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General information
Phases Date phase valid fromDate phase valid toPhase29.02.200801.03.2011INITIAL02.03.201101.03.2012INITIAL EXTENDED02.03.201201.03.2013INITIAL EXTENDED02.03.201301.03.2015INITIAL EXTENDED02.03.201501.03.2017INITIAL EXTENDED02.03.201701.03.2018INITIAL EXTENDED02.03.201801.03.2038PRODUCTION -
Licensees – current
Licensees – current Date valid fromCompany longnameInterest [%]31.08.201765.000000-35.000000 -
Operatorship – current
Operatorship – current Date valid fromCompany longname30.09.2016 -
Area – current
Area – current Date valid fromBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations01.01.202025/1114 -
Work program (initial phase)
Work program (initial phase) Work obligationDecisionTask statusExpiry dateWellbore if drilledDrillingApproved15/9-23(BoV) Decision to continueApproved31.12.2017(PDO) Decision to submit plan for developmentApproved01.03.2018Decision to enter extension periodApproved01.03.2018 -
Conditions (production phase)
Conditions (production phase) Work taskDecisionDescription (norwegian)Task statusExpiry dateDecision to drillOmråde utenom Skogul-PUDNot to be drilled31.12.2019(BoV) Decision to continueOmråde utenom Skogul-PUDDropped31.12.2021Drill exploration wellOmråde utenom Skogul-PUDNot to be drilled(PDO) Submit plan for developmentOmråde utenom Skogul-PUDDropped31.12.2022(PDO) Prepare plan for developmentOmråde utenom Skogul-PUDDropped -
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only)
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only) Dokument nummerRegistreringsdatoUtdrag av dokument1273414.05.2018PGNiNG Upstream Norway AS pantsetter sin 35 % deltakerandel i utvinningstillatelsen til fordel for Societe Generale, London Branch. Stor USD 600 000 000, skriver United States Dollars six hundred million. Pantsetter har ikke rett til å overdra eller foreta ytterligere pantsettelser av pantsatte objekt uten skriftlig samtykke fra panthaver. Olje- og energidepartementet har i brev av 14.4.2018 gitt samtykke i medhold av petroleumsloven § 6-2 første ledd.1718829.08.2022PGNiG Upstream Norway AS pantsetter sin 35 % deltakerandel i tillatelsen til fordel for Societe Generale, London Branch. Pantobligasjon stor USD 600,000,000, skriver United States Dollars six hundred million.Pantsetter har ikke rett til å overdra eller foreta ytterligere pantsettelser av pantsatte objekt uten skriftlig samtykke fra panthaver.Olje- og energidepartementet har i brev av 11.8.2022 gitt samtykke i medhold av petroleumsloven § 6-2 første ledd. Pantsettelsen utgjør et såkalt krysspant. -
Wellbores – exploration, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose - planned30.07.201917.08.2019OBSERVATION18.08.201907.12.2019PRODUCTION08.12.201924.12.2019PRODUCTION25.12.201904.01.2020PRODUCTION -
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose -
Licensees – full history
Licensees – full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longnameInterest [%]31.08.201765.00000035.00000030.09.201630.08.2017100.00000001.10.201029.09.2016100.00000023.12.200930.09.201052.50000047.50000022.12.200922.12.200952.50000047.50000002.03.200821.12.200952.50000047.50000001.03.200801.03.200860.00000040.00000029.02.200829.02.200840.00000030.00000030.000000 -
Operatorship – full history
Operatorship – full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longname30.09.201622.12.200929.09.201629.02.200821.12.2009 -
Area – full history
Area – full history Date valid fromDate valid toBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations01.01.202025/111402.03.201831.12.201925/121425/111722.05.201101.03.201825/114729.02.200821.05.201125/232824/31125/12222 -
Licensees – transfers
Licensees – transfers Date valid fromTransfer directionType of changeCompany nameTransferred interest [%]31.08.2017FROMTRANSFER35.000000TOTRANSFER35.00000030.09.2016TOCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME100.000000FROMCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME100.00000001.10.2010FROMTRANSFER47.500000TOTRANSFER47.50000023.12.2009TOCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME47.500000FROMCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME47.50000022.12.2009FROMMERGER/TAKEOVER52.500000TOMERGER/TAKEOVER52.50000002.03.2008FROMTRANSFER12.500000TOTRANSFER12.50000001.03.2008FROMTRANSFER30.000000TOTRANSFER30.000000 -
Status reports
Status reports Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]