6706/6-2 S

Generell informasjon
GeneralWell 6706/6-2 S was drilled to test the Marisko prospect in the Hel Graben deep waters in the Norwegian Sea. The primary objective was to test the hydrocarbon potential in turbiditic sandstones of the Late Cretaceous Nise FormationOperations and resultsA pilot hole 6706/6-U-2 was drilled 30 m away from the main bore location in a 9 7/8" hole to de-risk a shallow anomaly and determine the base of the siliceous Ooze. Afterwards the main bore 6706/6-2 S was initially drilled vertically, with build up to 38 degrees during the 8 1/2'' and 6'' hole sections.Wildcat well 6706/6-2 S was spudded with the semi-submersible installation Transocean Spitsbergen on 4 December 2018 and drilled to TD at 3916 m (3767 m TVD) m in Early Paleocene sediments. Operations proceeded without significant problems, but due to bad weather 20% of the rig-time was waiting on weather. The well was drilled with seawater down to 2099 m and with Innovert oil-based mud from 2099 m to TD.Two main sandstone units, Sandstone 1 and Sandstone 2, were penetrated but proved to be Paleocene age Intra-Tang sandstones rather than Nise sandstones. Sandstone 1 was dated to the Selandian and Sandstone 2 to the Danian.Biostratigraphy in this area is difficult due to the largely resedimented nature of the turbidite sands, showing an overwhelmingly Cretaceous micropaleologic assemblage. However, due to the presence also of Paleocene microfossils in cored samples a Cretaceous age is impossible while a Paleocene age must be correct .Sandstone 1 was encountered at 2929.5 m (2924.8 m TVD) and was ca 232 m TVD thick. Sandstone 2 was encountered at 3661.3 m (3598 m TVD) and was ca 182 m TVD thick. Both sandstones were cored. Sandstone 1 had good porosities, but generally moderate to low permeability. Sandstone 2 had moderate porosity but very low permeability. Both sandstones were found to be water wet. Weak shows are described in the cored interval (fluorescence, cut and residual ring) in Sandstone 1, but organic geochemical analyses of core extracts showed invasion of the oil-base on the cores, making the shows inconclusive.Four cores were cut. Cores #1 and #2 were cut in succession from 2952.5 to 3061.5 m in Sandstone 1 with 100% recovery. Core #3 was cut from 3678 to 3705 m in Sandstone 2 with 103% recovery, and core #4 was cut from 3745 to 3763.8 m in Sandstone 2 with 90% recovery. The core-log shifts are 0.5 m for Cores #1 and #2, 2.5 m for core #3, and 3.5 m for core #4. MDT fluid samples were taken at 2958.06 m (water), 3735.5 m (water), and 3737.4 m (water)The well was permanently abandoned on 19 February 2019 as a dry well.TestingNo drill stem test was performed. -
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaks tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YESBorekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaksprøve, topp dybde [m]Borekaksprøve, bunn dybde [m]2110.003916.00 -
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerneprøve nummerKjerneprøve - topp dybdeKjerneprøve - bunn dybdeKjerneprøve dybde - enhet12952.73006.6[m ]23006.63061.5[m ]33678.03705.8[m ]43745.03763.8[m ]Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Total kjerneprøve lengde [m]155.4Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerner tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YES -
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet Prøve dybdeDybde enhetPrøve typeLaboratorie2120.0[m]DCPETROSTR2150.0[m]DCPETROS2180.0[m]DCPETROS2210.0[m]DCPETROS2240.0[m]DCPETROS2270.0[m]DCPETROS2300.0[m]DCPETROS2330.0[m]DCPETROS2360.0[m]DCPETROS2390.0[m]DCPETROS2420.0[m]DCPETROS2450.0[m]DCPETROS2480.0[m]DCPETROS2510.0[m]DCPETROS2540.0[m]DCPETROS2570.0[m]DCPETROS2600.0[m]DCPETROS2630.0[m]DCPETROS2660.0[m]DCPETROS2690.0[m]DCPETROS2720.0[m]DCPETROS2750.0[m]DCPETROS2780.0[m]DCPETROS2810.0[m]DCPETROS2840.0[m]DCPETROS2873.0[m]DCPETROS2882.0[m]DCPETROS2891.0[m]DCPETROS2900.0[m]DCPETROS2909.0[m]DCPETROS2918.0[m]DCPETROS2927.0[m]DCPETROS2942.0[m]DCPETROS2948.0[m]DCPETROS2956.5[m]CPETROS2960.9[m]CPETROS2966.3[m]CPETROS2978.6[m]CPETROS2980.2[m]CPETROS2983.3[m]CPETROS2989.1[m]CPETROS3005.8[m]CPETROS3020.6[m]CPETROS3029.1[m]CPETROS3039.7[m]CPETROS3052.1[m]CPETROS3080.0[m]DCPETROS3086.0[m]DCPETROS3113.0[m]DCPETROS3131.0[m]DCPETROS3143.0[m]DCPETROS3170.0[m]DCPETROS3179.0[m]DCPETROS3191.0[m]DCPETROS3203.0[m]DCPETROS3212.0[m]DCPETROS3221.0[m]DCPETROS3230.0[m]DCPETROS3239.0[m]DCPETROS3251.0[m]DCPETROS3263.0[m]DCPETROS3275.0[m]DCPETROS3287.0[m]DCPETROS3299.0[m]DCPETROS3311.0[m]DCPETROS3323.0[m]DCPETROS3335.0[m]DCPETROS3347.0[m]DCPETROS3356.0[m]DCPETROS3377.0[m]DCPETROS3392.0[m]DCPETROS3404.0[m]DCPETROS3416.0[m]DCPETROS3431.0[m]DCPETROS3443.0[m]DCPETROS3455.0[m]DCPETROS3467.0[m]DCPETROS3479.0[m]DCPETROS3491.0[m]DCPETROS3503.0[m]DCPETROS3515.0[m]DCPETROS3527.0[m]DCPETROS3539.0[m]DCPETROS3551.0[m]DCPETROS3563.0[m]DCPETROS3575.0[m]DCPETROS3587.0[m]DCPETROS3599.0[m]DCPETROS3611.0[m]DCPETROS3623.0[m]DCPETROS3635.0[m]DCPETROS3647.0[m]DCPETROS3655.0[m]SWCPETROS3656.0[m]DCPETROS3665.0[m]DCPETROS3674.0[m]CPETROS3677.0[m]DCPETROS3681.7[m]CPETROS3684.5[m]CPETROS3694.6[m]CPETROS3713.0[m]CPETROS3716.0[m]DCPETROS3722.0[m]CPETROS3731.0[m]DCPETROS3746.4[m]CPETROS3756.1[m]CPETROS3785.0[m]DCPETROS3812.0[m]CPETROS3815.0[m]DCPETROS3824.0[m]DCPETROS3830.0[m]CPETROS3842.0[m]DCPETROS3860.0[m]DCPETROS3860.0[m]CPETROS3869.0[m]CPETROS3878.0[m]DCPETROS3887.0[m]DCPETROS3896.0[m]DCPETROS3908.0[m]DCPETROS3914.0[m]DCPETROS3916.0[m]DCPETROS -
Litostratigrafi Topp Dyb [mMD RKB]Litostrat. enhet1254125413241507150721102110 -
Logger Type loggTopp dyp for logg [m]Bunn dyp for logg [m]ASLT USIT00ASLT USIT35362862CMR HNGS ADT NEXT APS35363916LWD - CORE29523006LWD - CORE30063061LWD - CORE36783705LWD - CORE37453766LWD - DIR12541346LWD - DIR GR RES ABG DEN NEU PWD30613537LWD - DIR GR RES ABG PWD28692952LWD - DIR GR RES DEN NEU PWD37663916LWD - DIR GR RES DEN NEU PWD GEO35373678LWD - DIR GR RES DEN NEU PWD GEO37053745LWD - DIR GR RES SON DEN NEU ABG21032869LWD DIR GR RES13462103MDT SAT29333224PQ-XLD PO-ST PQ-QS HY PO-HP IFA36633870PQ-XLD PO-ST SAT PQ-QS HY PO IFA36633737SS QGEO ZAIT35363916VSI-4 ZO00ZAIT HNGS ADT GPIT PPC MAST GR12543537 -
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester Type utforingUtforing diam.
[tommer]Utforing dybde
[m]Brønnbane diam.
[tommer]Brønnbane dyp
[m]LOT/FIT slam eqv.
[g/cm3]Type formasjonstestCONDUCTOR301344.5361346.00.00SURF.COND.202099.2262103.01.24LOTINTERM.9 5/82862.012 1/42869.01.38LOTLINER73536.08 1/23537.01.52LOTOPEN HOLE3916.063916.00.00 -
Boreslam Dybde MD [m]Egenvekt, slam [g/cm3]Viskositet, slam [mPa.s]Flytegrense [Pa]Type slamDato, måling13461.30Water14511.30Water20451.14Oil20781.30Water21031.12Oil21031.03Water21061.12Oil24341.14Oil28691.25Oil28691.14Oil30611.25Oil34051.34Oil34971.25Oil35471.35Oil35501.37Oil36781.34Oil36781.37Oil37041.34Oil39161.34Oil