30/11-14 B

General information
Wellbore history
GeneralWell 30/11-14 B is a geological sidetrack to well 30/11-14. The wells are located on the eastern flank of the Fensal Sub-basin in the North Sea. Well 30/11-14 discovered gas-condensate in the Slemmestad prospect, at two levels within the Middle Jurassic Tarbert Formation. The sidetrack was drilled to test the Haraldsplass prospect in a separate fault block to the Slemmestad structure. The primary exploration target was to prove petroleum in the Middle Jurassic Tarbert Formation. The secondary exploration target was to prove petroleum in the Middle Jurassic Ness Formation.Operations and resultsWildcat well 30/11-14 B was kicked off at 6 July 2016 through a milled window in the 13 3/8'' casing at 1529.2 m in well 30/11-14. It was drilled with the semi-submersible installation Songa Delta to TD at 4187 m in the Early Jurassic Drake Formation. No significant problem was encountered in the operations. The well was drilled with XP-07 oil based mud from kick-off to TD.Top Tarbert Formation was penetrated at 3634 m (2879 m TVD). Hydrocarbons were encountered in three different reservoir intervals: gas-condensate from 3634 to 3687 m (2879 to 2924 m TVD), gas-condensate from 3717.5 to 3732 m (2949 to 2962 m TVD) and oil from 3747 to 3763 m (2974 to 2988 m TVD). Gas responses were observed in the Ness and Etive formations, mostly related to coal beds. No oil shows were observed in this well.No cores were cut. MDT fluid samples were taken at 3644.2 m (gas), 3720.5 m (gas), 3747.5 m (oil), and 3763.5 m (water).The well was permanently abandoned on 23 July 2016 as an oil/gas/condensate discovery.TestingNo drill stem test was performed. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]1550.004186.00 -
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory3556.0[m]DCPETROSTR3562.0[m]DCPETROS3565.0[m]DCPETROS3568.0[m]DCPETROS3574.0[m]DCPETROS3580.0[m]DCPETROS3586.0[m]DCPETROS3592.0[m]DCPETROS3598.0[m]DCPETROS3610.0[m]DCPETROS3616.0[m]DCPETROS3622.0[m]DCPETROS3628.0[m]DCPETROS3634.0[m]DCPETROS3640.0[m]DCPETROS3649.0[m]DCPETROS3658.0[m]DCPETROS3667.0[m]DCPETROS3676.0[m]DCPETROS3685.0[m]DCPETROS3694.0[m]DCPETROS3703.0[m]DCPETROS3712.0[m]DCPETROS3721.0[m]DCPETROS3733.0[m]DCPETROS3745.0[m]DCPETROS3757.0[m]DCPETROS3769.0[m]DCPETROS3781.0[m]DCPETROS3793.0[m]DCPETROS3805.0[m]DCPETROS3817.0[m]DCPETROS3829.0[m]DCPETROS3841.0[m]DCPETROS3853.0[m]DCPETROS3865.0[m]DCPETROS3877.0[m]DCPETROS3889.0[m]DCPETROS3901.0[m]DCPETROS3913.0[m]DCPETROS3925.0[m]DCPETROS3937.0[m]DCPETROS3949.0[m]DCPETROS3961.0[m]DCPETROS3973.0[m]DCPETROS3985.0[m]DCPETROS3997.0[m]DCPETROS4009.0[m]DCPETROS4021.0[m]DCPETROS4033.0[m]DCPETROS4045.0[m]DCPETROS4057.0[m]DCPETROS4069.0[m]DCPETROS4081.0[m]DCPETROS4093.0[m]DCPETROS4105.0[m]DCPETROS4117.0[m]DCPETROS4129.0[m]DCPETROS4141.0[m]DCPETROS4150.0[m]DCPETROS4159.0[m]DCPETROS4168.0[m]DCPETROS4177.0[m]DCPETROS4186.0[m]DCPETROS -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit1364928098098139441335147915202550255026462700273028683089316031603434357035703634363439014123412941474147 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]AIT PEX HNGS ECS GR35424191MDT GR36354020MDT GR37473763MSIP GR35424191MWD - DI GR RES15374187PEX GR35424191 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR30172.036172.00.00456.00.01.55FITSURF.COND.20457.026466.00.00PILOT HOLE979.08 1/20.00.001521.00.01.63FITLINER9 5/83538.012 1/43539.01.55FITOPEN HOLE4187.08 1/24187.00.00 -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured15361.3924.0XP-0717931.5534.0XP-0724471.5538.0XP-0731551.5536.0XP-0734681.3020.0XP-0735201.5526.0XP-0735391.3021.0XP-0735391.3518.0XP-0737281.3118.0XP-0741871.3019.0XP-07