
General information
General information Attribute Value Lithostrat. unit The lithostratigraphic unit's official name.FLEKKEFJORD FMNPDID lithostrat. unit Norwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for lithostratigraphic units.43Level Indicates the lithostratigraphic unit's level. Legal values: GROUP, FORMATION, MEMBER.FORMATIONLithostrat. unit, parent The parent lithostratigraphic unit's official name. See also level. Will be empty if Level = GROUP. -
Level below
Level below Lithostrat. unit -
Flekkefjord Formation
NameFrom a town on the south-west coast of Norway. This formation was formerly included in the Valhall Formation of the Cromer Knoll Group (Deegan and Scull, 1977). The same unit was defined as the Flekkefjord Member by Rawson and Riley (1982), and is here elevated to formation status.Well type sectionNorwegian well 9/4-2 (Texaco) from 2155 m to 2208m, coord N 57°41'11.05", E 04°02'34.85" (Fig 3.38) .Well reference sectionNorwegian well 8/1-1 (Phillips) from 2379 m to 2425m, coord N 57°51'43.53", E 03° 12'27.64" (Fig 3.37) .ThicknessIn the type well it is 53 m, and in the reference well it is 46 m. This is also the approximate thickness in most wells within the Egersund Sub-Basin.LithologyThe formation consists of dark grey shales which are variably carbonaceous, pyritic and may contain thin limestone stringers.BoundariesThe lower boundary of the formation is clearly defined both on gamma and sonic logs by the contact with the more silty Sauda Formation . The upper boundary usually appears as a distinct log break, with higher radioactivity and higher interval transit times in the Flekkefjord Formation. In the Egersund Sub-Basin, which is situated closer to the source area, the boundary may be difficult to identify on logs.DistributionThe formation is present in the Norwegian-Danish Basin. It is time-equivalent to the upper part of the Mandal Formation in the graben areas to the west and to the Fredrikshavn Unit C in the Danish sector to the east (Michelsen, 1978).AgeRyazanian.Depositional envitronmentThe Flekkefjord Formation was deposited in a marine, low-energy, basinal environment.Source-
Vollset, J. and Doré, A. G. (eds.) 1984: A revised Triassic and Jurassic lithostratigraphic nomenclature for the Norwegian North Sea. NPD-Bulletin No. 3, 53 pp.
Wellbores penetrating
Wellbores penetrating 10.06.19692598264307.02.19722379242510.10.19661628165804.12.19822025207528.03.20132176220510.02.19762103212301.07.19692775279317.03.19802657266729.06.19752807283523.07.19712574260721.11.20111934206028.04.19872483255021.09.19872381244708.02.19902625279911.04.19942730307521.07.19952595270615.10.19963297380010.06.19973062318202.02.19984762499517.09.19992710282329.03.20102101218014.10.20192530260213.08.19963758386504.09.19861446148809.12.20051970207219.05.19681985204729.08.19702155220819.08.19722200225020.08.19772310239501.08.20062300238719.08.19711957196606.05.19691905194812.07.20151842193726.06.19761275133530.07.19921298138617.01.19711367139319.08.19691655167220.08.19951875198007.02.20112020211623.10.20212297234623.10.19731933195411.06.19741933195424.03.19692515254430.06.19682083210117.05.19762410242221.06.19721902194603.02.19801957201010.07.20091992201715.08.20092142217526.08.20092101213401.01.19801991204631.03.197416091650 -
Wellbores with cores