
General information
Wellbore history
GeneralWell 6407/7-2 was drilled on the Njord A-structure in the southern part of the Halten Terrace. The Njord structure is located ca 30 km west of the Draugen Field. The primary objectives of the well were to test the reservoir properties of the pre-Tilje sequence and to find the oil-water contact in the central part of the A-structure. By this the volumetric potential of the structure could be established. The well would furthermore obtain seismic calibration to the base Cretaceous and intra Jurassic and intra Triassic events. It should penetrate a flat seismic event at approximately 2570 ms TWT. A Rogn Formation sand unit was expected at 2598 +/- 65 m.Operations and resultsWell 6407/7-2 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation Polar Pioneer on 20 November 1986. The 36" hole was drilled to 361 m where the MWD showed an inclination of 7.1 degrees. A respud was thus decided. The well was respudded on 20 November and drilled without significant problems to TD at 3320 m in the Triassic Red Beds. It was drilled with spud mud down to 780 m and with KCl/polymer mud from 780 m to TD.No Rogn Formation was encountered. Hydrocarbons were encountered in two different pressured reservoir zones in the Middle to Early Jurassic. The upper reservoir was a 14 m gas/condensate zone in the Ile Formation from 2697.5 m to 2711.5 m. A segregated RFT sample from this zone recovered gas and condensate. The lower and main reservoir zone was encountered from 2771 to 2877.5 m in the Tilje Formation and contained oil. Two drill stem testes were performed in this zone. The Åre Formation was encountered at 2877.5 m and consisted of sandstones with minor claystones and siltstones. The Åre Formation sandstones were cemented and with low porosity. The logs and cores proved the Åre Formation to be water bearing, although moderate quality RFT pressure data gave an oil gradient in the interval 2896 to 2925 m.Eleven cores were cut in the well with a total recovery of 171.25 m (87%). The first core was cut in the interval 2673 - 2688 m, two cores in the interval 2701 - 2742 m, and 8 cores in the interval 2775 - 2915 m. A segregated RFT sample from 2701.9 m recovered 2.1 Sm3 gas, 1.85 l condensate, and 0.9 l filtrate.The well was suspended on 21 January 1987 as a possible future development well or for long term testing. It is classified as an oil appraisal well.TestingTwo drill stem tests were performed in the Tilje Formation main reservoir.DST 1 in the interval 2869.8 - 2878.8 m produced 125 Sm3 oil and 23750 Sm3 gas /day through a 12.7 mm choke. The GOR was 190, the oil density was 0.829 g/cm3, and the gas gravity was 0.744 (air = 1). The CO2 content was 1.5 percent and the H2S content was 0.2 ppm. The down hole temperature measured in the test was 109.0 deg C.DST 2 in the interval 2801.5 - 2819.5 m produced 575 Sm3 oil and 105800 Sm3 gas /day through a 12.7 mm choke. The GOR was 184, the oil density was 0.825 g/cm3, and the gas gravity was 0.0.685 (air = 1). The CO2 content was 1.5 percent and the H2S content was 1.5 ppm. The down hole temperature measured in the test was 111.2 deg C. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]780.003320.00 -
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Core sample numberCore sample - top depthCore sample - bottom depthCore sample depth - uom12673.02686.9[m ]22701.02718.9[m ]32723.02739.6[m ]42775.02787.1[m ]52791.52803.2[m ]62804.52823.5[m ]72823.52841.1[m ]82841.52869.4[m ]92869.52869.8[m ]102879.02896.0[m ]112896.02913.6[m ]Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Total core sample length [m]171.3Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cores available for sampling?YES -
Core photos
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory2675.9[m]COD2676.1[m]COD -
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Test typeBottle numberTop depth
MD [m]Bottom depth
MD [m]Fluid typeTest timeSamples availableDST2869.002878.0006.01.1987 - 00:00YESDSTDST22801.502819.50OIL12.01.1987 - 00:00YES -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit361361107817231723178619592467263726372652266826682681269727122771287829342980 -
Geochemical information
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired) Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf9.41pdf9.10 -
Drill stem tests (DST)
Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFrom depth MD
[m]To depth MD
[m]Choke size
[mm]1.02870287912.72.02802282012.7Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFinal shut-in pressure
[MPa]Final flow pressure
[MPa]Bottom hole pressure
[MPa]Downhole temperature
[°C]1.02.0Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberOil
[Sm3/day]Oil density
[g/cm3]Gas grav. rel.airGOR
[m3/m3]1.0125240000.8290.7441902.05751060000.8250.685184 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]CBL VDL4351501CBL VDL13003248CET GR24913184CST GR17082550CST GR25523315CST GR25533315DIL LSS GR SP15012548DITE LSS MSFL GR SP25333320DLL SP26003000LDL CNL NGT25333321MWD - GR RES DIR3612520MWD - GR RES DIR30253305RFT GR26982884RFT GR27012925RFT GR28163093SHDT GR15012550SHDT GR25333320VSP10803260 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR30445.036446.00.00LOTINTERM.13 3/8757.017 1/21517.01.76LOTINTERM.9 5/82535.012 1/42550.01.87LOTLINER73316.08 1/23320.00.00LOT -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured3821.0599.099.0WATERBASED20.11.19864061.0599.099.0WATERBASED21.11.19864461.05WATERBASED24.11.19866500.00WATERBASED19.01.19877801.05WATERBASED24.11.19867800.0018.010.0WATERBASED26.11.198610001.4711.012.0WATER BASED22.03.199011601.2024.018.0WATERBASED25.11.198615171.3020.013.0WATERBASED27.11.198615170.0020.015.0WATERBASED30.11.198615170.0022.09.0WATERBASED30.11.198618391.6030.015.0WATERBASED30.11.198620161.6033.010.0WATER BASED02.12.198621901.6028.08.0WATER BASED02.12.198622301.6028.08.0WATERBASED03.12.198623101.6030.010.0WATERBASED04.12.198623721.4819.011.0WATER BASED22.03.199024091.6025.07.0WATERBASED06.12.198624641.4719.010.0WATER BASED22.03.199025131.6027.09.0WATERBASED06.12.198625351.4920.04.0WATERBASED10.12.198625350.0021.05.0WATERBASED11.12.198625501.6025.08.0WATERBASED06.12.198625500.0029.09.0WATERBASED09.12.198625500.0029.09.0WATERBASED08.12.198625531.4817.08.0WATERBASED14.12.198625821.4820.08.0WATERBASED14.12.198626511.4824.08.0WATERBASED14.12.198626801.4821.08.0WATERBASED15.12.198627011.4821.08.0WATERBASED16.12.198627311.4819.07.0WATERBASED17.12.198627751.4822.08.0WATERBASED18.12.198627941.4811.07.0WATER BASED22.03.199027961.4820.06.0WATERBASED19.01.198728051.4823.08.0WATERBASED20.12.198628191.4824.08.0WATERBASED14.01.198728190.0020.06.0WATERBASED19.01.198728190.0020.06.0WATERBASED15.01.198728190.0020.06.0WATERBASED16.01.198728421.4822.08.0WATERBASED20.12.198628591.4823.08.0WATERBASED13.01.198728611.4819.07.0WATERBASED12.01.198728791.4823.07.0WATERBASED20.12.198629151.4824.08.0WATERBASED23.12.198629701.4818.011.0WATER BASED22.03.199029941.4825.09.0WATERBASED29.12.198630281.4823.08.0WATERBASED30.12.198630391.4823.08.0WATERBASED30.12.198630781.4823.08.0WATERBASED30.12.198631821.4824.09.0WATERBASED30.12.198632651.4822.07.0WATERBASED06.01.198732650.0022.07.0WATERBASED06.01.198732650.0022.07.0WATERBASED07.01.198732650.0021.05.0WATERBASED09.01.198732650.0023.06.0WATERBASED12.01.198732650.0018.06.0WATERBASED12.01.198732651.4817.012.0WATER BASED22.03.199032651.4817.016.0WATER BASED22.03.199032651.4818.015.0WATER BASED23.03.199032651.4817.014.0WATER BASED26.03.199032651.4717.014.0WATER BASED26.03.199032651.4714.013.0WATER BASED27.03.199032651.4714.012.0WATER BASED28.03.199032651.4715.014.0WATER BASED02.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED02.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED02.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED04.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED04.04.199032651.4715.012.0WATER BASED06.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED09.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED09.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED10.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED11.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED18.04.199032651.4815.012.0WATER BASED18.04.199032651.4814.09.0WATER BASED18.04.199032651.4715.014.0WATER BASED18.04.199032651.021.01.0WATER BASED18.04.199032651.4715.014.0WATER BASED24.04.199032651.4715.014.0WATER BASED24.04.199032651.4715.014.0WATER BASED24.04.199032651.4715.014.0WATER BASED24.04.199032651.4713.013.0WATER BASED27.04.199032651.4513.012.0WATER BASED27.04.199032651.4812.012.0WATER BASED30.03.199032651.4815.017.0WATER BASED30.03.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED05.04.199032651.4815.013.0WATER BASED09.04.199032651.4715.014.0WATER BASED18.04.199032651.4715.014.0WATER BASED25.04.199032650.0022.07.0WATERBASED09.01.198732661.4925.06.0WATERBASED05.01.198732761.4824.010.0WATERBASED30.12.198633200.0024.06.0WATERBASED05.01.198733201.4823.08.0WATERBASED30.12.198633200.0023.08.0WATERBASED02.01.198733200.0024.08.0WATERBASED02.01.1987 -
Thin sections at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Thin sections at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate DepthUnit2701.60[m ]2710.90[m ]2806.90[m ]2811.60[m ]2842.60[m ]2853.60[m ]2868.30[m ]2895.40[m ]2911.90[m ] -
Pressure plots
Pressure plots The pore pressure data is sourced from well logs if no other source is specified. In some wells where pore pressure logs do not exist, information from Drill stem tests and kicks have been used. The data has been reported to the NPD, and further processed and quality controlled by IHS Markit.Pressure plots Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.28