
General information
Wellbore history
GeneralWell 7324/3-1 was drilled to test the Intrepid Eagle structure on the Bjarmeland Platform, about 13 km west of the 7325/1-1 Atlantis discovery in the Barents Sea. The objective was to test the hydrocarbon potential and phase in channelized sandstones at two levels within the Snadd Formation. The Primary target was the Carnian age Intrepid Eagle Main channel. The secondary target was the deeper-seated Atlantis channel, also of Triassic age, and in which a gas down-to situation was found in well 7325/1-1 (Atlantis).Operations and resultsWildcat well 7324/3-1 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation West Hercules on 15 October 2018 and drilled to 1709 m in the Late Triassic Snadd Formation. Operations proceeded without significant problems. The well was drilled with seawater and hi-vis pills down to 839 m and with KCl/polymer/GEM mud from 839 m to TD.A Stø Formation sand package was penetrated from 877 to 909 m and proved to be water bearing as expected. The primary target Intrepid Eagle Main channel sand of Carnian age was encountered at 1493 m. It was gas bearing with gas-water contact was at 1518.4 m. The secondary target Atlantis channel was encountered at 1642 m. It was gas-bearing down to a gas-water contact at 1666 m. The Atlantis channel is dated to the Middle Triassic (Ladinian). The reservoir quality in primary and secondary targets is moderate. The porosity is generally good (22% in average in Intrepid-Eagle Main, 17% in average in Atlantis). However, the permeability is limited (around 100 mD in the best parts of Intrepid-Eagle Main, 30-40 mD in the best parts of Atlantis).Oil shows in the form of fluorescence and cut were recorded almost throughout the well below ca 855 m in the Fuglen Formation. The shows were however rated poor and inconclusive, and much of the fluorescence could be from minerals. The strongest show outside of the gas-bearing intervals was at 1530 m in the Intrepid Eagle Main sandstone where also a weak petroleum odour and stain was recorded.A 60.68 m conventional core was cut in the Carn02 member with 99.5% recovery. A second 51.35m conventional core was cut in the Atlantis discovery level (secondary target) with 100% recovery. MDT fluid samples were taken at 1505.2 m (gas), 1512.2 m (gas), 1532.8 m (water), 1645.2 m (gas), and 1675.1 m (water) .The well was permanently abandoned on 21 November 2018 as a gas discovery.TestingNo drill stem test was performed. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]843.001656.00 -
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Core sample numberCore sample - top depthCore sample - bottom depthCore sample depth - uom11507.01567.7[m ]21658.01709.4[m ]Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Total core sample length [m]112.0Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cores available for sampling?YES -
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory843.0[m]DCCGG849.0[m]DCCGG855.0[m]DCCGG861.0[m]DCCGG867.0[m]DCCGG873.0[m]DCCGG879.0[m]DCCGG885.0[m]DCCGG891.0[m]DCCGG894.0[m]DCCGG898.5[m]CCGG903.0[m]DCCGG909.0[m]DCCGG915.0[m]DCCGG921.0[m]DCCGG927.0[m]DCCGG933.0[m]DCCGG939.0[m]DCCGG945.0[m]DCCGG995.0[m]DCCGG1010.0[m]DCCGG1025.0[m]DCCGG1040.0[m]DCCGG1055.0[m]DCCGG1070.0[m]DCCGG1085.0[m]DCCGG1100.0[m]DCCGG1115.0[m]DCCGG1130.0[m]DCCGG1145.0[m]DCCGG1160.0[m]DCCGG1175.0[m]DCCGG1190.0[m]DCCGG1205.0[m]DCCGG1220.0[m]DCCGG1235.0[m]DCCGG1250.0[m]DCCGG1265.0[m]DCCGG1280.0[m]DCCGG1295.0[m]DCCGG1310.0[m]DCCGG1325.0[m]DCCGG1340.0[m]DCCGG1355.0[m]DCCGG1370.0[m]DCCGG1385.0[m]DCCGG1400.0[m]DCCGG1415.0[m]DCCGG1428.0[m]DCCGG1434.0[m]DCCGG1440.0[m]DCCGG1446.0[m]DCCGG1452.0[m]DCCGG1456.0[m]DCCGG1464.0[m]DCCGG1470.0[m]DCCGG1476.0[m]DCCGG1482.0[m]DCCGG1488.0[m]DCCGG1494.0[m]DCCGG1500.0[m]DCCGG1506.0[m]DCCGG1531.9[m]CCGG1536.5[m]CCGG1539.8[m]CCGG1544.8[m]CCGG1549.6[m]CCGG1553.9[m]CCGG1557.5[m]CCGG1561.5[m]CCGG1566.6[m]CCGG1567.4[m]CCGG1572.0[m]DCCGG1578.0[m]DCCGG1584.0[m]DCCGG1590.0[m]DCCGG1596.0[m]DCCGG1602.0[m]DCCGG1608.0[m]DCCGG1614.0[m]DCCGG1620.0[m]DCCGG1626.0[m]DCCGG1632.0[m]DCCGG1638.0[m]DCCGG1644.0[m]DCCGG1650.0[m]DCCGG1656.0[m]DCCGG1663.8[m]CCGG1668.7[m]CCGG1679.1[m]CCGG1684.7[m]CCGG1686.9[m]CCGG1691.8[m]CCGG1696.5[m]CCGG1700.7[m]CCGG1704.7[m]CCGG1708.9[m]CCGG1782.0[m]DCCGG -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit483483532532610752779784877877909938 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]CMR MDT14751706FMI MSIP13831705HRLA PEX ECS14251709MDT PA15121645MSIP ECS HRLA PEX4761424MWD LWD - ARC TELE532839MWD LWD - GVR ARC TELE8391658ZO VSP4521628 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR36533.042535.00.00INTERM.13 3/8833.017 1/2839.00.00LINER9 5/81224.012 1/41425.00.00OPEN HOLE1709.08 1/21709.00.00 -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured8421.1414.0KCl/Polymer/GEM13241.1711.0KCl/Polymer/GEM13241.1612.0KCl/Polymer/GEM13651.1415.0KCl/Polymer/GEM14511.1712.0KCl/Polymer/GEM14971.1413.0KCl/Polymer/GEM15071.1614.0KCl/Polymer/GEM17081.1612.0KCl/Polymer/GEM