WELLBORE – attribute description
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Main level
Main level Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeWellbore nameOfficial name of wellbore based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbWellboreNamevarchar(40)NPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNpdidWellboreintWell nameOfficial name of the parent well for the wellbore based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbWellvarchar(40)Drilling operatorName of the licensee starting the drilling operation on behalf of the active production license (well head position). This will usually equal the operator of the production license.wlbDrillingOperatorvarchar(60)Drilling operator, urlURL to the drilling opeators FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)NPDID drilling operatorNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintProduction licenceOfficial designation of the production licence the wellbore was drilled or planned to be drilled from ( well head posistion).wlbProductionLicencevarchar(40)PurposeFinal classification of the wellbore.
Legal values for exploration wellbores:
Legal values for development wellbores:
Legal values for other wellbores:
SOIL DRILLING (drilling in connection with track surveys and other subsurface surveys to investigate the soil conditions prior to placement of facilities),
SHALLOW GAS (drilling to investigate shallow gas before the first 'real' drilling on the location),
PILOT (drilling to investigate the geology and fluid connectors for location of the main wellbore),
SCIENTIFIC (drilling according to Law of Scientific research and exploration),
STRATIGRAPHIC (driling according to Law of Petroleum activities §2-1).wlbPurposevarchar(40)StatusStatus for the wellbore. Legal values are:
BLOWOUT: A blowout has occurred in the well.
CLOSED: A development wellbore that has been closed in a shorter or longer periode. Also applies to development wellbores where drilling is completed, but production/injection has not yet been reported.
DRILLING: The well is in the drilling phase - can be active drilling, logging, testing or plugging,
JUNKED: The drilling operation has been terminated due to technical problems.
P&A: Exploration: The well is plugged and abandoned, and can not be reentered for further use. Development wells: The production/injection from/to the well is stopped and the well is plugged. The wellhead is removed or else made unavailable for further well operations.
PLUGGED: The wellbore has been plugged, but the upper parts of the wellbore can be re-used. A sidetrack might be drilled at a later stage.
PRODUCING: It was produced from the wellbore at the time of the operators last monthly report to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.
INJECTING: It was injected to the wellbore at the time of the operators last monthly report to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.
PREDRILLED: The upper part of the well has been drilled, usually as part of a batch-drilling campaign covering several wellbores.
RE-CLASS TO DEV: Exploration wellbore that is reclassified to a development wellbore.
RE-CLASS TO TEST: Exploration wellbore that is reclassified to test production.
SUSPENDED: The drilling operation in the wellbore has been temporarily stopped. The current plan is to continue drilling later on.
wlbStatusvarchar(40)ContentFor exploration wellbores, status of discovery.
Legal values:
DRY, SHOWS (trace amounts of hydrocarbons), GAS, GAS/CONDENSATE, OIL or OIL/GAS.
SHOWS (GAS SHOWS, OIL SHOWS or OIL/GAS SHOWS) are detected as fluorescent cut (organic extract), petroleum odour, or visual stain on cuttings or cores, or as increased gas reading on the mud-loggers gas detection equipment.
For development wellbores, type of produced/injected fluid.
Legal values:
WATER, CUTTINGS, NOT AVAILABLE, OIL, GAS/CONDENSATE, OIL/GAS, CO2, GAS, WATER/GAS, NOT APPLICABLE.wlbContentvarchar(40)TypeWellbore type. Legal values: EXPLORATION, DEVELOPMENT, OTHER (see 'Purpose' for more information)wlbWellTypevarchar(20)Entered dateThe date when he wellbore was spudded. For sidetracks: The date when new formation was drilled by kicking off from the mother-wellbore,wlbEntryDatedatetimeCompleted dateExploration wellbores from moveable facilities:
For floating facilities - date when anchor handling is started. For jackups - date the jacking-down started. Exploration wellbores from fixed facilities and all development wellbores:
Date when the wellbore is at total depth, and last casing, liner or screen is set. In case of immediate plugging of the wellbore, completed date equals the date the last plug i set in the wellbore.
Date when the wellbore is at total depth, and last casing, liner or screen is set. In case of immediate plugging of the wellbore, completed date equals the date the last plug i set in the wellbore.
wlbCompletionDatedatetimeFieldName of the field the wellbore is related to.wlbFieldvarchar(40)Drill permitThe drilling permit number together with the version of the drilling permit as stated in the drilling permit granted by the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.wlbDrillPermitvarchar(10)DiscoveryName of the discovery the wellbore is related to.wlbDiscoveryvarchar(40)Discovery wellboreIndicator which tells if the wellbore made a new discovery. Legal values: YES, NO. Prior to press-release or other information regarding drilling results, the indicator will be “NO” as a default.wlbDiscoveryWellborevarchar(3)Bottom hole temperature [°C]Estimated temperature at final total depth of the wellbore. Shown only for released wells. See discription.wlbBottomHoleTemperatureintSeismic locationPosition of spud location on seismic survey lines. SP: shotpoint.wlbSeismicLocationvarchar(200)Maximum inclination [°]Maximum deviation, in degrees, from a vertical well path.Shown only for released wells.wlbMaxInclationrealKelly bushing elevation [m]Elevation of the rotary kelly bushing (RKB) above mean sea level.wlbKellyBushElevationnumericKick off point [m RKB]Depth (in mMD) where a new wellbore is kicked-off from the previous wellbore towards a new geological target. Kick-off depth is defined by the depth at which cutting samples shows more than 50% of new formation when drilling out of a casing, plug or kicking-off from the mother-wellbore. Other indications include measurements done near-bit.wlbKickOffPointnumericFinal vertical depth (TVD) [m RKB]Vertical elevation from total depth to kelly bushing. Shown only for released wells. Referred to as true vertical depth (TVD).wlbFinalVerticalDepthrealTotal depth (MD) [m RKB]Total measured length of wellbore from kelly bushing to total depth (driller's depth).wlbTotalDepthnumericWater depth [m]Depth in metres betweem mean sea level and sea floor.wlbWaterDepthnumericOldest penetrated ageAge (according to Geologic Time Scale 2004 by F. M. Gradstein, et al. (2004)) of the oldest penetrated formation. May differ from age at TD for example in deviated wellbores. Examples of legal values: CRETACEOUS, EARLY CRETACEOUS, LATE JURASSIC, EARLY PERMIAN, EARLY TRIASSIC, EOCENE.wlbAgeAtTdvarchar(40)Oldest penetrated formationName of the oldest lithostratigraphic unit penetrated by the wellbore. Shown only for released wells. In most wellbores this is formation or group at total depth. May differ from formation or group at TD for example in wellbores drilled with high deviation or through faults. Examples of legal values: AMUNDSEN FM, BALDER FM, BASEMENT, BLODØKS FM, BRYNE FM, BURTON FM, COOK FM, DRAKE FM, DRAUPNE FM, EKOFISK FM, DUNLIN GP.wlbFormationAtTdvarchar(40)Main areaName of the area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf where the wellbore is located. Legal values: BARENTS SEA, NORWEGIAN SEA, NORTH SEA.wlbMainAreavarchar(40)Drilling facilityNorwegian Offshore Directorate's name of the facility which the wellbore was drilled from.wlbDrillingFacilityvarchar(50)Drilling facility categoryIndicates if a moveable or fixed facility drilled the well. Legal values ' FIXED' or 'MOVEABLE'wlbDrillingFacilityFixedOrMoveablevarchar(10)Drilling facility typeKind of drilling facility. Example of legal values: CONCRETE STRUCTURE, CONDEEP 3 SHAFTS, CONDEEP 4 SHAFTS, CONDEEP MONOSHAFT, JACKET 12 LEGS, JACKET 4 LEGS, JACKET 6 LEGS, JACKET 8 LEGS, JACK-UP 3 LEGS, JACK-UP 4 LEGS, SEMISUB STEEL, TLP CONCRETE, TLP STEEL, VESSEL.wlbFacilityTypeDrillingvarchar(40)Production facilityThe Norwegian Offshore Directorate's name for the production facility, for development wells.wlbProductionFacilityvarchar(50)Licencing activity (round/APA)Name of the licensing activity the production licence the wellbore was drilled in, was awarded in.wlbLicensingActivityvarchar(40)MultilateralIndicator telling if the parent well is multilateral, meaning it has more than one branch radiating from the main borehole. Example of legal values: YES, NO. See also Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbMultilateralvarchar(3)Purpose - plannedPre-drill purpose of the wellbore. Legal values for exploration wellbores: WILDCAT, APPRAISAL, WILDCAT-CCS, APPRAISAL-CCS. Example of legal values for development wellbores: OBSERVATION, PRODUCTION, INJECTION.wlbPurposePlannedvarchar(40)Content - plannedOnly relevant for development wellbores, planned type of produced or injected fluid. Examples of legal values: CO2, CUTTINGS, GAS, NOT APPLICABLE, NOT AVAILABLE, WATER, WATER/GASwlbContentPlannedvarchar(40)Entry yearThe year when the drill bit penetrated the earth's crust / sea floor.wlbEntryYearintCompleted yearExploration wellbores: For semi-subs etc: The year the anchor handling started. For jack-ups: The year the jacking-down started. For development wellbores: The year the last casing, liner or screen was installed.wlbCompletionYearintReentryStatus whether the wellbore has been re-entered (YES) or not (NO). Re-entered wellbores are not included in the count when wellbores are presented in statistical overviews.wlbReentryvarchar(3)Predrilled entry dateDate when the predrilling activity of the wellbore started (see also Entry date).wlbEntryPreDrillDatedatetimePredrilled completion dateDate when the predrilling activity of the wellbore was completed (see also completion date).wlbCompPreDrillDatedatetimeRelease dateDate when raw data which has been reported to the authorities from the wellbore is not confidential any longer. Normally 2 years after finishing the drilling. May be earlier if the area of the production license is relinquished.wlbReleasedDatedatetimeReclassified from/to wellboreThe original wellbore that this wellbore is reclassified from. A wellbore can only be reclassified from exploration to development, not the other way.wlbReclassFromWellborevarchar(40)Reclassified dateDate when the wellbore was reclassified.wlbDateReclassdatetimeReentry activityReason for reentry of the wellbore. Only relevant for exploration wellbores. Example of legal values: DRILLING, DRILLING/PLUGGING, LOGGING, PLUGGING, TESTING, TESTING/PLUGGING.wlbReentryExplorationActivityvarchar(40)Plot symbolNorwegian Offshore Directorate's plot symbol number for wellbores.wlbPlotSymbolint1st level with HC, formationName of lithostartigraphic unit, 1st level, where hydrocarbons were encountered. Shown only for released wells. Examples of legal values: BASEMENT, COOK FM, EKOFISK FM, HEIMDAL FM, SANDNES FM, SOGNEFJORD FM, TARBERT FM, BRENT GP. See also Norwegian Offshore Directorate bulletins.wlbFormationWithHc1varchar(20)1st level with HC, ageAge of lithostratigraphic unit, 1st level, where hydrocarbons were encountered. Examples of legal values: CRETACEOUS, EARLY CRETACEOUS, LATE JURASSIC, EOCENE. See also Norwegian Offshore Directorate bulletins.wlbAgeWithHc1varchar(20)2nd level with HC, formationName of lithostartigraphic unit, 2nd level, where hydrocarbons were encountered. Shown only for released wells. Examples of legal values: BASEMENT, COOK FM, EKOFISK FM, HEIMDAL FM, SANDNES FM, SOGNEFJORD FM, TARBERT FM, BRENT GP.wlbFormationWithHc2varchar(20)2nd level with HC, ageAge of lithostratigraphic unit, 2nd level, where hydrocarbons were encountered. Examples of legal values: CRETACEOUS, EARLY CRETACEOUS, LATE JURASSIC, EOCENE.wlbAgeWithHc2varchar(20)3rd level with HC, formationName of lithostartigraphic unit, 3rd level, where hydrocarbons were encountered. Shown only for released wells. Examples of legal values: BASEMENT, COOK FM, EKOFISK FM, HEIMDAL FM, SANDNES FM, SOGNEFJORD FM, TARBERT FM, BRENT GP.wlbFormationWithHc3char(20)3rd level with HC, ageAge of lithostratigraphic unit, 3rd level, where hydrocarbons were encountered. Examples of legal values: CRETACEOUS, EARLY CRETACEOUS, LATE JURASSIC, EOCENE.wlbAgeWithHc3char(20)Drilling daysNumber of days from wellbore entry to wellbore completion.wlbDrillingDaysintGeodetic datumReference system for coordinates. Example of legal values: ED50.wlbGeodeticDatumvarchar(6)NS degreesGeographic coordinate of the wellhead, north-south degrees.wlbNsDegintNS minutesGeographic coordinate of the wellhead, north-south minutes.wlbNsMinintNS secondsGeographic coordinate of the wellhead, north-south seconds (decimal number).wlbNsSecrealNS codeIndicator whcih tells if the coordinate of the wellhead is on the nothern or southern hemisphere. Legal values: N, S.wlbNsCodevarchar(1)EW degreesGeographic coordinate of the wellhead, east-west degrees.wlbEwDegintEW minutesGeographic coordinate of the wellhead, east-west minutes.wlbEwMinintEW secondsGeographic coordinate of the wellhead, east-west seconds (decimal number).wlbEwSecrealEW codeIndicator which tells if the coordinate of the wellhead is on the eastern or western hemisphere. Legal values: E, W.wlbEwCodevarchar(1)NS decimal degreesGeographic coordinate of the wellhead, north-south, decimal degrees.wlbNsDecDegdecimalEW decimal degreesGeographic coordinate of the wellhead, east-west, decimal degrees.wlbEwDecDegdecimalNS UTM [m]Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate of the wellhead, north-south.wlbNsUtmdecimalEW UTM [m]Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate of the wellhead, east-west.wlbEwUtmdecimalUTM zoneUniversal Transverse Mercator zone. Examples of legal values: 31, 32, 33, 34.wlbUtmZoneintWellbore name, part 1Part 1 of the wellbore name. Tells quadrant number on the Norwegian Continental Shelf the wellbore was drilled in. Based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamePart1intWellbore name, part 2Part 2 of the wellbore name. Tells the block number the wellbore was drilled in. Based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamePart2intWellbore name, part 3Part 3 of the wellbore name. Tells the name of the installation the wellbore was drilled from. Not used for exploration wellbores. Based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamePart3varchar(1)Wellbore name, part 4Part 4 of the wellbore name. Serial number for the wellbore. Based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamePart4intWellbore name, part 5Part 5 of the wellbore name. Used to indicate exploration wells planned deviated (S), sidetracks (A, B,...), re-entries (R) or planned multilaterals (Y). Based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamePart5varchar(2)Wellbore name, part 6Part 6 of the wellbore name. Serial number of re-entries or serial number of the well tracks in multilatrals. Based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamePart6varchar(2)FactPage urlURL to the wellbores's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEB.wlbFactPageUrlvarchar(200)FactmapsURL to the wellbores's FactMap on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEB.wlbFactMapUrlvarchar(200)Pressrelease urlURL to Norwegian Offshore Directorate press release for the wellbore. Only relevant for exploration wells drilled after 1.1.1999.wlbPressReleaseUrlvarchar(200)DISKOS Well TypeWellbore type - applicable for DISKOS.wlbDiskosWellboreTypevarchar(20)DISKOS Wellbore ParentWellbore parent - applicable for DISKOS.wlbDiskosWellboreParentvarchar(40)NPDID production licence targetNPDs unique key for the production licence of the wellbore target. This can differ from the production licence of the wellhead/spud location.prlNpdidProdLicenceTargetintNPDID discoveryNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the discovery.dscNpdidDiscoveryintNPDID fieldNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the field.fldNpdidFieldintNPDID drilling facilityNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the facility that has drilled the wellbore.fclNpdidFacilityDrillingintNPDID production facilityNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the production facility, for development wellbores.fclNpdidFacilityProducingintNPDID wellbore reclassified fromNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore this wellbore was reclassified from.wlbNpdidWellboreReclassintNPDID production licence drilled inThe NPDs unique ID for the production licence the wellbore was drilled from (well head position).prlNpdidProductionLicenceintEntry dayThe number of the day in the month when the drill bit penetrated the earth's crust / sea floor.wlbEntryDayintEntry monthThe number of month in the year when the drill bit penetrated the earth's crust / sea floor.wlbEntryMonthintCompleted dayFor exploration wellbores: Floating and semi-submersible vessels: The number of the day in the month when the anchor handling or rig move started. In case of jack-ups: the day the jacking-down started.
For development wellbores: The number of day in the month when the last casing or liner was set.wlbCompletionDayintCompleted monthFor exploration wellbores: Floating and semi-submersible vessels: The number of the day in the month when the anchor handling or rig move started. In case of jack-ups: the day the jacking-down started.
For development wellbores: The number of day in the month when the last casing or liner was set.wlbCompletionMonthintDate drillpermit approvedDescription not definedwlbDrillPerApprovedPermitDatedatetimePlanned position - EWDescription not definedwlbDrillPerEwDegintLegal referenceDescription not definedwlbDrillPerLegalRefEnLegalNotevarchar(8000)N/A - drillper_legal_ref_nb_legal_noteDescription not definedwlbDrillPerLegalRefNbLegalNotevarchar(8000)N/A drillper_nb_comment_ENDescription not definedwlbDrillPerNbCommentvarchar(4000)Planned position - NSDescription not definedwlbDrillPerNsDegintPlanned entry dateDescription not definedwlbEntryDatePlanneddatetimeWellbore alias nameAlias name of the wellbore. Can be the projectname the it had when it was drilled, This name does not have to be according to the Norwegian convention starting with quadrant/ block.wlbAliasNamevarchar(50)Publication dateDate quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so it can be published on the internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.wlbWdssQcDatedatetimeSubseaIndicates if the well is completed on the seabed. Legal values are 'YES' or 'NO'.wlbSubSeavarchar(3)WDSS volume referenceReference to Norwegian Offshore Directorate's Well Data Summary Sheet volume number where the wellbore is described. Example of legal values: 1, 2, 3,...wlbWdssVolumeReferenceintCores available for sampling?Tells if core samples are available in the Norwegian Offshore Directorate core store. Legal values: YES, NO.wlbCoreSampleAvailablevarchar(3)Cutting samples available?Tells if cuttings samples are available in the Norwegian Offshore Directorate core store. Legal values: YES, NO.wlbCuttingsSamplesAvailablevarchar(3)With casing and lotIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithCasingAndLotbitWith composite logIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithCompositeLogbitWith core photoIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithCorePhotobitWith coresIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithCoresbitWith cuttingsIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithCuttingsbitWith doc reported by licenseeIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithDocReportedByLicenseebitWith dstIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithDstbitWith lithostratigraphyIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithFormationTopsbitWith geochem infoIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithGeochemInfobitWith logIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithLogbitWith mudIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithMudbitWith Norwegian Offshore Directorate papersIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithNpdPapersbitWith oil samplesIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithOilSamplesbitWith old WDSSIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithOldWdssbitWith paly slidesIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithPalySlidesbitWith wellbore historyIndicator telling if the wellbore has this kind of informationwlbWithWellboreHistorybitPlugged dateDate when plugging operations was finished, as reported by the operator to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate through DDRS (Daily Drilling Reporting System).wlbPluggedDatedatetimeProd. licence for drilling targetThe active production licence of the planned end-point of the wellbore (TD). This production licence might differ from the production licence drilling of the wellbore started from.wlbLicenceTargetNamevarchar(10)Plugged and abondon dateDate when the P&A-operations of the wellbore was finished, as reported by the operator to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate throught DDRS (Daily Drilling Reporting System). Only applied once pr. wellhead/surface location.wlbPluggedAbandonDatedatetimeNPDID site surveyNPDID for the sitesurveywlbNpdidSiteSurveyintSitesurveyName of the sitesurvey as reported to Norwegian Offshore Directorate in system for reporting sitesurveys, seismic and electromagnetic activitieswlbSiteSurveyvarchar(100)Date main level updatedDate when information about this wellbore was last updated or inserted for the first time.The date will only be changed if the data in the 'Main level' in the tab 'Wellbore' will be changed.wlbDateUpdateddatetimeDate all updatedDate when any information about this wellbore was last updated or inserted for the first time. The date also will bli change if some of the data in the 'Sub levels' in the tab 'Wellbore' will be changed.wlbDateUpdatedMaxdatetime -
Sub level – Wellbore history
Short account of purpose, operations and results.Sub level – Wellbore history Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellbore nameOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)HistoryShort account of purpose, operations and results of the wellbore. The text is in html-format and is displays normally in an internet browser.wlbHistoryvarchar(-1)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbHistoryDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Cuttings at the NPD
Cuttings samples submitted from the operators according to NPD regulations.Sub level – Cuttings at the NPD Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Cutting sample, top depth [m]Top depth of cutting sample [m].wlbCuttingTopDepthnumericCutting samples, bottom depth [m]Bottom depth of cutting samples [m].wlbCuttingBottomDepthnumericWDSS QC dateThe date the quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so that it can be pulished on internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.wlbWdssQcDatedatetimeCuttings available for sampling?Indicator which tells if there are cuttings samples available at Norwegian Offshore Directorate.wlbCuttingSampleAvailablevarchar(3) -
Sub level – Cores at the NPD
Cores submitted from the operators according to NPD regulations.Sub level – Cores at the NPD Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Core sample numberSequence number of the core sample in the wellbore.wlbCoreNumberintNumber of cores samplesTotal number of cores samples in the wellbore.wlbNumberOfCoresintTotal core sample length [m]Total length of core samples in the wellbore.wlbTotalCoreLengthnumericCore sample - top depthTop depth of core sample.wlbCoreIntervalTopnumericCore sample - bottom depthBottom depth of core sample.wlbCoreIntervalBottomnumericCore sample depth - uomUnit of measurement for core sample depth. Legal values: m, ft.wlbCoreIntervalUomvarchar(6)WDSS QC dateDate the quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so that it can be pulished on internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.wlbWdssQcDatedatetimeCores available for sampling?Indicator which tells if core samples are available at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate. Legal values: YES, NO.wlbCoreSampleAvailablevarchar(3)CommentsComments.wlbCoreCommentsvarchar(250)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbCoreDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Core photographs
Core photographs scanned by the NPD.Sub level – Core photographs Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Core sample numberSequence number of the core sample in the wellbore.wlbCoreNumberintCore photo URLURL to the core photo on the fact-pages.wlbCorePhotoImgUrlvarchar(200)Core photo titleTitle of the core photo.wlbCorePhotoTitlevarchar(200)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbCorePhotoDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Palynolgical slides at NPD
Palynological slides submitted from the operators according to NPD regulations.Sub level – Palynolgical slides at NPD Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Sample typeSample type the palynological slide is taken from. Examples of legal values: DC. ditch cuttings, C: core, SWC: sidewall core.wlbPalySlideTypevarchar(6)Sample depthDepth at which the sample was taken.wlbPalySlideDepthnumericDepth unitDepth unit is meter (M) or feet (F).wlbPalySlideDepthUnitvarchar(9)LaboratoryLaboratory that prepared the sample. Examples of legal values: APT: Applied Petroleum Technology BIOST(RAT): Biostrat FUGRO: Fugro/Robertson GEOCH: Geochem GEOST(R): Geostrat HYDRO: Norsk Hydro IKU: Institutt for kontinentalsokkelundersøkelser LAP: Laboratory for applied palynology OD: Norwegian Petroleum Directorate NOD: Norwegian Offshore Directorate PALEO/PAS: Paleoservices RRI: Robertson Research International SAGA: Saga Petroleum STATO: Statoil STRAT: Stratlab UOS: University of Sheffield WESTL.: West LabwlbPalySlideLabvarchar(8)WDSS QC dateThe date the quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so that it can be pulished on internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.wlbWdssQcDatedatetime -
Sub level – Oil samples at the NPD
De-pressurized formation fluid samples submitted from the operators according to NPD regulations.Sub level – Oil samples at the NPD Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Test typeTechnology used to acquire the sample.wlbOilSampleTestTypevarchar(4)Bottle numberTest number as specified on the bottles submitted to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.wlbOilSampleTestNumbervarchar(10)Bottle interval MD [m]Test interval as specified on the bottles submitted to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.wlbOilSampleIntervalvarchar(43)Top depth MD [m]Top depth of the test interval as specified on the bottles submitted to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.wlbOilSampleTopDepthdecimalBottom depth MD [m]Bottom depth of the test interval as specified on the bottles submitted to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.wlbOilSampleBottomDepthdecimalFluid typeSampled fluid as specified on the bottles submitted to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.wlbOilSampleFluidTypevarchar(20)Test timeTest date and time of daywlbOilSampleTestDatedatetimeReceived dateDate when the sample was received at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.wlbOilSampledateReceivedDatedatetimeSamples availableTells if oil samples are available in the Norwegian Offshore Directorate for this spesific oil sample. Legal values: YES, NO.wlbOilSampleAvailablevarchar(3)WDSS QC dateThe date the quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so that it can be pulished on internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.wlbWdssQcDatedatetimeDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbOilSampleDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Lithostratigraphy
NPD interpretations of lithostratigraphic units penetrated by the wellbore. May be subject to changes. Descriptions of the lithostartigraphic units can be found on the NPD-factpages under the startigraphy-topic or in the NPD-bulletins.Sub level – Lithostratigraphy Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID lithostrat. unitNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for lithostratigraphic units.lsuNpdidLithoStratintNPDID parent lithostrat. unitNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the lithostratigraphic unit, referring to the parent unit. Will be empty if Level = GROUP.lsuNpdidLithoStratParentintNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNpdidWellboreintLithostrat. unitThe lithostratigraphic unit's official name.lsuNamevarchar(20)Lithostrat. unit, parentThe parent lithostratigraphic unit's official name. See also level. Will be empty if Level = GROUP.lsuNameParentvarchar(20)LevelIndicates the level of the unit. Legal values: GROUP, FORMATION, MEMBER.lsuLevelvarchar(9)Top depth [m]Measured length along the wellbore from kelly bushing to start of lithostratigraphic unit. Always the group/formation/member which the bit goes into. Note that in some situations, for example highly deviated wells, faults, drilling beyond salt walls, this might not be a true stratigraphic top. The start of a unit will be its stratigraphic base when drilled from underneath. In case of intercalating formations several top depths may occur for the same formation designating the top depths of the sub-packages. For some intervals in some wells only groups are interpreted and no formation tops have been assigned. Members have been assigned only near the type well area. In some cases informal names have been used for formations that are not described in the official nomenclature yet. These are marked with . Norwegian Offshore Directorate interpretations. May be subject to changes.lsuTopDepthnumericBottom depth [m]Depth in meters to the bottom of the lithostratigraphic unit.lsuBottomDepthnumericWellbore nameOfficial name of the wellbore based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.IsuWellboreUpdatedDatedatetime -
Sub level – Composite logs
A composite log for the wellbore compiled by the NPD.Sub level – Composite logs Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Document nameWellbore document name.wlbDocumentNamevarchar(200)Document typeWellbore document type.wlbDocumentTypevarchar(40)Document URLURL to the wellbore document.wlbDocumentUrlvarchar(200)Document formatWellbore document format.wlbDocumentFormatvarchar(40)Document size [MB]Wellbore document size in MegaByteswlbDocumentSizenumericDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbDocumentDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Geochemical information
Raw data from organic geochemical analyses of samples of fluids and rocks from the well (.pdf and .txt format).Sub level – Geochemical information Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Document nameWellbore document name.wlbDocumentNamevarchar(200)Document typeWellbore document type.wlbDocumentTypevarchar(40)Document URLURL to the wellbore document.wlbDocumentUrlvarchar(200)Document formatWellbore document format.wlbDocumentFormatvarchar(40)Document size [MB]Wellbore document size in MegaByteswlbDocumentSizenumericDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbDocumentDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Documents, NPD papers
Pdf-documents from the wellbore published by NPD.Sub level – Documents, NPD papers Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Document nameWellbore document name.wlbDocumentNamevarchar(200)Document typeWellbore document type.wlbDocumentTypevarchar(40)Document URLURL to the wellbore document.wlbDocumentUrlvarchar(200)Document formatWellbore document format.wlbDocumentFormatvarchar(40)Document size [MB]Wellbore document size in MegaByteswlbDocumentSizenumericDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbDocumentDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Documents, reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
Selected scanned documents (pdf-format) for wellbores older than 20 years, for example final well reports, completion logs, reports on biostratigraphy.Sub level – Documents, reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired) Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Document nameWellbore document name.wlbDocumentNamevarchar(200)Document typeWellbore document type.wlbDocumentTypevarchar(40)Document URLURL to the wellbore document.wlbDocumentUrlvarchar(200)Document formatWellbore document format.wlbDocumentFormatvarchar(40)Document size [MB]Wellbore document size in MegaByteswlbDocumentSizenumericDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbDocumentDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Drill stem tests (DST)
The basic drill stem test tool consists of packers, valve or ports that may be opened and closed from the surface, and two or more pressure-recording devices. The tool is lowered on the drill string to the zone to be tested. The packers are set to isolate the zone from the drilling fluid column. The valves or ports are then opened to allow for formation flow while the recorders chart static pressures. A sampling chamber traps clean formation fluids at the end of the test. A DST typically consists of several flow periods separated by shut-in periods where pressure is allowed to restore (buildup) towards static conditions. The first flow period is the cleanup period.The initial shut-in period is usually followed immediately by an extended period of flow. The well is then shut-in for the final or main buildup period. Data obtained during this period are analyzed to determine permeability and skin effect. Final flow periods commonly range from 4 to 24 hours, and final buildup periods from 6 to 48 hours.Sub level – Drill stem tests (DST) Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Test numberUsually assiciated with a specific test interval, but may also represent tests under different conditions from the same interval.wlbDstTestNumberdecimalFrom depth MD [m]Top depth of the zone that is opened up for flow, measured depth.wlbDstFromDepthdecimalTo depth MD [m]Bottom depth of the zone that is opened up for flow, measured depth.wlbDstToDepthdecimalChoke size [mm]The choke is a type of orifice installed in a well flow line for the purpose of restricting the flow and controlling the rate of production. During testing of a well, the flow will often be measured through a series of different choke diameters.wlbDstChokeSizedecimalFinal shut-in pressure [MPa]Pressure as recorded at the wellhead when the valve is closed and the well is shut-in in the final build-up period.wlbDstFinShutInPressdecimalFinal flow pressure [MPa]The pressure determined at the formation face just prior to shut-in for a build-up test.wlbDstFinFlowPressdecimalBottom hole pressure [MPa]The downhole pressure opposite a formation of interest when the valves at the surface (or downhole) are completely closed. The pressure is transmitted by fluids which exist in a formation and are in communication with the wellbore.wlbDstBottomHolePressdecimalDownhole temperature [°C]The downhole temperature opposite a formation of interest, typically measured as the final or maximum temperaure in the main flow period.wlbDstDownholeTemperaturintOil [Sm3/day]The rate of oil produced from the formation.wlbDstOilProdintGas [Sm3/day]The rate of gas produced from the formation.wlbDstGasProdintOil density [g/cm3]Oil density.wlbDstOilDensitydecimalGas grav. rel.airGas gravity relative to air. Air gravity is by definition = 1.0.wlbDstGasDensitydecimalGOR [m3/m3]Gas to oil ratio.wlbDstGasOilRelationintWDSS QC dateThe date the quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so that it can be pulished on internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.wlbWdssQcDatedatetimeDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbDstDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Logs
Listing of wireline and MWD logs that have been run in the well.Sub level – Logs Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Log typeAssembly of log tools in a run. Abbreviations as reported from the companies.wlbLogTypevarchar(32)Log top depth [m]Intervals logged, top depth.wlbLogTopDepthdecimalLog bottom depth [m]Intervals logged, bottom depth.wlbLogBottomDepthdecimalWDSS QC dateThe date the quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so that it can be pulished on internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.wlbWdssQcDatedatetime -
Sub level – Casing and leak–off tests
A casing is a metal or plastic tubing set in the wellbore. A leak-off test is a test to determine the strength of the fracture pressure of the open formation. This test is usually conducted immediately after drilling below a new casing shoe. During the test, the well is shut-in and fluid is pumped into the wellbore to gradually increase the pressure that the formation experience. At some pressure, fluid will enter the formation, or leak off, either moving through permeable parts in the rock or by creating space by fracturing the rock. The results of the leak-off test dictate the maximum pressure or mud weight that may be applied to the well during drilling operations. To maintain a small safety factor to permit safe well control operations, the maximum operating pressure is usually slightly below the leak-off test result.Sub level – Casing and leak–off tests Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Casing typeA typical wellbore will be cased with CONDUCTOR and SURFACE CONDUCTOR types of casing in the upper section, INTERMEDIATE casing through non-reservoir sections, and a PRODUCTION or plastic LINER types of casing, or even OPEN HOLE, in potential reservoir sections towards final total depth of the wellbore.wlbCasingTypevarchar(10)Casing diam. [inch]Inner diameter of casing.wlbCasingDiametervarchar(6)Casing depth [m]Total depth below kelly bushing of a cased section (casing shoe).wlbCasingDepthdecimalHole diam. [inch]Diameter of wellbore (the drill bit).wlbHoleDiametervarchar(6)Hole depth[m]Total depth below kelly bushing of a wellbore section drilled with a certain diameter.wlbHoleDepthdecimalLOT/FIT mud eqv. [g/cm3]Maximum mud equivalent at the leak-off test (LOT) or formation integrity test (FIT):
A LOT measures the formation-integrity by increasing the pump pressure stepwise (thus increasing the equivalent mud density) to the point where the mud starts to leak into the formation.
A FIT is similarily performed, but only up to a pre-decided pressure the formation has to withstand prior to expected Leak-off.wlbLotMudDencitydecimalWDSS QC dateThe date the quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so that it can be pulished on internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.wlbWdssQcDatedatetimeFormation test typeType of formation test. Example of legal values: LOT (Leak Off Test), FIT (Formation Integration Test)wlbFormationTestTypevarchar(10)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbCasingDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Drilling mud
The physical properties of the mud used to drill the bore hole.Sub level – Drilling mud Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNPDID_wellboreintWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)Track numberInternal number for technical directional drilling.wlbTracksmallintDepth MD [m]Measured depth.wlbMDdecimalMud weight [g/cm3]The density of the mud used.wlbMudWeightAtMDdecimalVisc. [mPa.s]The viscosity of the mud used.wlbMudViscosityAtMDdecimalYield point [Pa]The resistance to initial flow, represents the stress required to start fluid movement.wlbYieldPointAtMDdecimalMud typeMud type as reported in the Daily Drilling Report System (DDRS).wlbMudTypevarchar(40)Date measuredDate, during drilling operations, when mud properties are measured and logged.wlbMudDateMeasureddatetimeWDSS QC dateThe date the quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so that it can be pulished on internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.wlbWdssQcDatedatetimeDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbMudDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – CO2
CO2 content in wellbore samples. A list of samples where CO2 > 3% is shown. Beware that there might be several wells with high CO2 level in addition to those in this list, which only contains wells where the CO2 content is analysed and reported.Sub level – CO2 Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNpdidWellboreintWellbore nameOfficial name of wellbore based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbWellboreNamevarchar(40)Sample sequence numberSequence number of measurements in sample interval.wlbCo2SampleNumbervarchar(40)Sample top depth [m]Top depth of sample interval (measured depth).wlbCo2SampleTopDepthnumericSample bottom depth [m]Bottom depth of sample interval (measured depth).wlbCo2SampleBottomDepthnumericCO2 [vol %]Measured CO2 content, in percentage of the sample volume.wlbCo2PercentnumericSample methodSample method.wlbCo2SampleMethodvarchar(40)Sample typeSample type. Examples of test types: DST: Drillstem Test, FMT: Formation Multi-Tester, RFT: Repeat Formation Test, MDT: Modular Dynamics Formation Tester.wlbCo2SampleTypevarchar(40) -
Sub level – Thin section at NPD
Listing av thin sections from well cores stored at NPDSub level – Thin section at NPD Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeWellboreOfficial wellbore name based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.wlbNamevarchar(40)NumberUnique sequence number of the thin sectionwlbThinSectionNumberintDepthDepth, in measure depth, where the thin section is taken in the wellborewlbThinSectionDepthnumericUnitUnit (meter or feet)wlbThinSectionDepthUomvarchar(6)NPDID wellboreNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.wlbNpdidWellboreintDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.wlbThinSectionDateUpdateddatetime