
General information
Wellbore history
GeneralWildcat well 2/1-7 was drilled on a structure in the centre of the block. The primary target was Rothliegendes sandstone in a large fault bounded structure mapped at base Zechstein Group level. A secondary objective was Late Jurassic Ula Formation sandstone in an extension of the 2/1-3 Gyda discovery. In the 2/1-3 well two sequences of Ula Formation sandstone had been encountered, and the upper of the two had been oil-bearingOperations and resultsWildcat well 2/1-7 was spudded with the 3-leg jack installation Glomar Moray Firth 1 on 6 September 1984 and drilled to TD at 5464 m in the Permian Rotliegendes Group. Pumping lost circulation material, without changing the mud weight, stopped loss of mud at 1710 m. Top chalk came in at 3190 m. This whole sequence was drilled with turbine. At 3746 m the drill string got stuck, and the tight interval was located between 2600-2900 m. The string was freed by circulating acidic mud. Full circulation was maintained during this whole operation. While pulling out to change bit at 5077 m the drill string was lost in the hole. At the same time 170 bbls of mud was lost. One reason for this mud loss could be the "piston effect" caused by the drill string falling down the hole. The pipe was fished out piece by piece, and the stabilisers above the bit were milled out. At 5081 m the drill string was screwed off 300 m above the bit. Fishing was successful and drilling continued. Drilling was stopped at 5113 a to perform pressure test. During this operation, before reliable results were obtained, the RFT-tool got stuck in the hole. After extensive fishing the operator decided to plug back and sidetrack the hole. The technical sidetrack was kicked off at 5092 m, and drilled to 5119 m. Problems at this depth made another sidetrack necessary, and the hole was plugged back to 4747 m. The new sidetrack was kicked off from 5080 m and dri1led to a TD of 5464 m, which made this hole 4 m short of being the deepest hole so far drilled in the Norwegian Sector. The well was drilled water based with KCl/polymer mud below 760 m, converting to a salt saturated mud from 4340 m. At 4238 m a diesel pill was used in the mud to free stuck pipe.The upper Ula sand, found oil bearing in the 2/1-3 well, was absent in the well. This confirmed the seismic mapping which picked the sub crop of the "2/1-3 Sand" beneath the base Mandal Formation to the north of the 2/1-7 well location. A 37 m thick Ula Formation water bearing sandstone was penetrated further down in the Late Jurassic, at 4024 m. The primary objective, Rotliegendes sand in the bottom of the well, showed good reservoir qualities, but was also water bearing. There were no significant hydrocarbon shows in any section of the well. The well severely downgraded the prospectivity of the Rotliegendes sandstone, and was thought to be dry due to absence of Carboniferous source rocks. Four cores were cut in the Rotliegendes sandstone, three of which cover the interval 5115.05 - 5127.0 m, and one between 5147.0 - 5165.0 m. No wire line fluid samples were obtained in the well.The well was permanently abandoned on 6 March 1985 as a dry well.TestingNo drill stem test was performed in the well. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]300.005465.00 -
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Core sample numberCore sample - top depthCore sample - bottom depthCore sample depth - uom15115.15124.3[m ]25124.35125.5[m ]35125.55127.0[m ]45147.05165.0[m ]Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Total core sample length [m]30.0Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cores available for sampling?YES -
Core photos
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory3870.0[m]DCOD3890.0[m]DCOD3910.0[m]DCOD3931.0[m]DCOD3949.0[m]DCOD3967.0[m]DCOD3985.0[m]DCOD4021.0[m]DCOD4039.0[m]DCOD4057.0[m]DCOD -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit106183029172917293929483018306631023157317331873187327536483786380238023886397439743996402440244061410541054332433250835084 -
Composite logs
Composite logs Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.71 -
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired) Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf2.44pdf2.75 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]BHC MSFL GR SP CAL38764930CBL VDL GR CCL4501000CYBERDIP38764293CYBERLOOK50835187DLL GR SP50835189DLL MSFL NGT SP38765078ISF SLS GR SP1702462ISF SLS MSFL GR CAL SP50835193ISF SLS MSFL GR SP CAL24733879ISF SLS MSFL GR SP CAL38764291LDL CNL GR50825194LDL CNL NGT38765071RFT GR50765103RFT GR51105187RFT GR51155145SHDT GR38764293VSP GR1505185 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR30171.036171.00.00LOTSURF.COND.20745.026755.01.70LOTINTERM.13 3/82473.017 1/22490.01.92LOTINTERM.9 5/83873.012 1/43878.02.12LOTLINER75076.08 1/25464.02.20LOT -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured1511.03WATER BASED11.09.19841861.03WATER BASED11.09.19842021.03WATER BASED11.09.19842201.06WATER BASED13.09.19845211.084.03.8WATER BASED14.09.19847451.1520.014.9WATER BASED18.09.19847451.1510.05.8WATER BASED16.09.19847451.1520.014.9WATER BASED18.09.19847551.125.03.8WATER BASED16.09.19847551.1310.05.8WATER BASED16.09.19847551.1310.05.8WATER BASED16.09.19849371.1514.05.8WATER BASED19.09.198411701.2114.06.7WATER BASED20.09.198413971.3814.05.8WATER BASED23.09.198416841.4516.06.7WATER BASED23.09.198417391.4523.08.2WATER BASED25.09.198418401.4826.08.6WATER BASED25.09.198421361.5032.09.6WATER BASED26.09.198422771.5530.08.2WATER BASED27.09.198423161.5533.06.2WATER BASED29.09.198424481.5530.08.2WATER BASED29.09.198424901.5529.08.6WATER BASED29.09.198425001.5624.07.2WATER BASED07.10.198426831.5723.07.2WATER BASED08.10.198428991.5820.06.7WATER BASED09.10.198429581.5719.05.8WATER BASED10.10.198430661.5817.013.4WATER BASED11.10.198431231.5817.012.5WATER BASED14.10.198431271.5818.06.7WATER BASED14.10.198431781.5824.08.2WATER BASED14.10.198432281.5825.08.6WATER BASED15.10.198432491.5820.07.7WATER BASED16.10.198432741.5924.010.1WATER BASED17.10.198433011.5923.08.6WATER BASED18.10.198433611.5830.012.0WATER BASED21.10.198434161.5828.011.0WATER BASED21.10.198434971.5828.06.7WATER BASED22.10.198435621.5831.07.7WATER BASED24.10.198436121.5832.08.2WATER BASED25.10.198436631.5831.08.6WATER BASED29.10.198437021.6031.08.2WATER BASED29.10.198437321.6034.08.6WATER BASED29.10.198437461.6034.08.6WATER BASED31.10.198437471.5834.08.6WATER BASED06.11.198437571.5834.09.1WATER BASED08.11.198437761.5833.010.2WATER BASED09.11.198438581.6236.013.4WATER BASED12.11.198438781.6537.014.4WATER BASED12.11.198439041.8030.09.6WATER BASED19.11.198439191.8530.09.6WATER BASED19.11.198439681.8633.011.5WATER BASED20.11.198440241.8534.011.0WATER BASED21.11.198441481.8535.010.1WATER BASED22.11.198442361.8531.09.6WATER BASED23.11.198442901.8632.011.5WATER BASED26.11.198443331.8447.010.6WATER BASED26.11.198445301.8451.013.4WATER BASED27.11.198446771.9057.013.0WATER BASED28.11.198448701.9462.013.0WATER BASED29.11.198449701.9456.010.2WATER BASED30.11.198450661.9670.017.3WATER BASED03.12.198450771.9670.012.5WATER BASED03.12.198450771.9050.010.6WATER BASED20.12.198450771.9050.010.6WATER BASED20.12.198450801.9352.010.1WATER BASED29.01.198550811.9261.016.3WATER BASED03.01.198550811.9256.013.4WATER BASED03.01.198550811.9261.016.3WATER BASED03.01.198550831.9254.014.4WATER BASED25.12.198450891.9347.012.0WATER BASED10.01.198550891.9344.010.6WATER BASED14.01.198550891.9354.012.0WATER BASED10.01.198550891.9347.012.0WATER BASED10.01.198550891.9344.010.6WATER BASED14.01.198550921.9235.06.2WATER BASED31.01.198550921.9234.06.2WATER BASED03.02.198550921.9234.06.2WATER BASED03.02.198550961.9252.08.6WATER BASED03.02.198551101.9249.09.1WATER BASED29.01.198551131.9266.010.6WATER BASED14.01.198551131.9247.06.7WATER BASED03.02.198551131.9239.05.8WATER BASED21.01.198551131.9266.010.6WATER BASED14.01.198551131.9239.05.8WATER BASED21.01.198551131.9251.010.6WATER BASED14.01.198551151.9250.07.2WATER BASED05.02.198551241.92101.022.0WATER BASED06.02.198551261.9277.013.0WATER BASED07.02.198551271.9240.08.2WATER BASED10.02.198551471.9230.03.8WATER BASED10.02.198551651.9228.01.4WATER BASED13.02.198551651.9228.01.4WATER BASED11.02.198551651.9228.01.4WATER BASED13.02.198551851.7229.03.4WATER BASED14.02.198553791.7229.03.4WATER BASED17.02.198554311.7229.03.4WATER BASED17.02.198554601.7134.03.8WATER BASED17.02.198554651.7034.05.8WATER BASED18.02.1985 -
Thin sections at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Thin sections at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate DepthUnit5115.05[m ]5116.35[m ]5116.65[m ]5119.35[m ]5122.35[m ]5125.00[m ]5125.35[m ]5126.35[m ]5148.65[m ]5156.35[m ]5164.65[m ] -
Pressure plots
Pressure plots The pore pressure data is sourced from well logs if no other source is specified. In some wells where pore pressure logs do not exist, information from Drill stem tests and kicks have been used. The data has been reported to the NPD, and further processed and quality controlled by IHS Markit.Pressure plots Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]PDF0.21