16/2-17 S

General information
Wellbore history
>GeneralWell 16/2-17 S was drilled on the western flank of the Johan Sverdrup Discovery. The main objectives were to investigate the reservoir thickness, quality and facies along the western bounding fault of the Johan Sverdrup Field. The main bounding fault separates the basin to the east where Intra-Draupne Formation sandstone is present in all the wells, and the main Utsira High to west where Intra-Draupne Formation sandstone has not been encountered in the wells nearby.Operations and resultsA pilot hole 16/2-U-17 was drilled 25m South-East of the main wellbore to investigate for shallow gas. No gas or shallow water flow were encountered.Appraisal well 16/2-17 S was spudded with the semi-submersible installation Ocean Vanguard on 24 March 2013 and drilled to TD at 2052 m (2039 m TVD) in the Triassic Skagerrak Formation. No significant problem was encountered in the operations. The well was drilled with seawater down to 905 m and with Performadril water based mud from 905 m to TD.The top of the main reservoir, Draupne Formation, was picked at 1873 m (1859.7 m TVD), 18.3m deeper than prognosed. The reservoir showed excellent reservoir properties and held an 82 m thick oil column down to the oil-water contact in the Statfjord Group at 1957 m (1922 m TVD MSL). A formation gas peak with C2+ hydrocarbons was recorded in the top of the Shetalnad Group, and at 1873 m good oil shows were recorded. Gas generally dropped off down in the Shetland Group. Below the OWC oil shows were described down to 1965 m.A total of 164 m core were recovered from seven coring runs covering the Jurassic interval and 21 m TVD into the Triassic Skagerrak Formation. Core recoveries varied between 98.8 and 105.3%. The high recoveries are due to core expansion. MDT fluid samples were taken at 1884.8 m (oil), 1934.5 m (oil), and 1959.7 m (water).The well was permanently abandoned on 20 May 2013 as an oil appraisal.TestingTwo Drill Stem Tests were performed.DST 1 tested the interval 1929 to 1937 m in the Statfjord Formation reservoir section. It produced 422 Sm3 oil and 14200 Sm3 gas /day through a 40/64" choke. The DST temperature was 77.7 °C.DST 2 tested the interval 1875.5 to 1914.5 m, nearly the whole Intra Draupne Formation sandstone section of the reservoir. It produced 910 Sm3 oil and 24300 Sm3 gas /day through a 48/64" choke. The DST temperature was 75.5 °C. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]905.002052.00 -
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Core sample numberCore sample - top depthCore sample - bottom depthCore sample depth - uom11875.01901.8[m ]21902.01914.4[m ]31914.41930.4[m ]41930.41958.4[m ]51958.51985.6[m ]61985.72012.3[m ]72012.62040.6[m ]Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Total core sample length [m]164.9Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cores available for sampling?YES -
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory950.0[m]DCFUGRO956.0[m]DCFUGRO962.0[m]DCFUGRO968.0[m]DCFUGRO974.0[m]DCFUGRO980.0[m]DCFUGRO986.0[m]DCFUGRO992.0[m]DCFUGRO998.0[m]DCFUGRO1004.0[m]DCFUGRO1010.0[m]DCFUGRO1016.0[m]DCFUGRO1022.0[m]DCFUGRO1028.0[m]DCFUGRO1034.0[m]DCFUGRO1040.0[m]DCFUGRO1046.0[m]DCFUGRO1052.0[m]DCFUGRO1058.0[m]DCFUGRO1064.0[m]DCFUGRO1070.0[m]DCFUGRO1076.0[m]DCFUGRO1082.0[m]DCFUGRO1088.0[m]DCFUGRO1094.0[m]DCFUGRO1100.0[m]DCFUGRO1106.0[m]DCFUGRO1112.0[m]DCFUGRO1118.0[m]DCFUGRO1124.0[m]DCFUGRO1130.0[m]DCFUGRO1136.0[m]DCFUGRO1142.0[m]DCFUGRO1148.0[m]DCFUGRO1170.0[m]DCFUGRO1190.0[m]DCFUGRO1210.0[m]DCFUGRO1230.0[m]DCFUGRO1250.0[m]DCFUGRO1270.0[m]DCFUGRO1290.0[m]DCFUGRO1310.0[m]DCFUGRO1330.0[m]DCFUGRO1350.0[m]DCFUGRO1370.0[m]DCFUGRO1390.0[m]DCFUGRO1410.0[m]DCFUGRO1430.0[m]DCFUGRO1450.0[m]DCFUGRO1470.0[m]DCFUGRO1490.0[m]DCFUGRO1510.0[m]DCFUGRO1530.0[m]DCFUGRO1550.0[m]DCFUGRO1804.0[m]DCFUGRO1822.0[m]DCFUGRO1840.0[m]DCFUGRO1858.0[m]DCFUGRO1875.2[m]CFUGRO1882.5[m]CFUGRO1893.5[m]CFUGRO1900.5[m]CFUGRO1904.3[m]CFUGRO1908.6[m]CFUGRO1913.3[m]CFUGRO1915.5[m]CFUGRO1917.9[m]CFUGRO1920.6[m]CFUGRO1924.0[m]CFUGRO1925.0[m]CFUGRO1926.2[m]CFUGRO1928.0[m]CFUGRO1928.7[m]CFUGRO1931.6[m]CFUGRO1935.8[m]CFUGRO1937.0[m]DCFUGRO1938.2[m]CFUGRO1941.3[m]CFUGRO1942.0[m]DCFUGRO1944.2[m]CFUGRO1949.0[m]CFUGRO1951.9[m]CFUGRO1953.5[m]CFUGRO1955.1[m]CFUGRO1957.5[m]CFUGRO1958.8[m]CFUGRO1961.0[m]CFUGRO1961.6[m]CFUGRO1965.6[m]CFUGRO1968.6[m]CFUGRO1972.5[m]CFUGRO1973.2[m]CFUGRO1979.8[m]CFUGRO1983.4[m]CFUGRO1986.8[m]CFUGRO1990.9[m]CFUGRO1995.5[m]CFUGRO2002.1[m]CFUGRO2006.6[m]CFUGRO2007.5[m]CFUGRO2010.6[m]CFUGRO2012.6[m]CFUGRO2017.9[m]CFUGRO2021.3[m]CFUGRO2029.0[m]DCFUGRO2041.0[m]DCFUGRO2047.0[m]DCFUGRO2052.0[m]DCFUGRO -
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Test typeBottle numberTop depth
MD [m]Bottom depth
MD [m]Fluid typeTest timeSamples availableDST1937.001929.00OIL29.04.2013 - 08:25YESDST1914.501875.50OIL10.05.2013 - 10:10YESMDT0.001934.50OILYESMDT0.001884.80OILYES -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit1338049349881034106911251464146414821501154215561556156016781756177117971797186618731873191320202020 -
Drill stem tests (DST)
Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFrom depth MD
[m]To depth MD
[m]Choke size
[mm]1.01929193717.42.01875191420.6Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFinal shut-in pressure
[MPa]Final flow pressure
[MPa]Bottom hole pressure
[MPa]Downhole temperature
[°C]1.0772.074Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberOil
[Sm3/day]Oil density
[g/cm3]Gas grav. rel.airGOR
[m3/m3]1.0470154002.0105020300 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]ECS CMR ADT15612052HNGS HRLA PEX15612052MDT15672015MSIP FMI1221913MSIP FMI18262037MWD - ARC PP18662047MWD - GVR6 ARC PP15611875MWD - PD XTRA900 ARC TELE9011561MWD - PDX5 ARC PP199901RESOLVE EZSV PLUG19251925USIT CBL134810USIT CBL10161554USIT CBL14902007ZO VSP1682048 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR30195.036199.00.00SURF.COND.13 3/8890.017 1/2905.01.86LOTINTERM.9 5/81559.012 1/41564.01.45FITLINER72050.08 1/22051.01.52LOT -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured1991.3516.0Spud mud1991.3516.0Spud mud4441.3518.0Spud mud6131.2318.0Performadril9011.3526.0Performadril9021.6017.0Kill Fluid- SW/Bentonite14451.2418.0Performadril15611.3529.0Performadril19021.2130.0Performadril19251.2418.0Performadril20521.2123.0Performadril