6506/11-9 S
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Generell informasjon
GeneralWell 6506/11-9 S tested the Cooper Prospect on the Halten Terrace in the Norwegian Sea between the Morvin and Smørbukk Fields. The primary objective of the well was to test the hydrocarbon potential of the Middle and EarlyJurassic Fangst and Båt Groups, specifically the Garn and Ile Formations. The Early Cretaceous Lysing and Intra Lange Formations were regarded as secondary targets.Operations and resultsWildcat well 6506/11-9 S was spudded with the semi-submersible installation West Alpha on 9 May 2012 and drilled to TD at 5330 m (4972 m TVD) in the Early Jurassic Åre Formation. The well path assumes an 'S' shape and the surface location was purposely offset from the target to avoid locating the rig in an area of cold-water corals. The well was drilled with KCl water based mud down to 1170 m, with Versatec oil based mud from 1170 m to 2130 m, and with Versatherm oil based mud from 2130 m to TD.Hydrocarbon recognition was partly masked by oil based mud but significant heavy hydrocarbon gases and moderate to strong shows were observed in the relatively thin, interbedded sandstones of the Lysing Formation between 3516 and 3594 m. Hydrocarbon shows were observed also in Intra-Lange sands. The reservoirs in both Lysing and Lange was fragmented, with a low reservoir nett to gross ratio. The Garn Formation was encountered at 4716 m. Good hydrocarbon shows were encountered in the Garn Formation and on the cores in the Upper Ile Formation down to 4828 m, but pervasive secondary silica cementation resulted in extensive permeability destruction in the Garn Formation. The Tofte and Tilje Formations were interpreted as being water wet.Two conventional cores were cut sequentially in the Garn and underlying Not Formations. A further three cores were taken in the Ile Formation, based on indeterminate shows. One core was cut in the Tilje Formation, based on hydrocarbon shows that were subsequently interpreted as being due to recirculated hydrocarbons from the overlying oil bearing horizon. MDT fluid samples were taken at 4765 m (contaminated oil), 4767 m (oil, water and filtrate), 4831 m (water), and 5246.7 m (water).The well was permanently abandoned on 3 September 2012 on as a dry well with shows.TestingThe 7" liner was perforated over the entire Garn Formation from 4718 m to 4780 m and an attempt was made to perform a DST. The well failed to flow during the DST and the decision was made to abandon further testing, due to tight reservoir. -
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaks tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YESBorekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaksprøve, topp dybde [m]Borekaksprøve, bunn dybde [m]1220.005330.00 -
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerneprøve nummerKjerneprøve - topp dybdeKjerneprøve - bunn dybdeKjerneprøve dybde - enhet14731.04754.6[m ]24755.54800.6[m ]34815.04841.3[m ]44852.54878.9[m ]54880.54903.7[m ]65110.05138.3[m ]Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Total kjerneprøve lengde [m]172.9Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerner tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YES -
Litostratigrafi Topp Dyb [mMD RKB]Litostrat. enhet267701145719051905212621262221227522752671294534943494359745134549454945604716471647784821497049704994508551045282 -
Logger Type loggTopp dyp for logg [m]Bunn dyp for logg [m]AIT PPC DSI GPIT PPC GR46125032CMR HXPT GR46255320LDS APS HNGS46125032LWD - GR PWD DEN RES NEU DI48015330LWD - GVR GR RES NEU DEN SON47004815LWD - GVR STET RES GR NEU DEN SO46154731LWD - PDGR DI PWD RES GR SON12112536LWD - PDGR FPWD PWD RES GR NEU D25364615LWD - PWD RES GR DI3571211LWD - PWD RES GR DI SON3571200LWD-DI267357PMIT GR CCL2804605PS HY PO PQ HY PO IFA MS1-2 GR47444922PS XLD HY PO LFA MS GR50215246SC PO PALE PS HY PO IFA AMS GR47634830USIT VBL45204787VSI2 GR6045020 -
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester Type utforingUtforing diam.
[tommer]Utforing dybde
[m]Brønnbane diam.
[tommer]Brønnbane dyp
[m]LOT/FIT slam eqv.
[g/cm3]Type formasjonstestCONDUCTOR30350.036352.00.00PILOT HOLE1200.09 7/81200.00.00SURF.COND.291206.0261211.01.72FITINTERM.13 3/82530.017 1/22536.01.90FITSURF.COND.9 5/94609.012 1/44615.02.08FITLINER74864.08 1/25330.00.00 -
Boreslam Dybde MD [m]Egenvekt, slam [g/cm3]Viskositet, slam [mPa.s]Flytegrense [Pa]Type slamDato, måling3751.1516.0KCl mud5441.2115.0KCl mud11501.2116.0KCl mud12001.1917.0KCl mud12111.02SEAWATER25301.7456.0Versatherm OBM25361.5958.0Versatec OBM35961.7664.0Versatherm OBM46161.8360.0Versatherm OBM46161.931.0OBM46161.7658.0Versatherm OBM46611.9374.0Versatherm OBM47831.9168.0Versatherm OBM48521.9166.0Versatherm OBM49031.9158.0Versatherm OBM51371.9159.0Versatherm OBM52251.9158.0Versatherm OBM53301.021.0Inhibited seawater53301.9171.0Versatherm OBM