34/10-A-48 E
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Licencees on drillpermit date
Licencees on drillpermit date Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longnameInterest [%]16.05.201851.00000030.00000019.000000 -
Operator on drillpermit date
Operator on drillpermit date Date valid fromDate valid toCompany longname16.05.2018 -
Area on drillpermit date
Area on drillpermit date Date valid fromDate valid toBlock namePolygon numberPolygon area
[km2]Vertical limitations01.01.202134/1013834/1073All levels except Brentgroup and Statfjordgroup east of the main fault between Gullfaks South and Valemon North.34/1033Does not apply for levels two meters above the top of the Brentgroup and down to two meters of the bottom of the Statfjordfm.34/10626Does not apply for levels two meters above the top of the Brentgroup and down to two meters of the bottom of the Statfjordfm.34/10921934/1083All levels except Brentgroup and Statfjordgroup east of the main fault between Gullfaks South and Valemon North.34/1043Does not apply for levels two meters above the top of the Brentgroup and down to two meters of the bottom of the Statfjordfm.34/10526Does not apply for levels two meters above the top of the Brentgroup and down to two meters of the bottom of the Statfjordfm.34/1024Applies for the Lunde and Lomvi fm.