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Generell informasjon Attributt Verdi Litostrat. enhet Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn.JOHANSEN FMNPDID for litostrat. enhet Sokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for litostratigrafiske enheter.73Nivå Angir den litostratigrafiske enhetens nivå. Lovlige verdier: GROUP, FORMATION, MEMBER.FORMATIONLitostrat. enhet, forelder Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn, refererer til forelder. Se også nivå. Vil være tom hvis Nivå = GROUP. -
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Johansen Formation
NameNamed after Hjalmar Johansen, member of the Amundsen South Pole expedition.Well type sectionNorwegian well 31/2-1 (Shell) from 2176 m to 2272.5 m, coord N 60°46'19.16'', E 03°33'15.87" (Fig 3.13) .Well reference sectionNone at present.Thickness95.5 m in the type well.LithologyIn the type well the formation consists of a sequence of sandstones with thin calcite cemented streaks throughout. The lower part is medium to fine-grained, micaceous, well sorted sandstone which grades downwards into light grey silty micaceous claystone. The main section of the formation is composed of medium grained, friable sandstones, with well sorted quartz grains which are angular to subrounded. The uppermost part is composed of medium to fine grained, micaceous sandstones, which are moderately sorted, silty and argillaceous.BoundariesIn the type well area the Johansen Formation splits the Amundsen Formation . It is distinguished by a low response, crescentic gamma ray profile.DistributionThe formation is restricted to an area extending from the eastern part of the Horda Platform northwards to the Måløy Fault Blocks.AgeSinemurian to Pliensbachian.Depositional environmentThe formation was probably deposited on a high energy, shallow marine shelf.Source-
Vollset, J. and Doré, A. G. (eds.) 1984: A revised Triassic and Jurassic lithostratigraphic nomenclature for the Norwegian North Sea. NPD-Bulletin No. 3, 53 pp.
Brønnbaner som penetrerer
Brønnbaner som penetrerer 15.02.20082787288209.11.19792176227309.11.19812177227406.10.19802233234420.07.19802097217606.04.19812126224112.11.19822126224121.12.19802308238720.07.19812301238022.04.19842301238018.08.19822967303513.10.19832001208818.11.19842306243211.05.19802543270211.11.19832225232330.08.19842225232306.03.20202702281828.10.19831981208308.09.19842055213826.12.19832042212529.07.19842122219322.06.20162756278028.06.20212929299804.12.19961785179126.10.20191746179718.07.20024124418021.05.20143753378215.04.20143752378216.01.19923665380606.08.19842764299504.12.19873730377509.09.19893794389529.12.19903023308227.01.19923033309203.11.19913570362820.04.19923887392429.09.19922791284016.12.20153943395302.02.201936573676 -
Brønnbaner med kjerner