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Generell informasjon
GeneralWell 34/10-18 is located in the Tampen Spur area, south of the Vigdis Field and west-north-west of the Gullfaks Field. The primary objective was the Brent Group sandstones of Middle Jurassic age. Secondary objectives were Early Jurassic Cook and Statfjord Formation sandstones.Operations and resultsWildcat well 34/10-18 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation Ross Isle on 17 July 1983. A 12 1/4" pilot hole was drilled from the 30" casing shoe to 765 m to check for shallow gas. No shallow gas was seen, but lost circulation occurred in shallow sand lenses when the pilot was underreamed to 26". A 17 1/2" hole was drilled and logged to 2024 m. Two joints of 13 3/8" casing were dropped in the hole. The hole was cemented back to 1882 m and sidetracked from 1900 m and drilled without significant problems to TD at 3025 m in the Early Jurassic Statfjord Formation. The well was drilled with spud mud down to 765 m and with gel/Lignosulphonate mud from 765 m to TD.No live oil was seen in the well, but a 3.5 m unproductive oil-zone was encountered in a, sandy/marly and cemented limestone at the base of a very thin Cromer Knoll sequence (Mime Formation). The average porosity was 24.3% and the average water saturation was 53.4%, but due to tight formation the RFT was not able to obtain any pressure points in this zone. The permeability range was 0.1 to 1 mD. Only residual hydrocarbons were encountered in the Brent sandstones. Here, t he logs indicated an average water saturation of 95% and an average porosity of 24.2% in the net sand. The RFT plot suggested a water gradient of 1.00 g/cc in the Brent Group. Weak oil shows typically described as "hydrocarbon fluorescence in sandy tuffaceous material" were recorded in the Balder Formation.Three cores were cut in the well. Core 1 was cut in the Early Cretaceous and into the Upper Jurassic and core 2 in the Late Jurassic Heather Formation. Core 3 was cut in the Middle Jurassic Tarbert Formation. No wire line fluid samples were taken.The well was permanently abandoned on 30 August 1983 as a well with shows.TestingNo drill stem test was performed. -
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaks tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YESBorekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaksprøve, topp dybde [m]Borekaksprøve, bunn dybde [m]230.003025.00 -
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerneprøve nummerKjerneprøve - topp dybdeKjerneprøve - bunn dybdeKjerneprøve dybde - enhet12344.02357.0[m ]22361.02368.0[m ]32376.52394.0[m ]Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Total kjerneprøve lengde [m]37.5Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerner tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YES -
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet Prøve dybdeDybde enhetPrøve typeLaboratorie2362.0[m]CGEOCH2362.5[m]CGEOCH2362.8[m]CGEOCH2363.5[m]CGEOCH2364.0[m]CGEOCH2364.5[m]CGEOCH2365.0[m]CGEOCH2365.5[m]CGEOCH2365.9[m]CGEOCH2366.4[m]CGEOCH2366.8[m]CGEOCH2367.0[m]CGEOCH2367.3[m]CGEOCH2367.6[m]CGEOCH -
Litostratigrafi Topp Dyb [mMD RKB]Litostrat. enhet1639839941180124614061470169016901750187818782107233723372340235123512355237323732412249525242595260426042688278528432978 -
Geokjemisk informasjon
Dokumenter – eldre Sokkeldirektoratets WDSS rapporter og andre relaterte dokumenter
Dokumenter – eldre Sokkeldirektoratets WDSS rapporter og andre relaterte dokumenter Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]pdf0.18pdf0.30 -
Dokumenter – rapportert av utvinningstillatelsen (frigitt ihht til regelverk)
Dokumenter – rapportert av utvinningstillatelsen (frigitt ihht til regelverk) Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]pdf1.75PDF22.91pdf4.68pdf0.06pdf10.07pdf0.10 -
Logger Type loggTopp dyp for logg [m]Bunn dyp for logg [m]CBL VDL1622007CST21083008ISF LSS MSFL GR1553024LDL CNL GR CAL2273025RFT23302543SHDT20073025 -
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester Type utforingUtforing diam.
[tommer]Utforing dybde
[m]Brønnbane diam.
[tommer]Brønnbane dyp
[m]LOT/FIT slam eqv.
[g/cm3]Type formasjonstestCONDUCTOR30226.536227.50.00LOTSURF.COND.20747.026765.01.57LOTINTERM.13 3/82008.017 1/22024.01.80LOTOPEN HOLE3025.012 1/43025.00.00LOT -
Boreslam Dybde MD [m]Egenvekt, slam [g/cm3]Viskositet, slam [mPa.s]Flytegrense [Pa]Type slamDato, måling2701.0547.0waterbased7501.0950.0waterbased17801.1162.0waterbased20501.3254.0waterbased23301.6545.0waterbased26601.5848.0waterbased