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Generell informasjon
GeneralWell 25/11-20 is located East of the Southern segment of the Grane field. The primary objectives of well 25/11-20 were to prove oil resources within reach of the Grane field production unit that can be produced through the Grane field installation and to test the geological and geophysical models for non-mounded Paleocene sands within the Licence area. The secondary objectives of well 25/11-20 were to define areas in the licence which can be relinquished and to reduce the uncertainties associated with the surrounding prospects. The well location was selected to provide an accurate seismic tie, i.e. an area with minimal compaction effects and away from faults, in an area where there are indications of a thick sand on the seismic data.Operations and resultsWell 25/11-20 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation "Treasure Saga" on 8 October1995 and drilled to TD at 1828 m in limestones of the Late Cretaceous Tor Formation. The well was drilled water based with seawater and hi-vis bentonite sweeps down to 1254 m and with KCl / Polymer from 1254 m to TD. Unpredicted boulders were encountered at 152 m to 157 m, causing low ROP and extra work to keep the inclination small, otherwise no significant problems were encountered during drilling. Shallow gas was not predicted and not observedNo sands or shows were encountered in the Rogaland Group. An internal high acoustic impedance shale was present at depth 1683 m to 1705 m where Heimdal sands were prognosed. The seismic response for this shale in the SOF data set was similar to the response for the Heimdal sand in the Grane Field. Four cores were cut between 1661 m and 1719.5 m in the Balder, Sele, Lista, and Våle Formations. Coring was stopped 20 m under the prognosed top of the main sand. The well was permanently abandoned on 23 October 1995 as a dry hole.TestingNo drill stem test was performed. -
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaks tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YESBorekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaksprøve, topp dybde [m]Borekaksprøve, bunn dybde [m]1260.001828.00 -
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerneprøve nummerKjerneprøve - topp dybdeKjerneprøve - bunn dybdeKjerneprøve dybde - enhet11661.01678.3[m ]21679.51697.1[m ]31697.51708.3[m ]41711.51719.5[m ]Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Total kjerneprøve lengde [m]53.7Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerner tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YES -
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet Prøve dybdeDybde enhetPrøve typeLaboratorie1260.0[m]DCRRI1280.0[m]DCRRI1300.0[m]DCRRI1320.0[m]DCRRI1340.0[m]DCRRI1360.0[m]DCRRI1380.0[m]DCRRI1400.0[m]DCRRI1420.0[m]DCRRI1440.0[m]DCRRI1460.0[m]DCRRI1500.0[m]DCRRI1520.0[m]DCRRI1540.0[m]DCRRI1550.0[m]SWCRRI1575.0[m]SWCRRI1600.0[m]SWCRRI1625.0[m]SWCRRI1640.0[m]SWCRRI1645.0[m]SWCRRI1645.0[m]DCRRI1650.0[m]DCRRI1650.0[m]SWCRRI1652.0[m]SWCRRI1660.0[m]SWCRRI1660.0[m]DCRRI1663.0[m]CRRI1666.0[m]CRRI1669.0[m]CRRI1672.0[m]CRRI1675.0[m]CRRI1678.0[m]CRRI1681.0[m]CRRI1684.0[m]CRRI1687.0[m]CRRI1688.0[m]CRRI1691.0[m]CRRI1695.0[m]CRRI1700.0[m]CRRI1706.0[m]CRRI1711.0[m]CRRI1716.0[m]CRRI1719.0[m]CRRI1721.0[m]SWCRRI1728.0[m]SWCRRI1735.0[m]SWCRRI1737.0[m]SWCRRI1739.0[m]SWCRRI1740.0[m]SWCRRI1743.0[m]SWCRRI1745.0[m]SWCRRI1747.0[m]SWCRRI1747.0[m]DCRRI1750.0[m]SWCRRI1755.0[m]SWCRRI1758.0[m]SWCRRI1762.0[m]DCRRI1763.0[m]SWCRRI1775.0[m]DCRRI1780.0[m]DCRRI1792.0[m]DCRRI1802.0[m]DCRRI1812.0[m]DCRRI -
Litostratigrafi Topp Dyb [mMD RKB]Litostrat. enhet14876979389189195110001016109211001117116316521652166516721761176717671777 -
Spleisede logger
Spleisede logger Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]pdf0.28 -
Dokumenter – rapportert av utvinningstillatelsen (frigitt ihht til regelverk)
Dokumenter – rapportert av utvinningstillatelsen (frigitt ihht til regelverk) Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]pdf7.20 -
Logger Type loggTopp dyp for logg [m]Bunn dyp for logg [m]CST GR15501784CST GR15501765DLL MSFL DSI LDL CNL GR SP AMS11971671DLL MSFL DSI LDL CNL GR SP AMS16121827MWD - GR RES DIR1481828VSP GR AMS2431818 -
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester Type utforingUtforing diam.
[tommer]Utforing dybde
[m]Brønnbane diam.
[tommer]Brønnbane dyp
[m]LOT/FIT slam eqv.
[g/cm3]Type formasjonstestSURF.COND.30209.036209.00.00LOTINTERM.13 3/81254.017 1/21254.00.00LOTOPEN HOLE1828.08 1/21828.01.87LOT -
Boreslam Dybde MD [m]Egenvekt, slam [g/cm3]Viskositet, slam [mPa.s]Flytegrense [Pa]Type slamDato, måling12541.2113.0WATER BASED16611.2821.0WATER BASED16791.2820.0WATER BASED17111.2817.0WATER BASED17891.2816.0WATER BASED18281.2818.0WATER BASED