SURVEY – attribute description
Main level
Main level Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeSurvey nameName of the survey. See chapter 4.1 in Norwegian Offshore Directorate yellow book for more information.seaNamevarchar(100)Legal basisLegal basis the survey is given according to.seaLawCategoryvarchar(255)Purpose of the surveyPurpose of the survey if legal basis is "Undersøkelser utført av myndighetene", that means if the survey is performed by the authorities.seaGovReasonvarchar(100)NPDID for surveyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the survey.seaNpdidSurveyintStatusStatus for the survey . Example of legal values: "Under behandling", "Planlagt", "Pågående", "Pause","Ferdig".seaStatusvarchar(100)Assumed restart dateAssumed restart date for paused survey.seaAssumedRestartDatedatetimeMarket availableIndicator which tells if the survey is classified as market available (see Petroleum regulation § 85). Legal values, "Yes" , "No".seaMarketAvailablevarchar(20)Company - responsibleCompany responsible for the survey.seaCompanyReportedvarchar(100)CategoryIndicates what method that is used in the survey. If seismic source is used the category is set to "Seismisk undersøkelse", if electromagnetic source "Elektromagnetisk undersøkelse" is set. Otherwise "Andre undersøkelser" is set. See also "Main type" and "Sub type".seaCategoryvarchar(100)Main typeMain type of the survey. Legal values are "Ordinær seismisk undersøkelse", "Havbunnseismisk undersøkelse", "Elektromagnetisk undersøkelse","Borestedsundersøkelse / Site survey", "Grunnundersøkelse / Soil survey". See also description of" Category".seaSurveyTypeMainvarchar(100)Sub typeSub type of the survey. Legal values are: "2D", "3D", "4D" and "Ikke seismikk". All values are relevant for the different main types, except of "Ikke seismikk" that is only relevant for ,"Borestedsundersøkelse / Site survey", "Grunnundersøkelse / Soil survey".seaSurveyTypePartvarchar(100)AreaGeographical area in the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Legal values are "Nordsjøen", "Norskehavet", "Barentshavets - Sør" , Barentshavet - Nord".seaGeographicalAreavarchar(255)MidpointMidpoint of maximum og minimum North / South position and for the East/West posistion. The midpoint is given in degrees and decimal minutes and using Norwegian notation for East (Ø), i.e 73'' 29.8' N, 33'' 15.7' ØseaMidPointvarchar(100)VesselVessels used in the survey (main vessel = hovedfartøy and escort vessels = følgefartøy). The boats shown here are entered in the message sent Norwegian Offshore Directorate by the company doing the survey.seaVesselAllvarchar(1000)Source typeEnergy source used. Example of legal values: "Seismisk" "Elektromagnetisk" og "Ikke relevant".seaSourceTypevarchar(100)Number of sourcesTotal number of sourcesseaSourceNumbervarchar(100)Source sizeSize of the source. Can be a volume or a amperage. Example of legal values: "5085", "1000A"seaSourceSizevarchar(100)Active source volumePressure used. Example of legal values: "2000 PSI".seaSourcePressurevarchar(100)Start date - plannedDate when the company has reported plans to start the acquisition.seaPlanFromDatedatetimeCompleted date - plannedDate when the company has reported that the acquisition shall be finished.seaPlanToDatedatetimeTotal length - planned [boat km]Total planned acquistion length.seaPlanBoatKmintStart dateDate the survey started. Started means start of acquisition.seaDateStartingdatetimeCompleted dateDate the acquistion was completed. Completed means end of from the acquisition.seaDateFinalizeddatetimeNumbers of sensorsNumber of sensors usedseaSensorNumbersvarchar(100)Sensor length [m]Length of the sensors in meters. Not relevant if Sensor type = "Noder" (Nodes in english).seaSensorLengthvarchar(100)Sensor width [m]Width of sensor tow in meters.seaSensorWidthvarchar(50)Sensor typeType if sensor used. Example of legal values: "Kabler", "Noder", "Ikke relevant".seaSensorTypevarchar(100)Total length [boat km]Total acquisition length boat kilometre.seaBoatTotalKmintNet area - planned 3D/4D [km2]Planned net area - calculated by Norwegian Offshore Directorate map tool if 3D or 4D.sea3DKm2decimalNet area - actual 3D/4D [km2]Actual net area as reported by the company - 3D/4D [km2]seaSurveyAcquiredintSamplingIs sampling planned? (Ja/Nei).seaSamplingvarchar(20)Shallow drillingIs shallow drilling planned? (Ja/Nei).seaShallowDrillingvarchar(20)NPDID for reporting companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the company which reported the acquisition activity.cmpNpdidCompanyintGeotechnical measurementIs geotechnical measurement planned? (Ja/Nei).seaGeotechnicalvarchar(20)FactmapsURL to the survey's FactMap on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBseaFactMapUrlvarchar(260)Fact PageURL to factpageseaFactPageUrlvarchar(260)Fact map, handheldURL to the survey's FactMap on the Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEB. Customized for phone and tablet.seaFactMapHtml5Urlvarchar(200)Map - real time trackingLink to maps showing information about geophysical surveys in onging or reported in near real time.seaPublicMapUrlnvarchar(260) -
Sub level – Licences
Sub level – Licences Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeSurvey nameName of the survey.seaSurveyNamevarchar(100)Licence nameLicence name.seaLicenceNamevarchar(100)Type of licenceType of licence. Legal values:"Utvinningstillatelse", "Undersøkelsestillatelse", "Letetillatelse", "Utnyttelsestillatelse"seaLicenceTypevarchar(50)NPDID for surveyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the survey.seaNpdidSurveyintNPDID for production licenceNPDID for the production licence the survey was performed in.seaNpdidProductionLicenceintseaLicencesGUIDdescription hereseaLicencesGUIDuniqueidentifier -
Sub level – Company the acquistion is done for
Sub level – Company the acquistion is done for Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeSurvey nameName of the survey.seaSurveyNamevarchar(100)Company nameName of the company the data was acquired for.seaCompanyDoingForvarchar(100)NPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the company the data was acquired for.cmpNpdidCompanyDoingForintNPDID for surveyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the survey.seaNpdidSurveyint -
Sub level – Company doing the acquistion
Sub level – Company doing the acquistion Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeSurvey nameName of the survey.seaSurveyNamevarchar(100)Company nameName of acquisition company.seaCompanyDoingAcquisitionvarchar(100)NPDID for reporting companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the company reporting the surveycmpNpdidReportingCompanyintNPDID for surveyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the .survey.seaNpdidSurveyint -
Sub level – Data format
Sub level – Data format Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeSurvey nameName of the survey.seaSurveyNamevarchar(100)Type dataData description. Legal values: "Seismiske data", "Navigasjons data".seaDataTypevarchar(100)FormatData format. Legal values: "SEG-D v2.1", "SEGY", "UKOOA 76", "UKOOA P1/84", "UKOOA P1/90".seaFormatvarchar(100)MediumStorage media for the data. Example of legal values: "IBM3592","IBM3590","Hard disk".seaMediumvarchar(100)CommentComments to the data formats.seaCommentDataFormatvarchar(255)NPDID for surveyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the survey.seaNpdidSurveyint -
Sub level – Fishery expert
Sub level – Fishery expert Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeSurvey nameName of the survey.seaSurveyNamevarchar(100)NameName of fishery representative.seaFisheryExpertNamevarchar(100)Phone numberPhone number to the fishery representativeseaFisheryExpertPhoneNumbervarchar(100)From dateStart date for fishery representative.seaFisheryExpertFromDatedatetimeTo dateFinalisation date for fishery representative.seaFisheryExpertToDatedatetimeNPDID for surveyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the survey.seaNpdidSurveyintSEIS ACQUISITION FISHERY IDdescription hereseaFisheryGUIDuniqueidentifier -
Sub level – Vessel
Sub level – Vessel Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeSurvey nameName of the survey.seaSurveyNamevarchar(100)Vessel NameName of main vessel or following vessel.seaVesselNamevarchar(100)Type of vesselType of vessel. Legal values. "Hovedfartøy", "Følgefartøy", "Annet fartøy", "Ikke kjent"seaVesselTypevarchar(100)IMO-numberIMO number.seaVesselIMONnumbervarchar(100)NationFlag stateseaVesselNationvarchar(100)Call signalCall signalseaVesselCallSignalvarchar(100)Harbour(s)Port(s) the vessel will call on during the survey.seaVesselHarbourvarchar(100)Phone numberMain phone number to the vessel.seaVesselPhoneNumbervarchar(100)NPDID for surveyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the survey.seaNpdidSurveyintseaVesselGUIDdescription hereseaVesselGUIDuniqueidentifier -
Sub level – Coordinates
Sub level – Coordinates Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeSurvey nameName of the survey.seaSurveyNamevarchar(100)Plygon numberPolygon number. Is seldom used.seaPolygonNumberintPoint numberPoint number within the polygon. Starts at 0.seaPolygonPointNumberintNS degreesNorth South degrees for the point.seaPolygonNSDegintNS minutesNorth South minutes for the point.seaPolygonNSMinintNS secondsNorth South seconds for the point. Given as a decimal value.seaPolygonNSSecdecimalEW degreesEast West degrees for the point.seaPolygonEWDegintEW minutesEast West minutes for the point.seaPolygonEWMinintEW secondsEast West seconds for the point. Given as a decimal value.seaPolygonEWSecdecimalNPDID for surveyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the survey.seaNpdidSurveyint