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General information
Discoveries included
Activity status — history
Activity status — history StatusStatus fromStatus toShut down03.07.2018Producing31.03.201202.07.2018Approved for production25.06.201030.03.2012 -
Located in
PDO – Plan for Development and Operations
PDO – Plan for Development and Operations Date PDO approvedDescriptionType25.06.2010Kongen i statsrådPDO -
Ownership — full history
Ownership — full history Owner kindOwner nameOwnership from dateOwnership to datePRODUCTION LICENSE25.06.201031.12.2020 -
Operatorship — full history
Operatorship — full history Company nameOperatorship fromOperatorship to25.05.201631.12.202025.06.201024.05.2016 -
Licensees — full history
Licensees — full history Company nameNation codeCompany share [%]Date licensee fromDate licensee toNO60.00000001.04.202031.12.2020NO40.00000001.04.202031.12.2020NO60.00000031.08.201631.03.2020NO40.00000031.08.201631.03.2020NO60.00000025.06.201030.08.2016NO40.00000025.06.201030.08.2016 -
Description TypeTextDate updatedDevelopmentGaupe is a field in the central part of the North Sea close to the border to the UK sector, about 35 kilometres south of the Sleipner Øst field. The water depth is 90 metres. Gaupe was discovered in 1985, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 2010. The development concept was two single horizontal subsea wells tied to the Armada installation on the UK continental shelf. Production started in 2012.28.02.2023ReservoirGaupe produced oil and gas from two structures, Gaupe South and Gaupe North. Most of the resources were in sandstone in the Triassic Skagerrak Formation, while some were in Middle Jurassic sandstone. The reservoirs are at a depth of 3000 metres. The two structures had a gas cap overlying an oil zone. Due to segmentation, the vertical and lateral connectivity in the field is poor.09.12.2023Recovery strategyThe field was produced by pressure depletion.28.02.2023TransportThe well stream was processed at the Armada installation for export to the UK. The rich gas was transported via the Central Area Transmission System (CATS) pipeline to Teesside in the UK, and liquids were transported via the Forties pipeline to Cruden Bay in the UK.28.02.2023StatusGaupe was shut down in 2018. Decommissioning of the subsea facilities must be completed by the end of 2028.09.12.2023 -
Investments (expected)
Investments (expected) -
Investments (historical)
Investments (historical) Investments
[mill NOK nominal values]Sum2321202302022020210202002019020180201702016-82015020140201311201223320111707201037820090 -
Production , saleable
Production , saleable MonthNet - oil
[mill Sm3]Net - gas
[bill Sm3]Net - condensate
[mill Sm3]Net - NGL
[mill Sm3]Net - oil equivalents
[mill Sm3]Sum0.2333870.4596140.0180880.0477920.7588810.0031150.0009790.0000260.0000800.0042000.0087970.0091970.0005480.0018710.0204130.0178460.0665150.0008310.0029320.0881240.0204700.0127480.0008610.0026750.0367540.0219680.0669140.0040370.0122040.1051230.0498330.1418500.0052290.0146950.2116070.1113580.1614110.0065560.0133350.292660 -
Production , sum wellbores
Production , sum wellbores MonthGross - oil
[mill Sm3]Gross - gas
[bill Sm3]Gross - condensate
[mill Sm3]Gross - oil equivalents
[mill Sm3]Sum0.0000000.5617770.2375140.7992910.0000000.0055970.0030010.0085980.0000000.0131640.0083800.0215440.0000000.0220120.0157010.0377130.0000000.0739160.0201920.0941080.0000000.0627410.0205360.0832770.0000000.1649560.0440880.2090440.0000000.2193910.1256160.345007 -
Production – charts
Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Production – charts Any produced water is only included after 1.1.2000 -
Wellbores – exploration
Wellbores – development
Wellbores – development Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeContent26.04.201123.05.2011PRODUCTIONOIL/GAS31.05.201130.06.2011PRODUCTIONOIL -
Wellbores – other
Wellbores – other Wellbore nameEntered dateCompleted datePurposeStatus