Export: EXCEL
Main level
Main level Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID Bsns. Arr. AreaNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for business arrangement areasbaaNpdidBsnsArrAreaintNameThe business arrangement area's official name.baaNamevarchar(40)KindKind of business arrangement area. Example of legal values: PARCELL, SEISMIC AREA, SLIDING SCALE, UNITIZEDbaaKindvarchar(40)Date approvedThe date the agreement for the business arrangement area was approved by the Norwegian authorities.baaDateApproveddatetimeDate valid fromThe date the agreement for the business arrangement area is valid from, according to the approval of the Norwegian authorities.baaDateValidFromdatetimeDate valid toThe date the agreement for the business arrangement area is valid to, according to the approval of the Norwegian authorities.baaDateValidTodatetimeActiveIndicator which tells if the business arrangement area currently is active.baaActivevarchar(1)Fact pageURL to the business arrangement area's FactPage on the Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBbaaFactPageUrlvarchar(200)FactmapsURL to the business arrangement area's FactMap on the Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBbaaFactMapUrlvarchar(200)Publish on internetIndicator which tells if information about the business arrangement area can be published on internetbaaPublishOnInternetvarchar(5)OperatorThe operating company's official name.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Company FactPageURL to the operating company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWebcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)NPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintDate main level updatedDate when information about this business agreement area was last updated or inserted for the first time.The date will only be changed if the data in the 'Main level' in the tab 'BAA' will be changed.baaDateUpdateddatetimeDate all updatedDate when any information about this business area was last updated or inserted for the first time. The date also will bli change if some of the data in the 'Sub levels' in the tab 'BAA' will be changed.baaDateUpdatedMaxdatetime -
Sub level – Licencees
Sub level – Licencees Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID Bsns. Arr. AreaNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for business arrangement areasbaaNpdidBsnsArrAreaintNPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintNameThe business arrangement area's official name.baaNamevarchar(40)Company longnameThe company's official name.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Date valid fromThe date the company's interest in the business arrangement area is valid frombaaLicenseeDateValidFromdatetimeDate valid toThe date the company's interest in the business arrangement area is valid tobaaLicenseeDateValidTodatetimeInterest [%]The company's share in percent.baaLicenseeInterestdecimalSDFI [%]The Norwegian State's Direct Financial Interest in percent (only for the history)baaLicenseeSdfidecimalCompany FactPageURL to the company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWebcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Fact pageURL to the business arrangement area's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBbaaFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.baaLicenseeDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Operators
Sub level – Operators Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID Bsns. Arr. AreaNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for business arrangement areasbaaNpdidBsnsArrAreaintNPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintNameThe business arrangement area's official name.baaNamevarchar(40)Company longnameThe company's official name.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Date valid fromThe date the company's operatorship of the business arrangement area is valid frombaaOperatorDateValidFromdatetimeDate valid toThe date the company's operatorship of the business arrangement area is valid tobaaOperatorDateValidTodatetimeCompany FactPageURL to the company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWebcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Date updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.baaOperatorDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Licencees transfer
Sub level – Licencees transfer Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID Bsns. Arr. AreaNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for business arrangement areasbaaNpdidBsnsArrAreaintNPDID companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintNameThe business arrangement area's official name.baaNamevarchar(40)Fact pageURL to the business arrangement area's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBbaaFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Date valid fromThe date the transfer is valid frombaaTransferDateValidFromdatetimeTransfer directionDirection of the transfer. Example of legal values: FROM, TObaaTransferDirectionvarchar(4)Type of changeType of change. Example of legal values: CHANGE OF COMPANY NAME, TRANSFER, MERGER/TAKEOVER.baaTransferKindvarchar(40)Company nameThe company's official name.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Company fact pageURL to the company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Transferred interest [%]Transferred interest in percentbaaTransferredInterestdecimalSDFI [%]The Norwegian State's Direct Financial Interest in percent (only for the history)baaTransferSdfidecimalDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.baaTransferDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Areas
Sub level – Areas Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID Bsns. Arr. AreaNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for business arrangement areasbaaNpdidBsnsArrAreaintNameThe business arrangement area's official name.baaNamevarchar(40)KindKind of business arrangement area. Example of legal values: PARCELL, SEISMIC AREA, SLIDING SCALE, UNITIZEDbaaKindvarchar(40)Fact pageURL to the business arrangement area's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBbaaFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Date valid fromThe date the polygon area is valid frombaaAreaPolyDateValidFromdatetimeDate valid toThe date the polygon area is valid tobaaAreaPolyDateValidTodatetimeProduction licenceName of the production licenceprlNamevarchar(40)License FactpageURL to the production licence's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBprlFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Nation code2 letter nation code (ISO) for the nation the polygon belongs tobaaAreaPolyNationCode2varchar(2)Block nameBlock namebaaAreaPolyBlockNamevarchar(40)Polygon area [km2]Polygon area in square kilometersbaaAreaPolyAreadecimalDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.baaAreaPolyDateUpdateddatetime