Main level
Main level Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID for TUFNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for transportation and utilisation facilitiestufNpdidTufintTUF nameName of the transportation and utilisation facilitytufNamevarchar(40)KindKind of transportation and utilisation facility. Legal values: ONSHORE PLANT, PIPELINE, TERMINAL, JOINT VENTUREtufKindvarchar(80)StatusStatus of the transportation and utilisation facility. Legal values: ACTIVE, INACTIVEtufStatusvarchar(40)Valid from dateDate the transportation and utilisation facility is valid fromtufDateValidFromdatetimeValid to dateDate the transportation and utilisation facility is valid totufDateValidTodatetimeFrom facilityFrom facilitytufStartPointvarchar(40)To facilityTo facilitytufEndPointvarchar(40)TUF fact pageUrl to the TUF FactPagetufFactPageUrlvarchar(200)tufGuiddescription heretufGuiduniqueidentifier -
Sub level – Operator
Sub level – Operator Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID TUFNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for transportation and utilisation facilitiestufNpdidTufintNPDID operator companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for operator companycmpNpdidCompanyintKindKind of transportation and utilisation facility. Legal values: ONSHORE PLANT, PIPELINE, TERMINAL, JOINT VENTUREtufKindvarchar(80)TUFName of the transportation and utilisation facilitytufNamevarchar(40)Date valid fromThe date the company's operatorship is valid fromtufOperDateValidFromdatetimeDate valid toThe date the company's operatorship is valid totufOperDateValidTodatetimeCompany fact pageURL to the company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Operator companyOperator company for this TUFcmpLongNamevarchar(100) -
Sub level – Owners
Sub level – Owners Attibute headingDescriptionTagData typeNPDID for TUFNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for transportation and utilisation facilitiestufNpdidTufintNPDID owner companyNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for companiescmpNpdidCompanyintKindKind of transportation and utilisation facility. Legal values: ONSHORE PLANT, PIPELINE, TERMINAL, JOINT VENTUREtufKindvarchar(80)TUFName of the transportation and utilisation facilitytufNamevarchar(40)Date valid fromThe date the company's ownership is valid fromtufOwnerDateValidFromdatetimeDate valid toThe date the company's ownership is valid totufOwnerDateValidTodatetimeOwner companyOwner company for this TUFcmpLongNamevarchar(100)Share [%]The company's share in percent.tufOwnerSharedecimalCompany fact pageURL to the company's FactPage on Norwegian Offshore Directorate's FactWEBcmpFactPageUrlvarchar(200) -
Sub level – Petroleum register , Main level (in Norwegian only)
Sub level – Petroleum register , Main level (in Norwegian only) HeadingDescriptionTagData typeTillatelseNavn på tillatelsen i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlNamevarchar(40)NPDID for TUFSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for transport og utnyttelsesanleggtufNpdidTufintGyldig fra datoDato tillatelsen er gyldig fra.ptlDateValidFromdatetimeGyldig til datoDato tillatelsen er gyldig til.ptlDateValidTodatetimeDato for tildelingDato tillatelsen ble tildelt av norske myndigheter.ptlDateAwardeddatetimeDato hovednivå oppdatertDato for når informasjon om denne Petroleumsregister tillatelsen ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang. Datoen vil bare bli forandret dersom data i 'Hovednivå' blir forandret.ptlDateUpdateddatetimeFactpages petroleum registerUrl to factpages petroleum registerptlFactPageUrlvarchar(200)Dato alle oppdatertDato når noe informasjon om denne Petroleumsregister tillatelsen ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang. Datoen vil også bli forandret dersom data i noen av 'Undernivåene' blir forandret.ptlDateUpdatedMaxdatetime -
Sub level – Petroleum register , Licencees (in Norwegian only)
Sub level – Petroleum register , Licencees (in Norwegian only) HeadingDescriptionTagData typeTillatelseNavn på tillatelsen i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlNamevarchar(40)NPDID for TUFSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for transport og utnyttelsesanlegg.tufNpdidTufintNPDID for selskapSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for selskap.cmpNpdidCompanyintTUFNavn på transport og utnyttelsesanlegget.tufNamevarchar(40)SelskapSelskapets offisielle navn.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Andel [%]Selskapets andel i prosent.ptlLicenseeInterestnumericDato oppdatertDato når denne posten ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang.ptlLicenseeDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Petroleum register , Operatorship (in Norwegian (only)
Sub level – Petroleum register , Operatorship (in Norwegian (only) HeadingDescriptionTagData typeTillatelseNavn på tillatelsen i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlNamevarchar(40)NPDID for TUFSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for transport og utnyttelsesanlegg.tufNpdidTufintNPDID for selskapSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for selskap.cmpNpdidCompanyintTUFNavn på transport og utnyttelsesanlegget.tufNamevarchar(40)SelskapSelskapets offisielle navn.cmpLongNamevarchar(100)Dato oppdatertDato når denne posten ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang.ptlOperDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Petroleum register , Messages (in Norwegian only)
Sub level – Petroleum register , Messages (in Norwegian only) HeadingDescriptionTagData typeTillatelseNavn på tillatelsen i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlNamevarchar(40)NPDID for TUFSokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for transport og utnyttelsesanlegg.tufNpdidTufintUtdrag av dokumentUtdrag av dokumentet, orginal dokumentet er registert i SokkeldirektoratetptlMessagevarchar(2000)MerknadMerknad. Hvis ikke meldingen er konferert (kvalitetskontrollert) i Sokkeldirektoratet, vil det stå 'Ikke konferert', ellers er dette feltet blankt.ptlMessageRemarkvarchar(14)TypeType dokument. Eksempel på lovlig verdier: Heftelse,Ny tillatelse, Endring i tillatelse,Sletting av heftelse, Andre meldinger.ptlMessageKindDescvarchar(2000)RegistreringsdatoDato dokumentet er registret i Petroleumsregisteret.ptlMessageRegisteredDatedatetimeTUFNavn på transport og utnyttelsesanlegget.tufNamevarchar(40)Dato oppdatertDato når denne posten ble oppdatert sist eller lagt inn for første gang.ptlMessageDateUpdateddatetime -
Sub level – Pipeline
Sub level – Pipeline HeadingDescriptionTagData typePipeline nameNorwegian Offshore Directorate's official name of pipelinepplNamevarchar(200)NPDID pipelineNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for pipelinespplNpdidPipelineintMap labelName used in the mappplMapLabelvarchar(100)Belongs toName of the TUF or Field the pipeline belongs to.pplBelongsToNamevarchar(50)Current operatorName of the company that is currently operator of the pipelinecmpLongNamevarchar(100)Current phaseCurrent phase for the pipeline. Examples of legal values:FUTURE, REMOVED, IN SERVICE, INSTALLATION, DECOMMISSIONED, ABANDONED IN PLACEpplCurrentPhasevarchar(40)Phase valid fromDate from, current phasepplCurrentPhaseFromDatedatetimeFrom facilityName of facility where the pipeline startsfclNameFromvarchar(50)To facilityName of facility where the pipeline endsfclNameTovarchar(50)Main groupingName of main grouping of pipeline. Example of legal values: Transportation, FeederpplMainGroupingNamevarchar(100)Dimension [inch]Pipeline dimension in inchespplDimensionrealMax water depth [m]Maximum waterdepth [m]pplWaterDepthrealMediumMedium transported in the pipeline.pplMediumvarchar(40)NPDID belongs toNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the information carrier the pipeline belongs topplNpdidBelongsTointNPDID facility fromNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the facility where the pipeline startsfclNpdidFacilityFromintNPDID facility toNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the facility where the pipeline endsfclNpdidFacilityTointNPDID operatorNorwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the company operating the pipelinecmpNpdidCompanyintDate updatedDate when this record was updated last or inserted the first time.pplDateUpdateddatetimeFact pageURL to the pipeline on Norwegian Offshore Directorate factpagespplFactPageUrlvarchar(200)FactmapsURL to the pipeline on Norwegian Offshore Directorate factmappplFactMapUrlvarchar(200)