
General information
General information Attribute Value Name The business arrangement area's official name.SA-ANPDID Bsns. Arr. Area Norwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for business arrangement areas1630961Kind Kind of business arrangement area. Example of legal values: PARCELL, SEISMIC AREA, SLIDING SCALE, UNITIZED, EXPLOITATION LICENCE, EXPLORATION LICENCESEISMIC AREAActive Indicator which tells if the business arrangement area currently is active.NDate valid from The date the agreement for the business arrangement area is valid from, according to the approval of the Norwegian authorities.30.05.1997Date valid to The date the agreement for the business arrangement area is valid to, according to the approval of the Norwegian authorities.30.04.2002 -
Licensees — current
Licensees — current Date valid fromCompany longnameInterest [%] -
Fields NameFields NA -
Operatorship — current
Operatorship — current Company longname -
Area – current
Area – current Date valid fromNation codeBlock nameProduction licencePolygon numberPolygon area [km2] -
Licensees – transfers
Licensees – transfers Date valid fromTransfer directionType of changeCompany nameTransferred interest [%]01.06.2001TOUNKNOWN30.00000001.06.2001FROMUNKNOWN30.00000010.05.2001FROMUNKNOWN45.00000010.05.2001TOUNKNOWN30.00000010.05.2001TOUNKNOWN15.00000011.01.2001TOUNKNOWN10.00000011.01.2001FROMUNKNOWN10.00000024.07.2000TOUNKNOWN10.00000024.07.2000FROMUNKNOWN10.000000