
Generell informasjon
GeneralWell 34/7-10 was drilled on the southern end of the Snorre Field. The primary purpose of well 34/7-10 was to prove Statfjord Group reserves in the south-east Snorre. Further objectives were to test the Statfjord Group thickness and sand distribution, to test the extent and quality of the middle Statfjord member and to establish a Statfjord Group OWC and reservoir parameters of the Statfjord Group and underlying upper Lunde Formation.Operations and resultsAppraisal well 34/7-10 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation Treasure Saga on 26 August 1986 and drilled to TD at 3000 m in the Late Triassic Lunde Formation. Drilling proceeded without significant problems. The well was drilled with spud mud down to 430 m, with gel mud from 430 m to 918 m, with gypsum/polymer mud from 918 m to 2413 m, and with KCl mud from 2413 m to TD.Apart from the sandy Utsira Formation of Late Miocene age, a Late Oligocene (1314 - 1324 m) and a Late Eocene (1377 - 1387 m) sandstone unit within the Hordaland Group, the upper section down to Jurassic proved mainly claystones. The Jurassic consists of a silty Dunlin Group and a sandy Statfjord Formation. The Triassic consists of claystones with minor sandstones in the upper part and alternating sandstones/ claystones from 2800 m and down to TD. First traces of shows were seen at 2120 m in silty laminas of the Shetland Group. These are described as weak dark yellow fluorescence with slowly streaming light yellow cut. From 2250 m and down to top Statfjord Group oil reservoir at 2531.5 m silt and sandstone show weak to moderate dull yellow to bright yellow fluorescence and slowly streaming blue white to milky white cut. The residue is yellow to light brown in colour. Below the OWC at 2621 m shows continued down to 2635 m where both shows and cut became poorer.The Statfjord Group was encountered at 2531.5 m with a gross thickness of 105 m. It was hydrocarbon-bearing down to the OWC at 2621 m. The average log porosity in the oil zone was 22.1%, the net/gross was 0.33 and the average water saturation was 32%. The OWC was established from pressure gradients and from well logs. However, low oil rates were obtained also in DST1 in the interval 2632.7 - 2636.7 m. It is probable that this is an isolated body of sand.A total of 14 cores were cut and recovered during drilling of the well. The cores were cut in the interval 2522 - 2663 m. A total of 122.3 m of cores were recovered, corresponding to an average recovery of 86.7%. The core to log depth shifts varied between + 1.0 m to – 0.5 m. FMT fluid samples were taken at 2532.5 m (8.8 l oil and 2.8 l mud filtrate in 2 3/4 gallon chamber), 2601.0 m (mud filtrate and a little oil), and at 2634.5 m (mud filtrate with trace oil)The well was permanently abandoned on 29 October 1986 as an oil appraisal well.TestingFour drill stem tests were performed.DST 1 tested the interval 2632.7 - 2636.7 m, 20 m below the observed OWC as seen from well logs and pressure data. It produced 2.7 to 5.4 Sm3 oil/day through a 6.4 mm choke in the main flow period. The maximum bottom hole temperature in the test was 81.8 °C.DST 2 tested the interval 2609.4 - 2614.9 m. It produced 222 Sm3 oil through a 12.7 mm choke. The GOR was 77.1 Sm3/Sm3 and the stock tank oil density was 0.8278 g/cm3. The maximum bottom hole temperature in the test was 96.8 °C.DST 3 tested the interval 2561.0 - 2570.5 m. It produced 961 Sm3 oil/day through a 12.7 mm choke. The GOR was 48 Sm3/Sm3 and the stock tank oil density was 0.8277 g/cm3. The maximum bottom hole temperature in the test was 95.4 °C.DST 4 tested the interval 2548.4 - 2551.9 m. It produced 273 Sm3 oil/day through a 6.4 mm choke. The GOR was 69 Sm3/Sm3. The maximum bottom hole temperature in the test was 95 °C. -
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaks tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YESBorekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaksprøve, topp dybde [m]Borekaksprøve, bunn dybde [m]430.002999.00 -
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerneprøve nummerKjerneprøve - topp dybdeKjerneprøve - bunn dybdeKjerneprøve dybde - enhet12522.02539.1[m ]22540.52551.6[m ]32552.52558.4[m ]42558.52574.0[m ]52574.02577.7[m ]62592.02598.0[m ]72599.52602.0[m ]82602.02608.5[m ]92608.52617.5[m ]102617.52624.0[m ]112624.02635.5[m ]122635.52641.5[m ]132641.52655.0[m ]142655.02663.0[m ]Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Total kjerneprøve lengde [m]122.8Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerner tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YES -
Oljeprøver i Sokkeldirektoratet
Oljeprøver i Sokkeldirektoratet Test typeFlaske nummerTopp dyp
MD [m]Bunn dyp
MD [m]Væske typeTest tidspunktPrøver tilgjengeligDSTTEST12606.702610.7007.10.1986 - 00:00YESDSTTEST22583.402588.90OIL11.10.1986 - 00:00YESDSTTEST32535.002544.5017.10.1986 - 00:00YESDSTDST42549.002551.5022.10.1986 - 13:14YES -
Litostratigrafi Topp Dyb [mMD RKB]Litostrat. enhet3261084109316821682172818001863186321452394240024002440253125312562262026832683 -
Geokjemisk informasjon
Dokumenter – eldre Sokkeldirektoratets WDSS rapporter og andre relaterte dokumenter
Dokumenter – eldre Sokkeldirektoratets WDSS rapporter og andre relaterte dokumenter Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]pdf0.28pdf0.26 -
Dokumenter – rapportert av utvinningstillatelsen (frigitt ihht til regelverk)
Dokumenter – rapportert av utvinningstillatelsen (frigitt ihht til regelverk) Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]pdf1.80pdf14.01 -
Borestrengtester (DST)
Borestrengtester (DST) Test nummerFra dybde MD
[m]Til dybde MD
[m]Reduksjonsventil størrelse
[mm]1.0263726336.42.02615261012.73.02571256112.74.0255225496.4Borestrengtester (DST) Test nummerEndelig avstengningstrykk
[MPa]Endelig strømningstrykk
[°C]1.015.00037.000822.02.00037.000903.010.00038.000954.011.00038.00078Borestrengtester (DST) Test nummerOlje produksjon
[Sm3/dag]Gass produksjon
[g/cm3]Gasstyngde rel. luftGOR
[m3/m3]1.038.4702.0219170008.770783.0960450000.8380.838474.0272180000.8350.83566 -
Logger Type loggTopp dyp for logg [m]Bunn dyp for logg [m]CBL4001904CDL CNL GR19063000COREGUN19302966DIFL LS BHC9013000DIP19063000DLL MSFL GR19062700FMT24422685FMT25332874MWD - GR RES4283000VSP4812974ZEDL25003000 -
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester Type utforingUtforing diam.
[tommer]Utforing dybde
[m]Brønnbane diam.
[tommer]Brønnbane dyp
[m]LOT/FIT slam eqv.
[g/cm3]Type formasjonstestCONDUCTOR30423.036430.00.00LOTSURF.COND.20901.026918.01.55LOTINTERM.13 3/81907.017 1/21920.01.81LOTINTERM.9 5/82755.012 1/43000.00.00LOT -
Boreslam Dybde MD [m]Egenvekt, slam [g/cm3]Viskositet, slam [mPa.s]Flytegrense [Pa]Type slamDato, måling3261.07WATER BASED01.09.19864281.07WATER BASED01.09.19864301.07WATER BASED04.09.19867301.117.017.8WATER BASED04.09.19869181.138.018.7WATER BASED04.09.19869181.159.024.9WATER BASED04.09.19869181.11WATER BASED09.09.19869181.1121.011.1WATER BASED09.09.198613231.1118.09.6WATER BASED09.09.198616651.3024.014.4WATER BASED09.09.198619201.4029.011.5WATER BASED09.09.198619201.4520.05.8WATER BASED12.09.198619201.4516.04.8WATER BASED15.09.198619631.5019.06.8WATER BASED15.09.198620581.5020.08.7WATER BASED15.09.198622801.6524.08.7WATER BASED15.09.198624131.7035.08.7WATER BASED15.09.198624401.7029.06.3WATER BASED22.09.198624401.7030.08.7WATER BASED22.09.198624401.7027.08.7WATER BASED09.10.198624401.7034.08.7WATER BASED27.10.198624401.7033.07.7WATER BASED22.09.198625221.7028.07.7WATER BASED15.09.198625501.7033.07.7WATER BASED15.09.198625561.7034.08.7WATER BASED20.10.198625581.7034.08.7WATER BASED21.10.198625581.7034.08.7WATER BASED27.10.198625581.7034.08.7WATER BASED03.11.198625701.7028.06.8WATER BASED15.09.198625781.7029.05.3WATER BASED22.09.198625811.7035.08.7WATER BASED20.10.198625811.7036.08.2WATER BASED20.10.198625811.7031.08.7WATER BASED20.10.198625811.7035.09.1WATER BASED20.10.198625961.7028.07.2WATER BASED22.09.198626271.7022.07.7WATER BASED15.10.198626271.7024.07.2WATER BASED15.10.198626271.7026.08.7WATER BASED20.10.198626481.7027.06.8WATER BASED23.09.198626631.7027.05.3WATER BASED23.09.198627001.7032.08.7WATER BASED30.09.198627221.7029.08.7WATER BASED30.09.198627241.7027.08.2WATER BASED09.10.198627551.7028.08.2WATER BASED09.10.198627551.7029.08.7WATER BASED09.10.198627701.7025.07.2WATER BASED09.10.198628231.7027.07.7WATER BASED30.09.198629731.7028.07.7WATER BASED30.09.198630001.7126.08.2WATER BASED30.09.198630001.7129.06.8WATER BASED09.10.198630001.7135.09.1WATER BASED09.10.1986 -
Trykkplott Porertrykksdataene kommer fra logging i brønnen hvis ingen annen kilde er oppgitt. I noen brønner der trykk ikke er logget, er det brukt informasjon fra formasjonstester eller brønnspark. Trykkdataene er rapportert inn til Oljedirektoratet og videre prosessert og kvalitetssikret av IHS Markit.Trykkplott Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]pdf0.21