are relevant for the different main types, except of "Ikke seismikk" that is only relevant for ,"Borestedsundersøkelse / Site survey", "Grunnundersøkelse / Soil survey".2DCompany - responsible Company responsible for the survey.WesternGeco ASStart date - planned Date when the company has reported plans to start the acquisition.01.01.1989Start date Date the survey started. Started means start of acquisition.01.01.1989Completed date - planned Date when the company has reported that the acquisition shall be finished.31.12.1989Completed date Date the acquistion was completed. Completed means end of from the acquisition.31.12.1989Total length [cdp km]410Net area - actual 3D/4D [km2] Actual net area as reported by the company - 3D/4D [km2]