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Generell informasjon Attributt Verdi Litostrat. enhet Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn.TEIST FMNPDID for litostrat. enhet Sokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for litostratigrafiske enheter.166Nivå Angir den litostratigrafiske enhetens nivå. Lovlige verdier: GROUP, FORMATION, MEMBER.FORMATIONLitostrat. enhet, forelder Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn, refererer til forelder. Se også nivå. Vil være tom hvis Nivå = GROUP. -
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Teist Formation (informal)
NameFrom the bird (English: black guillemot) of the same name.Well type sectionNorwegian well 33/12-5 (Mobil) from 3867 m to TD (4573 m), coord N 61°11'05.53", E 01°51'53.34" (Fig 3.2) .Well reference sectionNorwegian well 33/5-1 (Norsk Hydro) from 3298 m to TD (3829 m), coord N 61°44'46.10'', E 01°34'47.40" (Fig 3.3) .ThicknessThe base of the formation has not been reached. Minimum thickness is 706 m in the type well and 531 m in the reference well.LithologyThe Teist Formation consists of interbedded sandstone, claystone and marl. The sandstones are dominantly very fine to fine-grained, dark red brown and calcareous. In addition white and pink, medium to coarse sandstone is present in the upper levels of the succession. Red marl forms the main argillaceous lithology with green and dark grey claystone as subordinate constituents. In the type well ( 33/12-5 ) the formation is a gradual coarsening upward succession with an upward increase in sandstone/ shale ratio. To the north, in the reference well ( 33/5-1 ), fine-grained sandstone is the dominant lithology throughout most of the formation except for the lowermost 24 m which consist of a red marl.BoundariesThe lower boundary has not been penetrated. The Teist Formation remains as an informal unit until a satisfactory base is defined. The upper boundary marks the base of the coarser-grained, cleaner and more massive sandstones of the Lomvi Formation . The Teist Formation is characterized by a more irregular gamma ray response with higher readings than the overlying Lomvi Formation . In the northern area, the boundary is also marked with a sonic log break.DistributionThe Teist Formation has been recognized in all deep wells between the Brent Field and the southern edge of the Møre Basin.AgeDepositional environmentThe formation is probably of continental origin, and the sandstones may include both fluvial and eolian deposits. The finer-grained lithologies are assigned to overbank and lacustrine environments.Source-
Vollset, J. and Doré, A. G. (eds.) 1984: A revised Triassic and Jurassic lithostratigraphic nomenclature for the Norwegian North Sea. NPD-Bulletin No. 3, 53 pp.
Brønnbaner som penetrerer
Brønnbaner som penetrerer 12.04.20094222433510.06.20153276353018.10.19793298382921.02.19763867457416.12.19792894291603.02.19833228380027.03.19863231328230.05.19853632368515.11.20153610387506.11.19873628385020.10.201227832925 -
Brønnbaner med kjerner
Brønnbaner med kjerner 20.10.201214