Factpages Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Factpages Norwegian Offshore Directorate
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08.10.2024 - 01:29
Time of last synchronization with Norwegian Offshore Directorate's internal systems

34/7-29 SR

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  • General information

    General information
    Attribute Value
    Wellbore name
    Official name of wellbore based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.
    34/7-29 SR
    Wellbore type. Legal values: EXPLORATION, DEVELOPMENT, OTHER (see 'Purpose' for more information)
    Final classification of the wellbore.

    Legal values for exploration wellbores:

    Legal values for development wellbores:

    Legal values for other wellbores:
    SOIL DRILLING (drilling in connection with track surveys and other subsurface surveys to investigate the soil conditions prior to placement of facilities),
    SHALLOW GAS (drilling to investigate shallow gas before the first 'real' drilling on the location),
    PILOT (drilling to investigate the geology and fluid connectors for location of the main wellbore),
    SCIENTIFIC (drilling according to Law of Scientific research and exploration),
    STRATIGRAPHIC (driling according to Law of Petroleum activities §2-1).
    Status for the wellbore. Legal values are:

    BLOWOUT: A blowout has occurred in the well.
    CLOSED: A development wellbore that has been closed in a shorter or longer periode. Also applies to development wellbores where drilling is completed, but production/injection has not yet been reported.
    DRILLING: The well is in the drilling phase - can be active drilling, logging, testing or plugging,
    JUNKED: The drilling operation has been terminated due to technical problems.
    P&A: Exploration: The well is plugged and abandoned, and can not be reentered for further use. Development wells: The production/injection from/to the well is stopped and the well is plugged. The wellhead is removed or else made unavailable for further well operations.
    PLUGGED: The wellbore has been plugged, but the upper parts of the wellbore can be re-used. A sidetrack might be drilled at a later stage.
    PRODUCING: It was produced from the wellbore at the time of the operators last monthly report to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.
    INJECTING: It was injected to the wellbore at the time of the operators last monthly report to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.
    PREDRILLED: The upper part of the well has been drilled, usually as part of a batch-drilling campaign covering several wellbores.
    RE-CLASS TO DEV: Exploration wellbore that is reclassified to a development wellbore.
    RE-CLASS TO TEST: Exploration wellbore that is reclassified to test production.
    SUSPENDED: The drilling operation in the wellbore has been temporarily stopped. The current plan is to continue drilling later on.
    Press release
    Factmaps in new window
    Main area
    Name of the area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf where the wellbore is located. Legal values: BARENTS SEA, NORWEGIAN SEA, NORTH SEA.
    Name of the discovery the wellbore is related to.
    Well name
    Official name of the parent well for the wellbore based on Norwegian Offshore Directorate guidelines for designation of wells and wellbores.
    Seismic location
    Position of spud location on seismic survey lines. SP: shotpoint.
    CMT-94R95: ROW 2038 & COLUMN 993
    Production licence
    Official designation of the production licence the wellbore was drilled or planned to be drilled from ( well head posistion).
    Drilling operator
    Name of the licensee starting the drilling operation on behalf of the active production license (well head position). This will usually equal the operator of the production license.
    Saga Petroleum ASA
    Drill permit
    The drilling permit number together with the version of the drilling permit as stated in the drilling permit granted by the Norwegian Offshore Directorate.
    Drilling facility
    Norwegian Offshore Directorate's name of the facility which the wellbore was drilled from.
    Drilling days
    Number of days from wellbore entry to wellbore completion.
    Entered date
    The date when he wellbore was spudded. For sidetracks: The date when new formation was drilled by kicking off from the mother-wellbore,
    Completed date
    Exploration wellbores from moveable facilities:
    For floating facilities - date when anchor handling is started. For jackups - date the jacking-down started. Exploration wellbores from fixed facilities and all development wellbores:
    Date when the wellbore is at total depth, and last casing, liner or screen is set. In case of immediate plugging of the wellbore, completed date equals the date the last plug i set in the wellbore.
    Date when the wellbore is at total depth, and last casing, liner or screen is set. In case of immediate plugging of the wellbore, completed date equals the date the last plug i set in the wellbore.
    Plugged and abondon date
    Date when the P&A-operations of the wellbore was finished, as reported by the operator to the Norwegian Offshore Directorate throught DDRS (Daily Drilling Reporting System). Only applied once pr. wellhead/surface location.
    Release date
    Date when raw data which has been reported to the authorities from the wellbore is not confidential any longer. Normally 2 years after finishing the drilling. May be earlier if the area of the production license is relinquished.
    Publication date
    Date quality control of the wellbore information was completed, so it can be published on the internet as a 'Well Data Summary Sheet' wellbore with more information available than other wellbores.
    Purpose - planned
    Pre-drill purpose of the wellbore. Legal values for exploration wellbores: WILDCAT, APPRAISAL, WILDCAT-CCS, APPRAISAL-CCS. Example of legal values for development wellbores: OBSERVATION, PRODUCTION, INJECTION.
    Status whether the wellbore has been re-entered (YES) or not (NO). Re-entered wellbores are not included in the count when wellbores are presented in statistical overviews.
    Reentry activity
    Reason for reentry of the wellbore. Only relevant for exploration wellbores. Example of legal values: DRILLING, DRILLING/PLUGGING, LOGGING, PLUGGING, TESTING, TESTING/PLUGGING.
    For exploration wellbores, status of discovery.

    Legal values:
    DRY, SHOWS (trace amounts of hydrocarbons), GAS, GAS/CONDENSATE, OIL or OIL/GAS.
    SHOWS (GAS SHOWS, OIL SHOWS or OIL/GAS SHOWS) are detected as fluorescent cut (organic extract), petroleum odour, or visual stain on cuttings or cores, or as increased gas reading on the mud-loggers gas detection equipment.
    Legal values for WILDCAT-CCS and APPRAISAL-CCS: WATER

    For development wellbores, type of produced/injected fluid.
    Legal values:
    Discovery wellbore
    Indicator which tells if the wellbore made a new discovery. Legal values: YES, NO. Prior to press-release or other information regarding drilling results, the indicator will be “NO” as a default.
    1st level with HC, age
    Age of lithostratigraphic unit, 1st level, where hydrocarbons were encountered. Examples of legal values: CRETACEOUS, EARLY CRETACEOUS, LATE JURASSIC, EOCENE. See also Norwegian Offshore Directorate bulletins.
    1st level with HC, formation
    Name of lithostartigraphic unit, 1st level, where hydrocarbons were encountered. Shown only for released wells. Examples of legal values: BASEMENT, COOK FM, EKOFISK FM, HEIMDAL FM, SANDNES FM, SOGNEFJORD FM, TARBERT FM, BRENT GP. See also Norwegian Offshore Directorate bulletins.
    Kelly bushing elevation [m]
    Elevation of the rotary kelly bushing (RKB) above mean sea level.
    Water depth [m]
    Depth in metres betweem mean sea level and sea floor.
    Total depth (MD) [m RKB]
    Total measured length of wellbore from kelly bushing to total depth (driller's depth).
    Final vertical depth (TVD) [m RKB]
    Vertical elevation from total depth to kelly bushing. Shown only for released wells. Referred to as true vertical depth (TVD).
    Maximum inclination [°]
    Maximum deviation, in degrees, from a vertical well path.Shown only for released wells.
    Bottom hole temperature [°C]
    Estimated temperature at final total depth of the wellbore. Shown only for released wells. See discription.
    Oldest penetrated age
    Age (according to Geologic Time Scale 2004 by F. M. Gradstein, et al. (2004)) of the oldest penetrated formation. May differ from age at TD for example in deviated wellbores. Examples of legal values: CRETACEOUS, EARLY CRETACEOUS, LATE JURASSIC, EARLY PERMIAN, EARLY TRIASSIC, EOCENE.
    Oldest penetrated formation
    Name of the oldest lithostratigraphic unit penetrated by the wellbore. Shown only for released wells. In most wellbores this is formation or group at total depth. May differ from formation or group at TD for example in wellbores drilled with high deviation or through faults. Examples of legal values: AMUNDSEN FM, BALDER FM, BASEMENT, BLODØKS FM, BRYNE FM, BURTON FM, COOK FM, DRAKE FM, DRAUPNE FM, EKOFISK FM, DUNLIN GP.
    Geodetic datum
    Reference system for coordinates. Example of legal values: ED50.
    NS degrees
    Geographic coordinate of the wellhead, north-south degrees.
    61° 21' 51.69'' N
    EW degrees
    Geographic coordinate of the wellhead, east-west degrees.
    2° 2' 23.37'' E
    NS UTM [m]
    Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate of the wellhead, north-south.
    EW UTM [m]
    Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate of the wellhead, east-west.
    UTM zone
    Universal Transverse Mercator zone. Examples of legal values: 31, 32, 33, 34.
    NPDID wellbore
    Norwegian Offshore Directorate's unique id for the wellbore.
  • Wellbore history

    Exploration well 34/7-29 S was drilled in the west central part of block 34/7 on the H-North prospect. The H-North prospect was located SSE of the Vigdis field and NE of the Statfjord East field. The main objective of well 34/7-29 S was to test a northerly extension of the oil bearing Upper Jurassic Top Draupne Sands penetrated in wells 34/7-21, 21 A, 23 S & 23 A. The well was designed to test the presence of reservoir, hydrocarbons and pressure communication with the other H-Area segments. Reservoir presence was considered the primary risk. Seismic interpretation of the reservoir interval indicated communication with the H-West area, and pressure, sample and DST data were considered important to test this interpretation. In addition the well was to test for the presence of sands and possible hydrocarbons in the Middle and Lower Draupne Formation. Secondary objectives were to test the lithology and depositional model of the Palaeocene Lista Formation and tie the Top Brent seismic marker.
    Operations and results
    Exploration well 34/7-29 S was spudded with the semi-submersible installation "Transocean Leader" on 4 March 1998 and drilled and cored to TD at 2927 m (2848 m TVD RKB) in the 8 1/2" hole section 30 m into the Middle Jurassic Brent Group. A 7" liner was set and cemented. The well was drilled with Sea water and bentonite sweeps down to 1211 m and with "AQUACOL D" KCl / Glycol mud from 1211 m to 2558 m, and with "ANTISOL D" PAC mud from 2558 m to TD. Due to the presence of hydrocarbons and the requirement for the rig to go on contract for Norsk Hydro, the well was suspended on 14 April 1998 as an oil discovery. The semi-submersible drilling installation "Deepsea Bergen" re-entered well 34/7-29 S R on 22 February 1999 for testing.
    In the Nordland, Hordaland and Rogaland Groups the well penetrated mainly clay/claystones with some beds of sand. The Heimdal equivalent Member between 1928 -1999 m (1864 -1933 m TVD RKB) contained thick water wet sands. In the Shetland Group claystones and limestone beds were penetrated. The condensed Cromer Knoll Group consisted of marls, limestones and minor claystones. Core point was reached in the Cromer Knoll Group at 2701 m. The first core (2701 - 2718 m) penetrated the top of the Top intra Draupne Sand at 2705 m (2627 m TVD RKB) and contained oil bearing sands at the base. A second core was cut from 2718 to 2726 m from within the intra Draupne Sands and into the Draupne Shale. In total 17,7 m of sands were penetrated. MDT pressure samples acquired during logging indicated that the sands were all oil bearing and oil down to (ODT) of 2723 m (2622 m TVD MSL) was proved. No sands were penetrated within the Draupne Shale. Fluid samples proved the reservoir fluid to be undersaturated oil. The fluid samples were taken during the MDT run, using the Pump-Out module in combination with the Optical Fluid Analyser to limit contamination of mud filtrate. All fluid samples were taken at 2706.5 m. The quality of the samples and analyses was assumed to be good, because no significant differences were observed between the experimental results. Well 34/7-29 S R was permanently abandoned as an oil discovery on 17 March 1999.
    One zone in the intra Draupne Sandstone was tested, from 2704 - 2716 m. After clean-up pressure build-up period of 6.2 hours, the well was opened on a 6,4 mm (16/64") adjustable choke, for the main flow, through the heater. The choke size was increased in steps to 17,5 mm (44/64") fixed choke in about 1.5 hours. The flow was directed through the separator 0.75 hours after the well was opened. The main flow had a duration of 72 hours during which the oil rate decreased gradually from 920 Sm3/d to 875 m3/d. The wellhead pressure decreased from 84.0 bars to 80.6 bars during the same period. Final gas rate was 120000 m3/day, giving a GOR of 137 m3/m3. The oil density was 0.842 g/cm3. Bottom hole sampling after flowing was cancelled.
  • Lithostratigraphy

  • Geochemical information

    Geochemical information
    Document name
    Document format
    Document size [MB]
  • Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)

    Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
    Document name
    Document format
    Document size [MB]
  • Drill stem tests (DST)

    Drill stem tests (DST)
    Test number
    From depth MD
    To depth MD
    Choke size
    Drill stem tests (DST)
    Test number
    Final shut-in pressure
    Final flow pressure
    Bottom hole pressure
    Downhole temperature
    Drill stem tests (DST)
    Test number
    Oil density
    Gas grav. rel.air