24/12-6 S
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Generell informasjon
GeneralWell 24/12-6 S was drilled on the Stirby prospect in the Vana Sub-basin of the Viking Graben in the North Sea. Stirby was a potential multipay structure and the main target was the Late Jurassic Intra Draupne Formation Sandstones ("Stirby Upper"). The secondary target was the Middle Jurassic Hugin/Sleipner Formation sandstones ("Stirby Deep"). Additional targets was possible in the Heather Formation with potential for reservoir sands deposited from the east as encountered in the Gudrun Field south of the Stirby location.Operations and resultsWildcat well 24/12-6 S was spudded with the semi-submersible installation Songa Delta on 16 August 2010 and drilled to TD at 5207 m (5076 m TVD)in the Middle Jurassic Sleipner Formation. Severe hole problems with excessive cavings and tight hole was experienced in the 17 1/2" section from 1279 m to 2771 m. The reason for this was believed to be too high concentrations of KCl, drying out the claystone. Due to these problems the well was plugged back and sidetracked from 1300 m. The well was drilled with Spud mud down to 1279 m, and with KCl brine from 1279 m to 2771 m. After sidetracking the well was drilled with Carbotech oil based mud from 1300 m to 4330, and with Magmatech oil based mud from 4330 m to TD.The Draupne Formation was encountered at from 4417 m (4286 m TVD ), the Heather Formation at 4788 m (4657 m TVD), and top Vestland Group, Hugin Formation at 5029 m (4898 m TVD). Only rare traces of sand were seen at the expected primary target, the Late Jurassic Intra Draupne Sand (Stirby Upper). This part of the well contained organic rich shale with thin beds of limestone. These limestone beds correspond to the strong amplitudes which defined the main target as a basin floor fan in the prognosis. The secondary target, the Middle Jurassic Vestland Group (Stirby Deep), came in 7.8 m deeper than prognosed. An upper sandstone, probably belonging to the Hugin Formation, was described as silica cemented. Only one stable pressure point was collected here and thereby no gradient defining hydrocarbon or water was obtained. In the lower sandstone just above TD of the well another pressure point reading was obtained, 33 bar lower than the one in "Upper sandstone". Scanning evaluation with the RCI tool in the lower sandstone gave the conclusion that this sand was water filled. No oil shows were reported above BCU. Direct and cut fluorescence was observed on traces of sandstone grains/aggregates from top Hugin Formation and downwards. The fluorescence on the aggregates was however difficult to interpret due to possible interference from mineral fluorescence, oil base and rock flour.No cores were cut and no wire line fluid samples were taken.The well was permanently abandoned on 20 December 2010 as a dry well.TestingNo drill stem test was performed. -
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaks tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YESBorekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaksprøve, topp dybde [m]Borekaksprøve, bunn dybde [m]1290.002770.00 -
Litostratigrafi Topp Dyb [mMD RKB]Litostrat. enhet1455046818488481043135616822162216222082262227326932761276130803741391339174148414842224281441744174788502950295120 -
Logger Type loggTopp dyp for logg [m]Bunn dyp for logg [m]CALI MRCH GR CCL MFC1004268CBL MRCH GR CCL SBT MFC37784263DEN NEU MRCH JAR TTRM GR ZDL CN43175204LWD - GR REMP AC1962770MWD - GR REMP AC1964326MWD - GR REMP DEN NEU AC43004767MWD - GR REMP DEN NEU AC FMP47385204PRES MRCH JAR TTRM GR RCI PVT50305207RES MRCH JAR TTRM DSL HDIL MREX43005187VSP GR GEOWAVE2054135 -
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester Type utforingUtforing diam.
[tommer]Utforing dybde
[m]Brønnbane diam.
[tommer]Brønnbane dyp
[m]LOT/FIT slam eqv.
[g/cm3]Type formasjonstestCONDUCTOR30225.036229.00.00LOTSURF.COND.201273.0261279.00.00LOTPILOT HOLE1279.09 7/81279.00.00LOTINTERM.13 5/82812.017 1/22828.02.20LOTINTERM.9 5/84321.012 1/44330.00.00LOTOPEN HOLE5207.08 1/25207.01.77LOT -
Boreslam Dybde MD [m]Egenvekt, slam [g/cm3]Viskositet, slam [mPa.s]Flytegrense [Pa]Type slamDato, måling1741.05SPUD MUD2261.05SPUD MUD9901.05SPUD MUD11201.05SPUD MUD12231.3639.0CARBO TECH12791.45SPUD MUD14451.4513.0KCL BRINE17201.2516.0KCL BRINE25001.3942.0CARBO TECH26531.3214.0KCL BRINE27111.3218.0KCL BRINE27461.3941.0CARBO TECH28281.3939.0CARBO TECH30511.6037.0CARBO TECH38001.6037.0CARBO TECH41501.6045.0CARBO TECH42761.6553.0CARBO TECH42761.6542.0CARBO TECH43301.6541.0CARBO TECH47722.0047.0MAGMA TECH51012.0050.0MAGMA TECH52072.0251.0MAGMA TECH