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Generell informasjon
Generell informasjon Attributt Verdi Litostrat. enhet Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn.VADE FMNPDID for litostrat. enhet Sokkeldirektoratets entydige nøkkel for litostratigrafiske enheter.184Nivå Angir den litostratigrafiske enhetens nivå. Lovlige verdier: GROUP, FORMATION, MEMBER.FORMATIONLitostrat. enhet, forelder Den litostratigrafiske enhetens offisielle navn, refererer til forelder. Se også nivå. Vil være tom hvis Nivå = GROUP. -
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Nivå under Litostrat. enhet -
Vade Formation
NameVade is a giant from Norse mythology who wades across the fjords.Well type sectionNorwegian well 2/2-1 from 2172 m to 2100 m, coordinates N 56°47'15.69", E 03°38'15.62" (Fig 5.60) . No cores.Well reference sectionNorwegian well 2/3-2 from 1855 m to 1795 m, coordinates N 56°54'53.70", E 03°49'02.25" (Fig 5.68) . No cores.ThicknessThe thickness is 72 m in the type well and 60 m in the reference well. (Fig 5.69) . shows a seismic section through the Vade Formation which illustrates thinning to the southwest.LithologyThe formation consists of thinly interbedded, light green to grey, very fine grained sandstones and silt-stones. These are glauconitic, slightly micaceous and well sorted. Fossils are present. Reference well 2/3-2 shows that the formation interfingers with the claystones of the Hordaland Group (Fig 5.68) .Basal stratotypeThe lower boundary shows a decrease in gamma-ray intensity and an increase in velocity from the claystones of the Hordaland Group into the Vade Formation (Fig 5.60) .Characteristics of the upper boundaryThe upper boundary is characterised by an increase in gamma-ray response and a decrease in velocity from the Vade Formation into the claystones of the Hordaland Group (Fig 5.60) .DistributionThe formation has only been penetrated in some wells in blocks 2/2 and 2/3. Its distribution is shown in (Fig 5.66) .AgeLate Oligocene.Depositional environmentThe sandstones were deposited in a shallow marine environment. Their deposition can be seen as a response to an eustatic fall in sea level or a tectonic uplift of the area. Regional considerations indicate a source area in the east or northeast.Source-
Isaksen, D. and Tonstad, K. (eds.) 1989: A revised Cretaceous and Tertiary lithostratigraphic nomenclature for the Norwegian North Sea. NPD-Bulletin No. 5, 59 pp.
Brønnbaner som penetrerer
Brønnbaner som penetrerer 30.08.20082594260007.07.20212418242510.02.19992150222728.02.20093211383905.09.20132199225913.07.20132237228003.07.19822100217227.08.19821978205707.06.19882086218419.02.19922184274614.05.20102302231913.08.19691795185510.07.20001530163927.10.20082101286013.10.201370179023.07.19711089109123.07.19711289129123.07.197113031305 -
Brønnbaner med kjerner
Brønnbaner med kjerner 27.08.198215