2/7-21 S

General information
Wellbore history
GeneralWell 2/7-21 S was drilled to appraise the "South Eldfisk structure", now known as the Embla Field, located in the Central Graben of the North Sea. It was the third well drilled on the structure, a pre-Cretaceous fault block forming the boundary between the Grensen Nose to the west and the Feda Graben to the east. The primary objective was to test the sandstones that tested oil in the 2/7-9 and 2/7-20 wells. It was anticipated that the proposed location would encounter reservoir quality sands similar in nature, thickness, and depth as in the 2/7-20 well. Closure of the structure is provided by normal down faulting to the North, South and West. Closure to the east is by the Lindesnes Ridge reverse fault. Vertical sealing is provided by the Early Cretaceous Shales. No shallow gas was expected in this area, and no major obstacles other than high formation pressure in the reservoir. If successful, the well was planned to constitute a second drainage point for future field development.Operations and resultsAppraisal well 2/7-21 S was drilled deviated from a three-slot template located at the 2/7-20 well to a location 1020 m to the southeast. The well was spudded on the 21st June 1989 and drilled using the semi-submersible installation Ross Isle to a Total Depth of 5039 m (4706 m TVD RKB) in rhyolitic igneous rocks of probable Early Devonian age. The well was drilled without significant problems, except for MWD failures. Shallow gas was encountered at 586.7 m but caused no problems. The well was drilled without problem using SOLTEX Actaflow water based mud down to 4232 m at the base of the Cretaceous section, where 9 5/8" casing was set. The remaining 8 1/2" and 5 7/8" hole sections in the well were drilled using Invermul oil based mud.Oil-bearing reservoir quality sands were encountered at 4313 m. No definitive oil-water contact could be seen. The section consisted of undefined lithostratigraphy of pre-Jurassic age. It could be broadly divided into ten intervals as follows:Interval 1, 4299.5 - 4313 m, is an uncored, relatively muddy sequence of unknown affinity.Interval 2, 4313 - 4339 m, is a partly cored, possible alluvial fan/braid plain sequence which is probably faulted at its base.Interval 3, 4339 - 4386 m, is a sequence of fractured and brecciated, variably silty and sandy mudstones with thin sandstones. The upper part of this was cored.Interval 4, 4386- 4453 m, is a broadly coarsening-upward sequence consisting of mudstones with thin interbedded sandstones at its base overlain by more abundant and thicker, cleaner sandstones towards the top. This interval is uncored.Interval 5, 4453 - 4540 m, is an interval of conglomerates and pebbly sandstones locally interbedded with finer grained sandstones and mudstones. The upper part of this interval was cored.Interval 6, 4540 - 4577 m, consists of interbedded sandstones and basic igneous rocks, which are either extrusive or shallow intrusive in nature. Only the lower part of this interval was cored.Interval 7, 4577 - 4638 m, is a broadly coarsening-upward sequence of which only the uppermost part was cored.Interval 8, 4638 - 4662 m, is a partly cored interval of highly fractured and brecciated sedimentary and igneous rocks. The igneous rocks have a broadly rhyolitic nature and are similar to those which occur below 4837. It is not clear whether this represents a genuinely interstratified sequence with extrusive volcanics, whether the igneous rocks are intrusive or whether it represents a complicated fault slice.Interval 9, 4662 - 4837 m, is a further, broadly coarsening-upward sequence which was cored in its upper part. The lower part of the interval is poorly defined because of non-operation of wire line logs. Argillaceous ditch cuttings yielded a Frasnian (lower Late Devonian) age, similar to the lowermost part of the sandstone sequence in Auk and Argyll fields.Interval 10, 4837 - 5039 m (TD) a partly cored, thick sequence of porphyritic, very finely crystalline rhyolitic igneous rocks which are fractured and brecciated and have been extensively altered.The basal rhyolites are most likely to be Early Devonian in age. These are overlain by Late Devonian (Frasnian) sediments. This stratigraphic pattern differs from that observed in Auk and Argyll fields (where there is a Middle Devonian limestone), but is similar to the stratigraphic pattern of the Midland Valley of Scotland. Overlying the Devonian sediments is a sequence of basic volcanics or shallow intrusives and sediments. These are most likely to represent either Latest Devonian - Early Carboniferous, or Early Permian rocks. These basic igneous rocks are highly altered and yield a mean K-Ar age of 60.7 Myr. This probably reflects a phase of hydrothermal alteration associated with Late Cretaceous -Early Tertiary inversion of the Lindesnes ridge. The overlying sedimentary package (Intervals 1-5) is most likely to be either Rotliegendes Group or Lower Carboniferous. K-Ar radiometric dating of illitic concentrates provides Late Triassic ages. This clearly rules out a Jurassic age of these rocks. Given that these concentrates represent a mixture of detrital and diagenetic illite, the radiometric date is only a minimum age.There was a prominent oil show around 1602 m in the Miocene with a good trace of free oil in the mud and a strong petroleum odour in cuttings. Shows were seen with gas peaks through most of the sectionfrom 3228 to 4206 m in the Shetland Group. No odour or visible stain was noticed here. The pre-Jurassic sandstone from 4325 to 4337 showed a poor to fair yellow gold fluorescence, with a poor to fair dull white instant cut, followed by a slow streaming to blooming cut. There was a slight brown oil stain on quartz grains and a strong petroleum odour. There were occasional poor shows in the sectionfrom 4337 to 5039 m (TD). Some of the section displayed a trace of moderate to dull yellow fluorescence, with a very slow grey to bright white blooming, hazy cut, but no stain or odour. Samples from core eleven had distinct petroleum odour when heated. In the lower part of the section below 4877 m samples contained up to 30% black carbonaceous matter, resembling coal. This was interpreted as bitumen, based on cores ten and eleven, which consisted mostly of heavily brecciated quartzites. Later rock-eval analysis revealed up to 3.2% TOC in samples from this interval, and it is believed to represent an early emplacement of a petroleum that pre-dates the tested live oil from the well.Eleven cores were cut within the reservoir and underlying basement sections. Although difficulties were experienced with tool sticking, a nearly complete and reliable wire line data set was acquired. A total of thirty sidewall cores were attempted, whereof fifteen were retrieved. The RFT tool was run to acquire pressure data and fluid samples. Fluid samples were taken at 4322.4 m, 4322.7 m and at 4323 m. The two first of these were contaminated with mud due to seal failure. The one from 4323 m gave a GOR of 321 Sm3/Sm3 and an oil gravity of 43 deg API.The well was temporary abandoned on 9 January 1990, suitable for later re-entry and possible tie-back to production facilities. It is classified as an oil appraisal wellTestingA well testing program was designed based on RFT, log and core data to investigate three separate sand bodies in the pre-Jurassic section.DST #1 was designed to test the interval 4577 to 4612 m (4313.8 to 4346.8 m TVD) in the deepest unit, a poor quality sand that displayed limited but anomalous RFT results suggesting a different fluid from the higher zones. The interval produced in the order of 600 STBOPD (95.4 Sm3/day) on a 14/64" choke, but was unexpectedly accompanied by 20-25 ppm H2S. The DST string was not rated for H2S and the test was thus abandoned. The GOR in this test was ca 1600 SCF/STB (285 Sm3/Sm3), the oil density was 0.8 g/cm3, and the gas gravity was 0.78 (air = 1) with 5.5% CO2. The test bottom hole temperature (BHT) measured at 4530.9 m (4271 m TVD) was 160 deg C.DST #2 was completed over the main reservoir section in the interval 4446 to 4519 m (4192.4 to 4259.6 m TVD). Up to 5000 STBOPD (794.9 Sm3/day) was produced on a 30/64" choke with a GOR of 1900 SCF/STB (338 Sm3/Sm3). The oil density was 0.816 g/cm3, and the gas gravity was 0.8 (air = 1) with 5% CO2 and 40 ppm H2S. The test BHT measured at 4251.4 m (4010.8 m TVD) was 153.9 deg C.DST #3 was a commingled test over the DST #2 interval plus the interval 4308 to 4338 m (4063.6 to 4091.0 m TVD). It produced 8000 STBOPD (1271.9 Sm3/day) on a 48/64" choke with a GOR of 1850 SCF/STB (329.5 Sm3/Sm3). The oil density was 0.81 g/cm3, and the gas gravity was 0.8 (air = 1) with 5% CO2 and 20-25 ppm H2S. The test BHT measured at 4250.9 m (4010.3 m TVD) was 153.9 deg C.Upon completion of the test, a PLT log was run over most of the perforated section. Results from the comingled test plus the PLT strongly indicated that killing the well with drilling mud after DST #2 had damaged the formation, and that the results of DST #3 were consequently poorer than expected.In general, all tested fluids could be characterized as highly under-saturated volatile oil. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]1073.005038.00 -
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Core sample numberCore sample - top depthCore sample - bottom depthCore sample depth - uom114175.014196.0[ft ]214196.014251.0[ft ]314256.014378.6[ft ]414621.014649.4[ft ]514649.414684.4[ft ]614980.015008.9[ft ]715250.015299.0[ft ]815299.015311.6[ft ]915355.015393.1[ft ]1016213.016243.0[ft ]1116471.016531.3[ft ]Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Total core sample length [m]146.6Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cores available for sampling?YES -
Core photos
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Test typeBottle numberTop depth
MD [m]Bottom depth
MD [m]Fluid typeTest timeSamples availableDSTDST14578.404613.4028.11.1989 - 00:00YESDST4446.404518.6010.12.1989 - 00:00YESDSTDST34308.304337.6030.12.1989 - 00:00YES -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR30171.036173.00.00LOTINTERM.201056.0261067.01.85LOTINTERM.13 3/82512.017 1/22523.02.08LOTINTERM.9 5/84221.012 1/44234.02.30LOTLINER74557.08 1/24563.02.22LOTLINER55039.05 7/85039.00.00LOT -
Drill stem tests (DST)
Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFrom depth MD
[m]To depth MD
[m]Choke size
[mm]1.0457546107.92.14446451911.92.2444645199.93.14308433811.13.24308433819.0Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFinal shut-in pressure
[MPa]Final flow pressure
[MPa]Bottom hole pressure
[MPa]Downhole temperature
[°C]1.01602.11532.23.11533.2153Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberOil
[Sm3/day]Oil density
[g/cm3]Gas grav. rel.airGOR
[m3/m3]1.0107270000.8000.7902672.18792720000.8100.7903122.25922110000.8100.7903573.17602490000.8100.8103263.212364470000.8000.760362 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]CST GR43784530DIL GR25114073DIL LSS GR10562523DIL LSS GR42234562DIL SDT GR45635042DLL GR MSFL SLS25114233LDL CNL NGL32104211LDL CNL NGL BHC42234563LDL CNL NGL BHC45635043MWD - GR RES DIR1675043OBDT GR42234558OBDT GR45635043RFT GR43094545RFT GR45725036RFT GR CH43224322VELOCITY00 -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit93159930653065308631393197323132313318360041594165420242024300 -
Geochemical information
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired) Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf113.43 -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured1281.02WATER BASED08.09.19891281.02WATER BASED29.06.19891741.02WATER BASED08.09.19891741.02WATER BASED29.06.19893191.02WATER BASED29.06.19893191.02WATER BASED08.09.19893512.1266.022.0OIL BASED08.01.19903512.1271.027.3WATER BASED09.01.19903512.1271.027.3WATER BASED12.01.19907641.02WATER BASED08.09.19897641.02WATER BASED29.06.198910181.02WATER BASED29.06.198910181.02WATER BASED08.09.198910681.32WATER BASED08.09.198910681.16WATER BASED08.09.198910681.3316.07.7WATER BASED08.09.198910681.16WATER BASED29.06.198910681.32WATER BASED29.06.198910681.32WATER BASED08.09.198910681.32WATER BASED29.06.198910681.3316.07.7WATER BASED03.07.198911831.3317.09.1WATER BASED03.07.198911831.3317.09.1WATER BASED08.09.198914751.3818.09.6WATER BASED03.07.198914751.3818.09.6WATER BASED08.09.198915041.4415.07.2WATER BASED08.09.198915041.4415.07.2WATER BASED04.07.198918241.6523.010.1WATER BASED05.07.198918241.6523.010.1WATER BASED08.09.198919551.6423.012.0WATER BASED08.09.198920241.6418.07.7WATER BASED08.09.198920241.6418.07.7WATER BASED07.07.198925241.6533.021.5WATER BASED10.07.198925241.6525.010.5WATER BASED10.07.198925241.6519.07.7WATER BASED12.07.198925241.6526.010.5WATER BASED10.07.198925241.6528.012.4WATER BASED11.07.198925241.6526.010.5WATER BASED08.09.198925241.6528.012.4WATER BASED08.09.198925241.6519.07.7WATER BASED08.09.198925241.6533.021.5WATER BASED08.09.198925241.6525.010.5WATER BASED08.09.198926271.6516.06.7WATER BASED08.09.198926271.6516.06.7WATER BASED13.07.198929201.6520.011.0WATER BASED14.07.198929201.6520.011.0WATER BASED08.09.198930792.1269.022.5OIL BASED08.01.199031061.6819.010.5WATER BASED08.09.198931061.6819.010.5WATER BASED18.07.198932061.7015.012.4WATER BASED18.07.198932061.7015.012.4WATER BASED08.09.198932181.7020.012.4WATER BASED08.09.198932181.7020.012.4WATER BASED18.07.198932841.7316.013.9WATER BASED18.07.198932841.7316.013.9WATER BASED08.09.198933121.7317.010.1WATER BASED08.09.198933121.7317.010.1WATER BASED19.07.198933591.7317.08.6WATER BASED20.07.198933591.7317.08.6WATER BASED08.09.198934341.7316.010.5WATER BASED21.07.198934341.7316.010.5WATER BASED08.09.198934421.7318.010.1WATER BASED24.07.198934421.7318.010.1WATER BASED08.09.198935351.7318.010.1WATER BASED08.09.198935351.7318.010.1WATER BASED24.07.198936611.7315.09.6WATER BASED24.07.198936611.7315.09.6WATER BASED08.09.198937031.7320.012.4WATER BASED08.09.198937031.7316.07.7WATER BASED08.09.198937031.7320.012.4WATER BASED25.07.198937031.7316.07.7WATER BASED26.07.198937421.7315.07.7WATER BASED08.09.198938531.7314.08.1WATER BASED08.09.198938671.7516.08.6WATER BASED08.09.198939371.7516.09.1WATER BASED08.09.198939371.7516.09.1WATER BASED31.07.198940081.7519.012.0WATER BASED08.09.198940311.7519.07.7WATER BASED08.09.198940542.1265.021.5OIL BASED08.01.199040671.7518.09.1WATER BASED08.09.198940671.7518.09.1WATER BASED02.08.198940761.7515.07.7WATER BASED03.08.198940761.7515.07.7WATER BASED08.09.198941031.7519.09.6WATER BASED08.09.198941031.7519.09.6WATER BASED04.08.198941121.7516.07.2WATER BASED07.08.198941121.7616.09.1WATER BASED07.08.198941121.7516.07.2WATER BASED08.09.198941121.7616.09.1WATER BASED08.09.198941431.7519.09.1WATER BASED08.09.198941431.7519.09.1WATER BASED07.08.198941541.7518.013.4WATER BASED08.08.198941541.7518.013.4WATER BASED08.09.198941791.7518.09.6WATER BASED09.08.198941791.7518.09.6WATER BASED08.09.198942121.7515.010.5WATER BASED08.09.198942121.7515.010.5WATER BASED10.08.198942341.7716.010.1WATER BASED11.08.198942341.7918.010.1WATER BASED15.08.198942341.8121.08.1WATER BASED15.08.198942341.8121.08.6WATER BASED15.08.198942341.8121.09.1WATER BASED15.08.198942341.8121.09.6WATER BASED16.08.198942341.8830.04.8OIL BASED17.08.198942341.7716.010.1WATER BASED08.09.198942341.7918.010.1WATER BASED08.09.198942341.8121.08.1WATER BASED08.09.198942341.8121.09.1WATER BASED08.09.198942341.8121.09.6WATER BASED08.09.198942341.8830.04.8OIL BASED08.09.198942341.8121.08.6WATER BASED08.09.198942372.0440.07.2WATER BASED08.09.198942372.0440.07.2WATER BASED22.08.198943112.1044.07.7OIL BASED08.09.198943112.1255.06.7OIL BASED08.09.198943212.1037.07.7OIL BASED08.09.198943212.1040.05.7OIL BASED08.09.198943212.1040.05.7OIL BASED22.08.198943272.1041.06.2OIL BASED08.09.198943392.1041.06.2OIL BASED08.09.198943392.1041.06.2OIL BASED24.08.198943392.1041.06.2OIL BASED24.08.198943452.1036.07.2OIL BASED25.08.198943452.1036.07.2OIL BASED08.09.198943522.1040.06.7OIL BASED08.09.198943522.1040.06.7OIL BASED28.08.198943642.1033.06.7OIL BASED28.08.198943642.1033.06.7OIL BASED08.09.198943752.1035.07.7OIL BASED28.08.198943752.1035.07.7OIL BASED08.09.198943862.1036.06.2OIL BASED08.09.198943872.1036.06.2OIL BASED29.08.198944182.1036.06.2OIL BASED08.09.198944512.0934.07.7OIL BASED08.09.198944512.0934.07.7OIL BASED31.08.198944572.0935.07.2OIL BASED01.09.198944572.0935.07.2OIL BASED08.09.198944692.0936.06.2OIL BASED08.09.198944692.0936.06.2OIL BASED04.09.198944772.0931.05.7OIL BASED04.09.198944772.0931.05.7OIL BASED08.09.198944872.1038.06.2OIL BASED04.09.198944872.1038.06.2OIL BASED08.09.198945262.1046.013.4OIL BASED06.12.198945262.1048.013.9OIL BASED06.12.198945262.1052.015.3OIL BASED07.12.198945262.1054.014.8OIL BASED08.12.198945262.1055.015.8OIL BASED11.12.198945262.1045.014.4OIL BASED11.12.198945262.1052.015.3OIL BASED12.12.198945262.1052.015.8OIL BASED13.12.198945262.1053.013.4OIL BASED14.12.198945262.1052.014.4OIL BASED15.12.198945262.1060.019.2OIL BASED18.12.198945262.1058.015.3OIL BASED18.12.198945262.1260.017.7OIL BASED19.12.198945262.1263.016.8OIL BASED20.12.198945262.1253.014.4OIL BASED21.12.198945262.1250.014.4OIL BASED22.12.198945262.1251.014.4OIL BASED27.12.198945262.1250.013.4OIL BASED27.12.198945262.1255.013.9OIL BASED27.12.198945262.1251.012.4OIL BASED27.12.198945262.1252.019.2OIL BASED29.12.198945262.1252.019.2OIL BASED02.01.199045262.1257.016.8OIL BASED02.01.199045262.1253.013.9OIL BASED02.01.199045262.1243.011.5OIL BASED02.01.199045262.1252.019.2OIL BASED03.01.199045262.1253.013.9OIL BASED03.01.199045262.1243.011.5OIL BASED03.01.199045262.1261.020.6OIL BASED04.01.199045262.1358.019.2OIL BASED05.01.199045262.1054.015.3OIL BASED11.12.198945262.1258.015.3OIL BASED18.12.198945262.1251.012.4OIL BASED27.12.198945262.1251.019.6OIL BASED28.12.198945262.1257.016.8OIL BASED03.01.199045322.1055.014.4OIL BASED04.12.198945322.1050.012.4OIL BASED04.12.198945322.1159.014.8OIL BASED04.12.198945512.1138.06.7OIL BASED05.09.198945512.1138.06.7OIL BASED08.09.198945592.1136.07.2OIL BASED08.09.198945592.1238.06.7OIL BASED08.09.198945592.1237.06.7OIL BASED08.09.198945592.1237.06.7OIL BASED11.09.198945592.1235.06.7OIL BASED11.09.198945592.1237.06.7OIL BASED11.09.198945592.1247.07.7OIL BASED12.09.198945592.1244.07.2OIL BASED13.09.198945592.1136.07.2OIL BASED06.09.198945592.1238.06.7OIL BASED07.09.198945632.1242.07.7OIL BASED18.09.198945632.1244.05.7OIL BASED18.09.198945632.1246.07.2OIL BASED18.09.198945642.1243.05.7OIL BASED19.09.198945642.1141.06.2OIL BASED20.09.198945642.1239.07.2OIL BASED25.09.198945642.1244.07.2OIL BASED25.09.198945642.1234.05.7OIL BASED25.09.198945642.1342.06.7OIL BASED25.09.198945642.1243.07.2OIL BASED26.09.198945642.1241.07.7OIL BASED27.09.198945642.1241.07.2OIL BASED28.09.198945642.1242.07.2OIL BASED29.09.198945642.1155.09.6OIL BASED03.10.198945642.1250.09.6OIL BASED05.10.198945642.1242.06.7OIL BASED25.09.198945642.1152.011.0OIL BASED04.10.198945662.0947.07.7OIL BASED06.10.198945752.0939.05.3OIL BASED09.10.198945782.0947.06.7OIL BASED09.10.198945832.0440.06.7OIL BASED09.10.198946162.0638.05.7OIL BASED10.10.198946162.0638.07.7OIL BASED11.10.198946292.0636.05.3OIL BASED12.10.198946482.0642.09.1OIL BASED13.10.198946662.0643.09.1OIL BASED16.10.198946802.0643.09.6OIL BASED16.10.198946802.0648.09.1OIL BASED16.10.198947102.0651.012.0OIL BASED17.10.198947222.0650.010.1OIL BASED18.10.198947352.0650.09.6OIL BASED19.10.198947602.0646.09.1OIL BASED24.10.198947842.0643.09.6OIL BASED24.10.198948072.0644.06.2OIL BASED24.10.198948232.0643.09.1OIL BASED24.10.198948622.0642.08.1OIL BASED25.10.198948652.0642.011.0OIL BASED27.10.198948872.0641.011.5OIL BASED27.10.198948962.0643.010.5OIL BASED31.10.198949302.0639.010.1OIL BASED31.10.198949422.0635.08.1OIL BASED01.11.198949682.0635.09.6OIL BASED01.11.198949862.0635.09.6OIL BASED02.11.198950112.0635.010.1OIL BASED03.11.198950132.0637.09.1OIL BASED07.11.198950202.0635.010.1OIL BASED07.11.198950392.0937.010.1OIL BASED07.11.198950392.1037.09.6OIL BASED09.11.198950392.0937.09.6OIL BASED10.11.198950392.0935.08.6OIL BASED13.11.198950392.0935.09.6OIL BASED13.11.198950392.1058.015.3OIL BASED14.11.198950392.1054.015.3OIL BASED15.11.198950392.1156.015.3OIL BASED17.11.198950392.1257.014.8OIL BASED20.11.198950392.1055.015.3OIL BASED20.11.198950392.1256.016.3OIL BASED20.11.198950392.1055.015.8OIL BASED21.11.198950392.1147.013.9OIL BASED22.11.198950392.1048.013.4OIL BASED23.11.198950392.1049.012.9WATER BASED24.11.198950392.1057.014.8OIL BASED27.11.198950392.1051.013.4OIL BASED27.11.198950392.1057.015.3OIL BASED28.11.198950392.1155.013.4OIL BASED29.11.198950392.1064.014.4OIL BASED30.11.198950392.1054.012.4OIL BASED01.12.198950392.0937.010.1OIL BASED07.11.198950392.0936.09.1OIL BASED08.11.198950392.0937.010.1OIL BASED13.11.198950392.1254.012.9OIL BASED27.11.1989 -
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory4297.0[m]DCOD4303.0[m]DCOD4309.0[m]DCOD4315.0[m]DCOD4318.0[m]DCOD4321.0[m]DCOD4323.0[m]DCOD4324.0[m]DCOD4325.0[m]DCOD4327.0[m]DCOD4328.0[m]DCOD4328.5[m]DCOD