
General information
Wellbore history
Well 6507/7 6 is an appraisal well on the crest of the Heidrun field structure on Haltenbanken off shore Mid Norway. The structure is a fault wedge. The main objectives of the well were to establish the Ti1je gas/oil contact, to define Tilje and Åre oil properties, and to investigate the Åre oil/water contact. In addition, the well was expected to prove Fangst erosion and established lateral continuity of Tilje reservoir properties.Operations and resultsAppraisal well 6507/7 6 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation Nortrym on 23 July 1986 and drilled to TD at 2525 m in Early Jurassic sediments of the Åre Formation. At 419 m the drill string torqued up and spun out five joints below the kelly, dropping the string to the seabed. The well was re-spudded after being moved approximately 8 m, and this time drilling proceeded without significant problems. The well was drilled with seawater and pre-hydrated gel sweeps down to 1030 m and with KCl/polymer mud from 1030 m to TD.Oil shows were recorded in 3 m thick sandstone at 2096 m in the Cretaceous. A marked unconformity separates the Middle Jurassic from the overlying Late Cretaceous sequence. The total hiatus was from Aalenian-Bajocian to Campanian-Santonian. Top Middle Jurassic Fangst Group, Ile Formation was encountered at 2144.5 m and was gas bearing. From good quality RFT pressure data, cores, and electric logs a gas/oil contact was established at 2339 m in the Tilje Formation and the oil/water contact at 2440 m in the Åre Formation. Shows continued down to 2445. Below this depth no shows were reported.A total of 191 m core was recovered from the well. Two cores were cut from the Early Cretaceous through the Fangst Group and into the top Båt Group (2129 - 2185 m), and eight cores were cut from the gas zone in the lower part of the Tilje Formation, through the OWC and into the Åre Formation (2305 - 2462 m). One RFT run was made in the 12 1/4" hole. A water sample was attempted at 2457m without any recovery. The gas gradient was 0.073 psi/ft (0.169 g/cc). Two oil gradients were found. To 2390 m the gradient was 0.327 psi/ft (0.754 g/cc). Passing through the upper Åre Formation siltstone/claystone bed a pressure increase was encountered and the oil column down to the oil/water contact exhibited a higher oil gradient of 0.362 psi/ft (0.834 g/cc). The water gradient was 0.446 psi/ft (1.028 g/cc).The well was permanently abandoned on 6 September 1986 as a gas and oil appraisal.TestingTwo DST's were performed in this well.DST 1 tested the combined intervals 2411.5 ? 2415 and 2421 ? 2424 m in the Åre Formation. Maximum flow was 782 Sm3 oil and 46100 Sm3 gas /day through a 90.5/64" choke. The GOR was 59 Sm3/Sm3, the oil gravity was 23 deg API, and the gas gravity was 0.627 with 3 % CO2 and no detectable H2S.DST 2 tested the interval 2348.5 ? 2365 m in the Tilje Formation. The well flowed at maximum rates 628 Sm3 oil and 61450 Sm3 gas /day through a 132/64" choke. The GOR was 98 Sm3/Sm3, the oil gravity was 27 deg API, and the gas gravity was 0.614 with 1.7 % CO2 and no detectable H2S. Large amounts of sand were also produced in DST 2, leading to a pre-mature end of the flow period. The recorded down-hole temperatures were 83.3 and 78.9 deg C in DST 1 and DST 2 respectively. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]1040.002524.00 -
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Core sample numberCore sample - top depthCore sample - bottom depthCore sample depth - uom12129.02156.7[m ]22157.92184.4[m ]32305.02306.6[m ]42315.02341.9[m ]52344.02363.3[m ]62364.52390.4[m ]72392.52404.7[m ]82405.02419.8[m ]92424.02441.0[m ]102442.02460.3[m ]Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Total core sample length [m]190.2Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cores available for sampling?YES -
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory2129.0[m]COD2130.1[m]COD2131.2[m]COD2133.4[m]COD2134.5[m]COD2135.5[m]COD2136.4[m]COD2137.4[m]COD2138.5[m]COD2139.6[m]COD2140.5[m]COD2141.5[m]COD2142.5[m]COD2142.9[m]COD2143.6[m]COD2144.5[m]COD2145.5[m]COD2148.8[m]COD2156.5[m]COD2171.8[m]COD2175.7[m]COD2180.9[m]COD -
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Test typeBottle numberTop depth
MD [m]Bottom depth
MD [m]Fluid typeTest timeSamples availableDSTDST12411.502424.0024.08.1986 - 00:00YESDSTDST22348.502365.0030.08.1984 - 00:00YESDSTTEST20.000.0030.08.1986 - 00:00YES -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit37537514951852185219351935196720162145215921902369 -
Composite logs
Composite logs Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.26 -
Geochemical information
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired) Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf1.56pdf11.24pdf7.86 -
Drill stem tests (DST)
Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFrom depth MD
[m]To depth MD
[m]Choke size
[mm]1.02424241235.92.02349236552.4Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFinal shut-in pressure
[MPa]Final flow pressure
[MPa]Bottom hole pressure
[MPa]Downhole temperature
[°C]1.04.00024.0002.02.00022.000Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberOil
[Sm3/day]Oil density
[g/cm3]Gas grav. rel.airGOR
[m3/m3]1.0782461000.9180.617592.0628614500.8950.61798 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]CBL VDL GR CCL4962045CBL VDL GR CCL17002478DIL SLS GR SP20792524DLL MSFL GR20792521LDL CNL NGL20792525MSD20852523MWD - GR RES DIR4722525RFT HP21492504RFT SG21492504SHDT FAST CHANNELS20792524SHDT GEOMETRY20792524VSP SAT18002475 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR30473.036474.00.00LOTSURF.COND.201024.0261030.01.52LOTINTERM.13 3/82080.017 1/22087.01.66LOTINTERM.9 5/82510.012 1/42525.00.00LOT -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured4191.03WATERBASED23.07.198610301.1420.012.9WATERBASED31.07.198613031.1617.08.6WATERBASED04.08.198617691.3824.09.1WATERBASED04.08.198618361.3930.09.6WATERBASED04.08.198620501.4227.08.1WATERBASED05.08.198620801.26WATERBASED08.08.198620871.4428.08.6WATERBASED06.08.198620870.0028.08.6WATERBASED07.08.198623051.27WATERBASED11.08.198623050.00WATERBASED12.08.198625251.26WATERBASED18.08.198625250.00WATERBASED21.08.198625250.00WATERBASED19.08.1986 -
Pressure plots
Pressure plots The pore pressure data is sourced from well logs if no other source is specified. In some wells where pore pressure logs do not exist, information from Drill stem tests and kicks have been used. The data has been reported to the NPD, and further processed and quality controlled by IHS Markit.Pressure plots Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.27