038 C

General information
Phases Date phase valid fromDate phase valid toPhase15.06.200615.07.2007INITIAL16.07.200701.04.2021PRODUCTION02.04.202131.12.2023PRODUCTION EXTENDED01.01.202431.12.2026PRODUCTION EXTENDED -
Licensees — current
Licensees — current Date valid fromCompany longnameInterest [%]06.10.201570.000000-30.000000 -
Operatorship — current
Operatorship — current Date valid fromCompany longname06.10.2015 -
Area – current
Area – current Date valid fromBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations01.01.201815/12111 -
Work program (initial phase)
Work program (initial phase) Work obligationDecisionTask statusExpiry dateWellbore if drilled -
Conditions (production phase)
Conditions (production phase) Work taskDecisionDescription (norwegian)Task statusExpiry date -
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only)
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only) Ingen heftelser registert. -
Wellbores – exploration, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – exploration, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeContent -
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – development, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose - planned25.12.200009.02.2001PRODUCTION15.07.201203.08.2012PRODUCTION06.02.200631.03.2006PRODUCTION11.10.200823.10.2008PRODUCTION -
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence
Wellbores – other, drilled in the production licence Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurpose -
Licensees — full history
Licensees — full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longnameInterest [%]06.10.201570.00000030.00000001.09.201505.10.201570.00000030.00000015.06.200631.08.201570.00000030.000000 -
Operatorship — full history
Operatorship — full history Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longname06.10.201501.09.201505.10.201515.06.200631.08.2015 -
Area – full history
Area – full history Date valid fromDate valid toBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations01.01.201815/1211131.12.201431.12.201715/1212015.06.200630.12.201415/12126 -
Licensees – transfers
Licensees – transfers Date valid fromTransfer directionType of changeCompany nameTransferred interest [%]06.10.2015FROMCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME70.000000TOCHANGE OF COMPANY NAME70.00000001.09.2015FROMTRANSFER70.000000TOTRANSFER70.000000 -
Status reports
Status reports Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]