
Generell informasjon
GeneralWell 7324/6-1 was drilled to test the Sputnik prospect in the Hoop Fault Complex on the Bjarmeland Platform in the Barents Sea. The prospect had several prospective targets found hydrocarbon-bearing in neighbouring wells. The primary objective was to test the hydrocarbon potential and phase in the Late Carnian interval in the Snadd Formation of Middle to Late Triassic age, called Carn03. Secondary objectives of the well were to clarify whether there was an oil leg present below the depth of the gas-water contact encountered in Well 7325/4-1 (Stø Formation), as well as testing two secondary targets in the Early to Middle Carnian interval of the Snadd formation (Carn02 & Carn01).Operations and resultsThe well was entered with the semi-submersible drilling rig West Hercules on 18 June 2019 and drilled vertically to TD at 1600 m (1599.5 m TVD) in the Late Triassic Snadd Formation. The well was drilled down to 746 m with sea water and hi-vis sweeps and from 746 m to TD with Exploradrill oil-based mud.The Stø Formation was penetrated at 792 m and was found to be water bearing with good oil shows. The formation consists of a homogenous sandstone body. The top of Snadd Formation was encountered at 854 m and is continuously interbedded with claystone, siltstone, and sandstone intervals of varying thickness from submeter to more than ten meters in vertical scale. Carbonaceous material, especially in the sandstone was locally observed. The main targeted Carn03 was penetrated at 1061.5 m and consists of sandstone, interbedded with several thinner claystone beds. Fifty-eight meters of water bearing reservoir sandstone with oil shows was encountered with poor reservoir quality in Carn03. The secondary target, Carn02, was penetrated at 1368 m and consists of sandstone with two-meter scale limestone stringer close to top. A total oil column of 17 m was with an oil-water contact at 1385 m was encountered in the Carn02 reservoir of poor to moderate quality. The secondary target, Carn01, was penetrated at 1508 m and consists of two thick sandstone intervals at top and base, split by a siltstone and claystone interval in the middle. The Carn01 was found to be water bearing with a gross thickness of 41 m. The reservoir can be divided into two zones of predominantly sandstone. A 27 m core was cut in the Stø Formation, and a 63 m core was cut in Carn03 with good coverage and recovery. A 54 m core was cut in Carn02 with moderate reservoir coverage. No core was cut in the Carn01 interval. MDT fluid samples were taken at 1103.5 m (water), 1088 m (water), and 1378 m (oil and formation water)The well was permanently plugged and abandoned on 31 July 2019 as an oil discovery well.TestingNo drill stem test was performed. -
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaks tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YESBorekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaksprøve, topp dybde [m]Borekaksprøve, bunn dybde [m]749.001600.00 -
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerneprøve nummerKjerneprøve - topp dybdeKjerneprøve - bunn dybdeKjerneprøve dybde - enhet1795.0821.6[m ]21070.01132.4[m ]31381.01435.0[m ]Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Total kjerneprøve lengde [m]143.0Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerner tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YES -
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet Prøve dybdeDybde enhetPrøve typeLaboratorie749.0[m]DCCGG755.0[m]DCCGG761.0[m]DCCGG767.0[m]DCCGG773.0[m]DCCGG779.0[m]DCCGG785.0[m]DCCGG791.0[m]DCCGG795.0[m]DCCGG795.6[m]CCGG798.9[m]CCGG810.3[m]CCGG811.5[m]CCGG814.6[m]CCGG817.7[m]CCGG820.5[m]CCGG821.3[m]CCGG824.0[m]DCCGG830.0[m]DCCGG836.0[m]DCCGG842.0[m]DCCGG847.0[m]DCCGG857.0[m]DCCGG867.0[m]DCCGG877.0[m]DCCGG887.0[m]DCCGG897.0[m]DCCGG907.0[m]DCCGG917.0[m]DCCGG927.0[m]DCCGG937.0[m]DCCGG957.0[m]DCCGG967.0[m]DCCGG976.0[m]DCCGG985.0[m]DCCGG994.0[m]DCCGG1003.0[m]DCCGG1012.0[m]DCCGG1039.0[m]DCCGG1048.0[m]DCCGG1066.0[m]DCCGG1073.4[m]CCGG1076.4[m]CCGG1078.9[m]CCGG1080.6[m]CCGG1083.5[m]CCGG1084.5[m]CCGG1087.9[m]CCGG1095.3[m]CCGG1103.3[m]CCGG1108.8[m]CCGG1111.3[m]CCGG1123.7[m]CCGG1132.5[m]CCGG1138.0[m]DCCGG1144.0[m]DCCGG1150.0[m]DCCGG1159.0[m]DCCGG1168.0[m]DCCGG1177.0[m]DCCGG1186.0[m]DCCGG1195.0[m]DCCGG1204.0[m]DCCGG1213.0[m]DCCGG1222.0[m]DCCGG1231.0[m]DCCGG1240.0[m]DCCGG1249.0[m]DCCGG1258.0[m]DCCGG1267.0[m]DCCGG1276.0[m]DCCGG1285.0[m]DCCGG1294.0[m]DCCGG1303.0[m]DCCGG1312.0[m]DCCGG1321.0[m]DCCGG1330.0[m]DCCGG1339.0[m]DCCGG1348.0[m]DCCGG1354.0[m]DCCGG1360.0[m]DCCGG1366.0[m]DCCGG1372.0[m]DCCGG1378.0[m]DCCGG1382.7[m]CCGG1390.3[m]CCGG1393.2[m]CCGG1394.9[m]CCGG1397.8[m]CCGG1400.9[m]CCGG1403.8[m]CCGG1404.8[m]CCGG1407.6[m]CCGG1410.7[m]CCGG1412.6[m]CCGG1415.6[m]CCGG1418.9[m]CCGG1421.7[m]CCGG1424.7[m]CCGG1427.5[m]CCGG1430.7[m]CCGG1433.9[m]CCGG1438.0[m]DCCGG1444.0[m]DCCGG1450.0[m]DCCGG1456.0[m]DCCGG1462.0[m]DCCGG1468.0[m]DCCGG1474.0[m]DCCGG1480.0[m]DCCGG1486.0[m]DCCGG1492.0[m]DCCGG1498.0[m]DCCGG1504.0[m]DCCGG1510.0[m]DCCGG1516.0[m]DCCGG1522.0[m]DCCGG1528.0[m]DCCGG1534.0[m]DCCGG1540.0[m]DCCGG1546.0[m]DCCGG1552.0[m]DCCGG1558.0[m]DCCGG1564.0[m]DCCGG1570.0[m]DCCGG1576.0[m]DCCGG1582.0[m]DCCGG1588.0[m]DCCGG1594.0[m]DCCGG1600.0[m]DCCGG -
Litostratigrafi Topp Dyb [mMD RKB]Litostrat. enhet481534534675702714746792792811854 -
Logger Type loggTopp dyp for logg [m]Bunn dyp for logg [m]CMR HNGS9721600MDT LFA MRMS PA9851585MWD LWD - GR RES DIR INC APWD5201600MWD LWD - TELE INC480520PEX NEXT SS AIT450973RTS SS NEXT PEX9721600USIT CBL698960 -
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester Type utforingUtforing diam.
[tommer]Utforing dybde
[m]Brønnbane diam.
[tommer]Brønnbane dyp
[m]LOT/FIT slam eqv.
[g/cm3]Type formasjonstestCONDUCTOR42520.036520.00.00SURF.COND.13 3/8741.217 1/2746.01.43FITLINER9 5/8792.012 1/4973.01.54FITOPEN HOLE1600.08 1/21600.00.00 -
Boreslam Dybde MD [m]Egenvekt, slam [g/cm3]Viskositet, slam [mPa.s]Flytegrense [Pa]Type slamDato, måling7461.1414.0Exploradrill7461.3019.0CMC Spud7791.1413.0Exploradrill9731.1715.0Exploradrill9821.1815.0Exploradrill11241.2012.0Exploradrill11341.1814.0Exploradrill11341.2017.5Exploradrill13981.1817.0Exploradrill14351.2016.0Exploradrill14741.1815.5Exploradrill15871.1815.5Exploradrill16011.1816.0Exploradrill16011.2016.0Exploradrill