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General information
General information Attribute Value Production licence Name of the production licence838 BNPDID production licence Norwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for production licences34042247Status Current status of production licence. Example of legal values: ACTIVE, INACTIVEINACTIVEMain area Name of the area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf where the wellbore is located. Example of legal values: Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, North SeaNorwegian seaLicensing activity Name of the licensing activity the production licence was awarded in.TFO2018Date granted Date the production licence was granted by the Norwegian authorities.01.03.2019Date valid to Date the production licence is valid to.29.02.2024Stratigraphical Indicates if the licence has vertical limitations based on stratigraphy. 'NO' means no such limitations, 'YES OR PARTLY' means that either whole or parts of the licence has such limitations.NOOriginal area [km2] Original area of the production licence in square kilometres.14Current area [km2] Current area of the production licence in square kilometres.0Additional area to The licence to which the current licence is additional acreage. Only shown where applicable.838NPDID – additional area to Norwegian Offshore Directorate's unique ID for the licence to which the current licence is additional acreage. Only shown where applicable.27432004 -
Phases Date phase valid fromDate phase valid toPhase01.03.201901.03.2026INITIAL02.03.202601.03.2027INITIAL EXTENDED02.03.202701.03.2028INITIAL EXTENDED02.03.202801.03.2029INITIAL EXTENDED -
Licensees — current
Licensees — current Date valid fromCompany longnameInterest [%] -
Operatorship — current
Operatorship — current Date valid fromCompany longname -
Area – current
Area – current Date valid fromBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations -
Work program (initial phase)
Work program (initial phase) Work obligationDecisionTask statusExpiry dateWellbore if drilledStudy of geology and geophysicsApprovedDecision to drillNot to be drilled01.03.2024Drill exploration wellNot to be drilled(BoK) Decision to concretizeDropped01.03.2026Conceptual studiesDropped(BoV) Decision to continueDropped01.03.2028(PDO) Prepare plan for developmentDropped(PDO) Submit plan for developmentDropped01.03.2029Decision to enter extension periodDropped01.03.2029 -
Conditions (production phase)
Conditions (production phase) Work taskDecisionDescription (norwegian)Task statusExpiry date -
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only)
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only) Dokument nummerRegistreringsdatoUtdrag av dokument1699208.07.2022Lime Petroleum AS pantsetter sin 30% deltakerandel i tillatelsen til fordel for Nordic Trustee ASPantobligasjon stor NOK 1 500 000 000, skriver Norwegian kroner onebillionfivehundredmillion.Pantsetter har ikke rett til å overdra eller foreta ytterligere pantsettelser av pantsatte objekt uten skriftlig samtykke fra panthaver.Olje- og energidepartementet har i brev av 23.6.2022 gitt samtykke i medhold av petroleumsloven § 6-2 første ledd. Pantsettelsen utgjør et såkalt krysspant. -
Wellbores – exploration, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – exploration, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeContent -
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose - planned -
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose -
Licensees — full history
Licensees — full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longnameInterest [%]05.11.201929.02.202440.00000030.00000030.00000001.03.201904.11.201940.00000030.00000030.000000 -
Operatorship — full history
Operatorship — full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longname01.03.201929.02.2024 -
Area – full history
Area – full history Date valid fromDate valid toBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations01.03.201929.02.20246507/3114 -
Licensees – transfers
Licensees – transfers Date valid fromTransfer directionType of changeCompany nameTransferred interest [%]05.11.2019TOTRANSFER30.000000FROMTRANSFER30.000000 -
Status reports
Status reports Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB].zip0.15.PDF20.07