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General information
Discoveries included
Discoveries included Discovery name -
Activity status — history
Activity status — history StatusStatus fromStatus toProducing05.11.2021Approved for production06.04.201804.11.2021 -
Located in
Located in Block nameProd. licence6507/3 -
PDO – Plan for Development and Operations
PDO – Plan for Development and Operations Date PDO approvedDescriptionType06.04.2018Godkjent av OEDPDO -
Ownership — full history
Ownership — full history Owner kindOwner nameOwnership from dateOwnership to datePRODUCTION LICENSE06.04.2018 -
Operatorship — full history
Operatorship — full history Company nameOperatorship fromOperatorship to06.04.2018 -
Licensees — full history
Licensees — full history Company nameNation codeCompany share [%]Date licensee fromDate licensee toNO30.00000023.12.2024NO30.00000023.12.2024NO28.08250023.12.2024NO11.91750023.12.2024NO30.00000026.09.202422.12.2024NO30.00000026.09.202422.12.2024NO28.08250026.09.202422.12.2024NO11.91750026.09.202422.12.2024NO30.00000002.04.202425.09.2024NO30.00000002.04.202425.09.2024NO28.08250002.04.202425.09.2024NO11.91750002.04.202425.09.2024NO30.00000013.11.201901.04.2024NO30.00000013.11.201901.04.2024NO25.00000013.11.201901.04.2024NO15.00000013.11.201901.04.2024NO30.00000016.05.201812.11.2019NO30.00000016.05.201812.11.2019NO25.00000016.05.201812.11.2019NO15.00000016.05.201812.11.2019NO30.00000006.04.201815.05.2018NO30.00000006.04.201815.05.2018NO25.00000006.04.201815.05.2018NO15.00000006.04.201815.05.2018 -
Description TypeTextDate updatedDevelopmentÆrfugl Nord is a field in the northern part of the Norwegian Sea, just west of the Skarv field. The water depth is 350-450 metres. Ærfugl Nord was discovered in 2012, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 2018. The Ærfugl Nord development includes one production well tied-back to the Skarv production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO). The production started in 2021.14.12.2023ReservoirThe reservoir contains gas and condensate in sandstone of Late Cretaceous age in the Lysing Formation. It is at a depth of 2800 metres and has good quality.14.12.2023Recovery strategyThe field is produced by depletion.28.02.2023TransportThe well stream is transported to the Skarv FPSO for processing. The condensate is offloaded to shuttle tankers, while the gas is transported to the Kårstø terminal in an 80-kilometre pipeline connected to the Åsgard Transport System (ÅTS).28.02.2023StatusThe production has been slightly higher in 2023 than expected, due to higher well productivity and uptime at the Skarv FPSO.14.12.2023 -
Investments (expected)
Investments (expected) -
Investments (historical)
Investments (historical) Investments
[mill NOK nominal values]Sum172720230202266202189720206262019138 -
Production , saleable
Production , saleable MonthNet - oil
[mill Sm3]Net - gas
[bill Sm3]Net - condensate
[mill Sm3]Net - NGL
[mill Sm3]Net - oil equivalents
[mill Sm3]Sum0.1545731.7220520.0000000.1908452.0674700.0268200.3252670.0000000.0384680.3905550.0587850.7041270.0000000.0769220.8398340.0723330.6682220.0000000.0725950.813150-0.0033650.0244360.0000000.0028600.023931 -
Production , sum wellbores
Production , sum wellbores MonthGross - oil
[mill Sm3]Gross - gas
[bill Sm3]Gross - condensate
[mill Sm3]Gross - oil equivalents
[mill Sm3]Sum0.2054392.2895460.0000002.4949850.0228190.3454100.0000000.3682290.0598630.7453160.0000000.8051790.1049841.0252570.0000001.1302410.0177730.1735630.0000000.191336 -
Production – charts
Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Any produced water is only included after 1.1.2000 -
Wellbores – exploration
Wellbores – exploration Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeStatusContent01.06.201215.07.2012WILDCATP&AGAS -
Wellbores – development
Wellbores – development Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeContent29.01.202111.02.2021OBSERVATIONNOT APPLICABLE12.02.202118.02.2021PRODUCTIONGAS/CONDENSATE -
Wellbores – other
Wellbores – other Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeStatus