
General information
Picture Picture not available -
Discoveries included
Discoveries included Discovery name -
Activity status — history
Activity status — history StatusStatus fromStatus toApproved for production27.06.2023 -
Located in
PDO – Plan for Development and Operations
PDO – Plan for Development and Operations Date PDO approvedDescriptionType27.06.2023Behandlet i Stortinget 5.6.2023 godkjenningsbrev fra OED datert 27.6.2023.PDO -
Ownership — full history
Ownership — full history Owner kindOwner nameOwnership from dateOwnership to datePRODUCTION LICENSE27.06.2023 -
Operatorship — full history
Operatorship — full history Company nameOperatorship fromOperatorship to27.06.2023 -
Licensees — full history
Licensees — full history Company nameNation codeCompany share [%]Date licensee fromDate licensee toNO87.70000026.09.2024NO12.30000026.09.2024NO87.70000027.06.202325.09.2024NO12.30000027.06.202325.09.2024 -
Description TypeTextDate updatedDevelopmentHugin is a field in the Yggdrasil area in the central North Sea, 20 kilometres east of the Frigg field. The water depth is 120 metres. Hugin consists of three discoveries: Frigg Gamma Delta, Rind and Langfjellet. The first discovery was made in 1986 when Frigg Gamma was discovered. The plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 2023. The plan comprises the development of the Hugin discoveries and the redevelopment of the Frøy field. The development concept includes a process facility with living quarters, Hugin A, and a normally unmanned facility at Frøy, Hugin B, as well as subsea templates tied-back to Hugin A. Hugin A will be the field centre for the Yggdrasil area.18.01.2025ReservoirThe reservoirs contain oil and gas in sandstone mainly of Eocene age in the Frigg Formation and of Middle Jurassic age in the Hugin Formation, at depths of 1900 and 3500 metres, respectively. The Hugin area is geologically complex, and the deposits have varying reservoir and fluid properties.09.12.2023Recovery strategyLangfjellet, Frøy and Rind will be produced with pressure support by water injection. Frigg Gamma Delta will be produced by pressure depletion, and the produced water is planned to be reinjected into the water zone.12.08.2023TransportThe gas will be exported through a pipeline from Hugin A to Statpipe and the Kårstø terminal. The oil will be exported through pipeline from Hugin A to the Grane oil pipeline and further to the Sture terminal.23.08.2023StatusThe field is under development. The development of Hugin is coordinated with the development of the Fulla and Munin fields in the Yggdrasil area. The production is planned to start in 2027. Nearby prospects may be tested in a later drilling campaign and produced through remaining well slots.09.12.2023 -
Investments (expected)
Investments (expected) The operator's future investments related to the reserves from 2024 [mill NOK 2024-kroner]. The stated investment estimate has not been corrected for possible investment sharing.65910 -
Investments (historical)
Investments (historical) Investments
[mill NOK nominal values]Sum838220238290202292202102020020190201802017020160201502014020130201202011020100 -
Production , saleable
Production , saleable MonthNet - oil
[mill Sm3]Net - gas
[bill Sm3]Net - condensate
[mill Sm3]Net - NGL
[mill Sm3]Net - oil equivalents
[mill Sm3] -
Production , sum wellbores
Production , sum wellbores MonthGross - oil
[mill Sm3]Gross - gas
[bill Sm3]Gross - condensate
[mill Sm3]Gross - oil equivalents
[mill Sm3] -
Production – charts
Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Any produced water is only included after 1.1.2000 -
Wellbores – exploration
Wellbores – exploration Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeStatusContent08.03.197604.08.1976WILDCATP&AOIL/GAS01.08.197715.11.1977APPRAISALP&AOIL SHOWS02.12.198519.03.1986WILDCATSUSPENDEDOIL/GAS16.09.198722.09.1987WILDCATP&AOIL/GAS20.02.198710.05.1987APPRAISALP&AOIL/GAS06.09.198925.01.1990APPRAISALP&AOIL/GAS07.09.200911.10.2009WILDCATP&AOIL11.09.201619.10.2016APPRAISALP&AOIL19.10.201630.10.2016APPRAISALP&ADRY31.10.201617.11.2016APPRAISALP&AOIL06.08.201611.09.2016WILDCATP&AOIL27.08.201711.09.2017APPRAISALP&AOIL11.05.202302.06.2023WILDCATP&AOIL -
Wellbores – development
Wellbores – development Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeContent -
Wellbores – other
Wellbores – other Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeStatus15.04.202116.04.2021SHALLOW GASPLUGGED