Factpages Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Factpages Norwegian Offshore Directorate
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02.10.2024 - 01:28
Time of last synchronization with Norwegian Offshore Directorate's internal systems

Table – Description

Discovery name
NPDID discovery
Date updated
Date sync NOD
3/7-8 S (Trym Sør)
3/7-8 S (Trym Sør) is a discovery in the North Sea straddling the sector boundary between Norway and Denmark, less than two kilometres south of the Trym field. The water depth is 65 metres. Trym Sør was proven in 2013. The reservoir contains oil and gas in sandstone of Jurassic age in the Bryne and Sandnes Formations.
30/2-5 S (Atlantis)
30/2-5 S (Atlantis) is a discovery in the northern North Sea, 35 kilometres southeast of the Gullfaks field. The water depth is 140 metres. Atlantis was proven in 2020. The reservoirs contain gas and condensate in Middle Jurassic sandstone of the Brent Group. Various development solutions have been evaluated, and the likely solution is a tie-back to the Gullfaks C platform.
31/7-1 (Brasse)
31/7-1 (Brasse) is a discovery in the northern North Sea, 13 kilometres south of the Brage field. The water depth is 120 metres. The discovery was proven in 2016 and delineated with four wells in the period from 2017 to 2019. The reservoir contains oil with a gas cap in the Upper Jurassic Sognefjord Formation. A development concept with subsea templates tied-back to Brage is being evaluated.
34/6-2 S (Garantiana)
34/6-2 S (Garantiana) is a discovery in the northern North Sea, 15 kilometres north of the Visund field. The water depth is 380 metres. The discovery was proven in 2012 and delineated in 2014. The reservoir contains oil in sandstone of Early Jurassic age in the Cook Formation. In 2021, a new discovery was made in a separate structure just west of Garantiana, while another separate structure south of Garantiana proved to be dry in 2023.
6406/9-1 Linnorm
6406/9-1 Linnorm is a discovery in the central part of the Norwegian Sea, 30 kilometres northwest of the Njord field. The water depth is 300 metres. The discovery was proven in 2005 and delineated in 2007. The reservoir contains relatively dry gas with high CO2 and H2S content. It is a complex and challenging reservoir with high pressure and high temperature (HPHT). The reservoir is in the Ile, Tofte and Tilje Formations of Early to Middle Jurassic age, and has variable quality. Both stand-alone and tie-back solutions are being studied as possible development solutions.
7120/12-2 (Alke Sør)
7120/12-2 (Alke Sør) is a discovery in the southern Barents Sea, about 50 kilometres south of the Snøhvit field and 55 kilometres southwest of the Goliat field. The water depth is 160 metres. Alke Sør was proven in 1981. The reservoirs contain gas and condensate in sandstone of Late Triassic and Jurassic age in the Snadd and Stø Formations, at a depth of 1900 metres. Third-party access to processing capacity at the Melkøya onshore facility will most likely not be available before around 2040. Alternative development scenarios are therefore being considered, including possible transportation of the gas in a new pipeline or increased LNG capacity at Melkøya.
7220/11-1 (Alta)
7220/11-1 (Alta) is a discovery in the southern Barents Sea, approximately 60 kilometres south of the Johan Castberg field. The water depth is 380 metres. Alta was proven in 2014 and delineated by several wells between 2015 to 2018. The reservoir contains oil and gas in carbonates of Late Carboniferous/Early Permian age in the Gipsdalen Group, at a depth of 1,900 metres. Alternative development solutions, including tie-back to Goliat or Johan Castberg, are under evaluation.
7324/8-1 (Wisting)
7324/8-1 (Wisting) is a discovery in the Barents Sea, 300 kilometres off the northern coast of Norway. The water depth is 400 metres. The discovery was proven in 2013, and subsequently delineated by wells 7324/7-3 S and 7324/8-3 in 2016 and 2017, respectively. The reservoirs contain oil in sandstone of Early Jurassic age in the Nordmela and Stø Formations and of Late Triassic age in the Fruholmen Formation. The reservoirs are shallow, and the Nordmela and Stø Formations have good reservoir properties. The discovery will most likely be developed as a stand-alone installation.