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Generell informasjon Attributt Verdi Litostrat. enhet Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn.KVEITE FMNPDID for litostrat. enhet Sokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for litostratigrafiske enheter.89Nivå Angir den litostratigrafiske enhetens nivå. Lovlige verdier: GROUP, FORMATION, MEMBER.FORMATIONLitostrat. enhet, forelder Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn, refererer til forelder. Se også nivå. Vil være tom hvis Nivå = GROUP. -
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Kveite Formation
NameFrom the fish species Hippoglossus hippoglossus (halibut). The formation has not previously been differentiated.Well type sectionWell 7119/12-1 (Statoil), coordinates 71°06'08.00"N, 19°47'40.29"E, from 1059 m to 810 m (Fig 4.57) .Well reference sectionThicknessApproximately 1200 m in the reference well, thinning eastwards to 249 m in the type well.LithologyGreenish-grey to grey shales and claystones show thin interbeds of limestone and siltstone. A tuffaceous and/or glauconitic component is reported from several wells.Basal StratotypeThe formation is characterized by a lower gamma response and higher interval transit time than the underlying unit. A basal sand in the type well gives a marked break in both these logs. The boundary in this well is also marked by a sudden increase in bulk density readings above a generally decreasing trend, but the formation as a whole shows a highly variable and irregular density response.Lateral extent and variationThe formation appears to be characteristically developed in the Tromsø Basin and across the Ringvassøya - Loppa Fault Complex into the Hammerfest Basin, thinning eastwards and passing into the sands and carbonates of the Kviting Formation .AgeTotal span appears to be late Cenomanian to early Maastrichtian.Depositional environmentDeep open shelf with normal circulation.Source-
Dalland, A., Worsley, D. and Ofstad, K. (eds.) 1988: A lithostratigraphic scheme for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic succession offshore mid- and northern Norway. NPD-Bulletin No. 4, 65 pp.
Brønnbaner som penetrerer
Brønnbaner som penetrerer 03.12.2000603121516.07.19821809187509.09.19831375139311.09.19831332281525.09.19841447158510.10.1980810105812.09.19831202145628.03.19891560158502.05.19851081111730.11.20121256128908.10.1982992117021.08.1983947109209.06.19841312149610.09.19811056115029.07.198287796126.09.198296598405.05.198373886402.03.20191200207227.10.19841016105214.04.19851068111205.08.198489493112.08.198688992311.11.198775991619.09.200679185210.10.202181585214.05.200879086021.04.200879086020.10.198757461830.12.198856859710.04.20141852189302.02.20211930197405.10.19923752402722.09.20149881385 -
Brønnbaner med kjerner
Brønnbaner med kjerner 22.09.20140