
Generell informasjon
GeneralThe objective for the well 9/2-5 was to appraise the extension of the oil-bearing sequence in the Beta East structure on the Yme field.Operations and resultsAppraisal well 9/2-5 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation "DeepSea Bergen" on 23 June 1995 and drilled to a total depth of 3355 m in the Middle Jurassic Bryne Formation. The well was drilled with very small target tolerances, hence a directional assembly with motor was utilized in order to steer. The well had a final inclination of 2.1° and hit target according to tolerances. The well was drilled 13 days faster than planned; especially the drilling operations went faster than expected. The well was planned and drilled without the use of 20" casing, which gave substantial time saving. The well was drilled with seawater and hi-vis pills down to 1750 m and KCl mud with glycol from 1750 m to TD. The Sandnes and the Bryne Formations were penetrated slightly deeper than prognosed. Both proved better reservoir quality than expected based on information from the well 9/2-3. FMT sampling proved that the Beta East structure has the same oil gradient and water gradient as the Gamma structure. The oil/water contact was recorded at 3270 m TVD (3247 m TVD MSL). Two cores were cut in the interval 3154 to 3193 m in the Sandnes Formation. Several FMT runs were initiated to obtain representative formation fluid samples from the Sandnes Formation. The content of the first segregated sample, Run 2A, confirmed considerable invasion of mud filtrate and made it necessary to increase the volume of the pre-flush chamber. This change in tool configuration led to several misruns due to operational tool failures. Finally, in Run 2F, indications of a successful segregated sample were obtained and the 4-liter PVT chamber was transferred to standard PVT bottles for onshore PVT analysis. One more attempt, Run 2G, was performedTestingNo drill stem test was performed -
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaks tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YESBorekaks i Sokkeldirektoratet Borekaksprøve, topp dybde [m]Borekaksprøve, bunn dybde [m]1590.003355.00 -
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet
Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerneprøve nummerKjerneprøve - topp dybdeKjerneprøve - bunn dybdeKjerneprøve dybde - enhet13154.03163.6[m ]23164.53192.9[m ]Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Total kjerneprøve lengde [m]38.0Borekjerner i Sokkeldirektoratet Kjerner tilgjengelig for prøvetaking?YES -
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet
Palynologiske preparater i Sokkeldirektoratet Prøve dybdeDybde enhetPrøve typeLaboratorie2990.0[m]DCGEOSTR3006.0[m]DCGEOSTR3018.0[m]DCGEOSTR3030.0[m]DCGEOSTR3042.0[m]DCGEOSTR3054.0[m]DCGEOSTR3066.0[m]DCGEOSTR3078.0[m]DCGEOSTR3080.0[m]DCGEOSTR3090.0[m]DCGEOSTR3100.0[m]DCGEOSTR3102.0[m]DCGEOSTR3110.0[m]DCGEOSTR3114.0[m]DCGEOSTR3125.3[m]DCGEOSTR3138.0[m]DCGEOSTR3144.0[m]DCGEOSTR3150.0[m]DCGEOSTR3154.0[m]DCGEOSTR3156.0[m]DCGEOSTR3158.5[m]CGEOSTR3159.0[m]DCGEOSTR3167.8[m]CGEOSTR3171.5[m]CGEOSTR3172.9[m]CGEOSTR3173.2[m]CGEOSTR3181.9[m]CGEOSTR3183.5[m]CGEOSTR3184.7[m]CGEOSTR3191.4[m]CGEOSTR3195.0[m]DCGEOSTR3201.0[m]DCGEOSTR3207.0[m]DCGEOSTR3213.0[m]DCGEOSTR3222.0[m]DCGEOSTR3228.0[m]DCGEOSTR3234.0[m]DCGEOSTR3240.0[m]DCGEOSTR3246.0[m]DCGEOSTR3252.0[m]DCGEOSTR3261.0[m]DCGEOSTR3267.0[m]DCGEOSTR3273.0[m]DCGEOSTR3279.0[m]DCGEOSTR3285.0[m]DCGEOSTR3291.0[m]DCGEOSTR3297.0[m]DCGEOSTR3303.0[m]DCGEOSTR3309.0[m]DCGEOSTR3315.0[m]DCGEOSTR3321.0[m]DCGEOSTR3327.0[m]DCGEOSTR3333.0[m]DCGEOSTR3339.0[m]DCGEOSTR3345.0[m]DCGEOSTR3351.0[m]DCGEOSTR3355.0[m]DCGEOSTR -
Litostratigrafi Topp Dyb [mMD RKB]Litostrat. enhet100414923923961988102010351035113413861795183218321849194525952595270630213078314631463263 -
Spleisede logger
Spleisede logger Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]pdf0.36 -
Dokumenter – rapportert av utvinningstillatelsen (frigitt ihht til regelverk)
Dokumenter – rapportert av utvinningstillatelsen (frigitt ihht til regelverk) Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]pdf8.03 -
Logger Type loggTopp dyp for logg [m]Bunn dyp for logg [m]DIFL ACL GR15723124DIFL ACL ZDL CN GR30953354DIPLOG GR24003115DLL MLL DSL33122253DPR31253355DPR TF4-5A1443125FMT CHT OD GR31523322ZOVSP5003105 -
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester
Foringsrør og formasjonsstyrketester Type utforingUtforing diam.
[tommer]Utforing dybde
[m]Brønnbane diam.
[tommer]Brønnbane dyp
[m]LOT/FIT slam eqv.
[g/cm3]Type formasjonstestSURF.COND.30159.036160.00.00LOTCONDUCTOR13 3/81572.017 1/21573.01.81LOTINTERM.9 5/83115.012 1/43117.01.80LOTLINER73355.08 1/23355.00.00LOT -
Boreslam Dybde MD [m]Egenvekt, slam [g/cm3]Viskositet, slam [mPa.s]Flytegrense [Pa]Type slamDato, måling2401.03WATER BASED26.06.199512181.0326.026.0WATER BASED26.06.199515861.4019.021.5WATER BASED28.06.199515861.0318.039.0WATER BASED29.06.199516601.0418.039.0WATER BASED30.06.199518251.4527.015.5WATER BASED03.07.199522301.4226.017.5WATER BASED03.07.199527101.5032.015.5WATER BASED04.07.199528191.4225.016.0WATER BASED03.07.199529751.5032.015.5WATER BASED04.07.199531151.4025.016.5WATER BASED17.07.199531151.4024.018.0WATER BASED18.07.199531151.4025.017.0WATER BASED12.07.199531251.4020.016.0WATER BASED11.07.199531541.4020.016.0WATER BASED11.07.199531661.4025.017.0WATER BASED11.07.199532341.4025.017.0WATER BASED12.07.199532841.4023.015.5WATER BASED14.07.199533291.4023.017.0WATER BASED14.07.199533551.4025.016.5WATER BASED17.07.1995 -
Trykkplott Porertrykksdataene kommer fra logging i brønnen hvis ingen annen kilde er oppgitt. I noen brønner der trykk ikke er logget, er det brukt informasjon fra formasjonstester eller brønnspark. Trykkdataene er rapportert inn til Oljedirektoratet og videre prosessert og kvalitetssikret av IHS Markit.Trykkplott Dokument navnDokument formatDokumentstørrelse [MB]PDF0.22