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Generell informasjon Attributt Verdi Litostrat. enhet Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn.KLIPPFISK FMNPDID for litostrat. enhet Sokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for litostratigrafiske enheter.81Nivå Angir den litostratigrafiske enhetens nivå. Lovlige verdier: GROUP, FORMATION, MEMBER.FORMATIONLitostrat. enhet, forelder Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn, refererer til forelder. Se også nivå. Vil være tom hvis Nivå = GROUP. -
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Klippfisk Formation
NameNorwegian for “stockfish”, “dried cod”.Well type sectionNorwegian well 7430/10-U-01, coordinates N 74°12'47.79", E 30°14'44.22"Well reference sectionNorwegian well 7231/01-U-01 coordinates N 72°45'12.45" , E 31°07'30.21"ThicknessIn the type well the gross thickness of the formation is 8.9 m and in the reference well 4.5 m. 15 m on Kong Karls Land.LithologyLimestone, marl and calcareous sandstone.DescriptionThe Klippfisk Formation represents a condensed carbonate succession occurring in platform areas ( Kutling Member ), where it consists of limestones and marls, and is often glauconitic. The limestones may have a nodular appearance. Fossil debris, dominated by Inoceramus prisms may be abundant. The formation is strongly bioturbated.
In Kong Karls Land the coeval Tordenskjoldberget Member has a similar lithology and is assigned to the Klippfisk Formation.
The Klippfisk Formation is the carbonate platform time-equivalent of the Knurr Formation (Hammerfest Basin) and the Rurikfjellet Formation (Svalbard). The unit has also been penetrated by shallow drilling and sampling in Hopendjupet and in the Olga Basin as well as farther south in the Barents Sea.Lower boundary definitionThe base is defined at the abrupt decrease in gamma ray intensity, where the dark mudstones of the underlying formation are replaced by marls.DistributionOffshore unit, known from the Bjarmeland Platform and Kong Karls Land.AgeLate Berriasian to Hauterivian, based on palynology, nanofossils and bivalves.Compiled from-
Dallmann, W. K. (ed.) 1999: Lithostratigraphic lexicon of Svalbard. Review and recommendations for nomenclature use. Upper Palaeozoic to Quaternary Bedrock. Norwegian Polar Institute, 318 pp.
Brønnbaner som penetrerer
Brønnbaner som penetrerer 09.02.201965466207.04.201970771601.07.20201532155814.04.201662563517.09.201758759615.06.201949149601.09.2017492498 -
Brønnbaner med kjerner