
General information
Wellbore history
GeneralWell 34/8-1 was drilled on the main prospect "A" in the block. A main rotated fault block flanking the Viking Graben defines the prospect. The closure of the prospect was mainly dependant upon a sealing fault separating the prospect from the structurally higher Gullfaks area. The main objectives of the well were to prove possible hydrocarbon accumulations in the structurally and stratigraphically highest reservoir zone (the Brent Group) in an optimal position, to verify the interpretation regarding the stratigraphic and structural evolution, and to drill in a position that tested both the structural closure and the sealing fault on the "A" prospect.Secondary objectives of the well were to test the hydrocarbon potential, the stratigraphy and the reservoir quality in the Cook, Statfjord, and upper Lunde Formations; to drill in a position where the Brent Group showed no or minor erosion; and to drill in a position which left small quantities of hydrocarbons untested up dip in the Brent Group. The prognosed depth was 3750 m, ca 100 m into sands of the upper Lunde Formation.Operations and resultsWildcat well 34/8-1 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation "Treasure Scout" 11 November 1985 and drilled to a total depth of 3610 m in the Triassic Lunde Formation. Certain problems were experienced in the beginning, and the well had to be re-spudded. After this drilling proceeded without significant problems. The well was drilled with sea water and hi-vis pills down to 925 m and with KCl polymer mud from 925 m to TD. The well penetrated a near complete Brent Group. The reservoir top came in at 2767 m, approx. 80 a higher than prognosed. Logs and RFT data show that it is a probability of gas down to 2854 and the oil/water contact is at 2864 m. Thirteen cores were cut in the well, 10 cores in the Brent Group, one in the Cook Formation, and one in the Lunde Formation. Two sets of segregated RFT samples were retrieved from 2852.5 m and 2858 m, in the gas zone and one in the oil zone respectively.The well was plugged and abandoned on 8 March 1986 as an oil and gas discovery.TestingThree drill stem tests were performed in the well, DST 1 in the water zone, DST 2 in the oil zone and DST 3 in the gas zone. DST 2 experienced gas coning which could indicate that the oil is difficult to produce. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]430.003610.00 -
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Core sample numberCore sample - top depthCore sample - bottom depthCore sample depth - uom12768.02793.8[m ]22794.02821.9[m ]32822.02830.8[m ]42839.52853.0[m ]52854.02882.0[m ]62882.02892.2[m ]72894.02920.0[m ]82920.02928.2[m ]92929.02947.7[m ]102947.72974.7[m ]113044.03064.6[m ]123294.03316.1[m ]133512.03520.6[m ]Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Total core sample length [m]245.3Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cores available for sampling?YES -
Core photos
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Test typeBottle numberTop depth
MD [m]Bottom depth
MD [m]Fluid typeTest timeSamples availableDSTDST12880.002900.0018.02.1986 - 00:00YESDSTDST22811.402814.40OIL24.02.1986 - 00:00YESDSTDST32726.802765.20CONDENSATE01.03.1986 - 00:00YES -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit349109011361826182618742006276127642764276527672767280328512900298029812981304431633198332434173417 -
Composite logs
Composite logs Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.58 -
Geochemical information
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired) Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf47.20 -
Drill stem tests (DST)
Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFrom depth MD
[m]To depth MD
[m]Choke size
[mm]1.02880290011.12.0284528579.53.02768280719.0Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFinal shut-in pressure
[MPa]Final flow pressure
[MPa]Bottom hole pressure
[MPa]Downhole temperature
[°C]1.042.2001062.041.6001053.041.400102Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberOil
[Sm3/day]Oil density
[g/cm3]Gas grav. rel.airGOR
[m3/m3]1.024000.62032.04292480000.8340.6605793.04479521100.7450.6702130 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]CBL VDL1002739CBL VDL7451750CST454920CST10151724CST17782367CST24003592DLL MSFL CAL GR27202916DLWD - GR SNRES18003610ISF LSS MSFL SP GR23792918ISF LSS SP GR437928ISF LSS SP GR9031747ISF LSS SP GR17542373ISF LSS SP GR27333609LDL CAL GR9031747LDL CNL NGT CAL23792919LDL CNL NGT CAL27673611LDT CNL CAL GR17542374RFT27682817RFT27682993RFT28432865RFT28653051RFT28653600RFT SAMPLE28522852RFT SAMPLE28582858SHDT GR17542374SHDT GR23793611VSP1003595 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR30437.036438.00.00LOTSURF.COND.20903.0261554.01.64LOTINTERM.13 3/81754.017 1/21770.01.74LOTINTERM.9 5/82379.012 1/42398.01.82LOTLINER73610.08 1/23610.00.00LOT -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured4381.0512.020.0WATER BASED10.11.19854381.2414.020.0WATER BASED12.11.19854381.059.014.0WATER BASED13.11.19854381.0510.018.0WATER BASED10.11.19855691.088.021.0WATER BASED18.11.19859251.128.025.0WATER BASED18.11.19859251.118.016.0WATER BASED18.11.19859251.157.016.0WATER BASED18.11.19859251.118.016.0WATER BASED18.11.19859351.217.019.0WATER BASED19.11.19859351.237.017.0WATER BASED20.11.19859351.2112.014.0WATER BASED24.11.19859381.1517.013.0WATER BASED24.11.198511891.1816.012.0WATER BASED24.11.198515541.1618.014.0WATER BASED26.11.198517701.2018.013.0WATER BASED27.11.198517701.2016.011.0WATER BASED28.11.198517701.1719.012.0WATER BASED26.11.198517731.2016.010.0WATER BASED01.12.198518211.2518.012.0WATER BASED01.12.198519291.2520.012.0WATER BASED01.12.198520651.2620.010.0WATER BASED04.12.198521211.3220.09.0WATER BASED03.12.198521791.6617.09.0WATER BASED04.03.198622671.4021.08.0WATER BASED05.12.198523751.5328.010.0WATER BASED08.12.198523951.5328.09.0WATER BASED08.12.198523981.5226.08.0WATER BASED10.12.198524611.5228.07.0WATER BASED11.12.198525401.5134.08.0WATER BASED15.12.198526551.5123.07.0WATER BASED15.12.198527371.5127.09.0WATER BASED15.12.198527651.5512.02.0WATER BASED05.03.198627681.6937.016.0WATER BASED15.12.198527871.7018.010.0WATER BASED16.12.198528071.7020.09.0WATER BASED03.03.198628221.6922.07.0WATER BASED17.12.198528331.7020.010.0WATER BASED18.12.198528501.7020.09.0WATER BASED26.02.198628501.7020.09.0WATER BASED27.02.198628541.6620.09.0WATER BASED25.02.198628541.6923.010.0WATER BASED22.12.198528561.6620.09.0WATER BASED23.02.198628561.6620.09.0WATER BASED24.02.198628741.6620.09.0WATER BASED20.02.198628741.6620.09.0WATER BASED23.02.198628941.6920.09.0WATER BASED22.12.198529001.6420.09.0WATER BASED17.02.198629001.6620.09.0WATER BASED18.02.198629001.6620.09.0WATER BASED19.02.198629201.6920.09.0WATER BASED22.12.198529201.6921.014.0WATER BASED29.12.198529201.6920.010.0WATER BASED22.12.198529201.6921.011.0WATER BASED23.12.198529201.6922.010.0WATER BASED29.12.198529201.6919.013.0WATER BASED29.12.198529201.6918.011.0WATER BASED29.12.198529201.6615.010.0WATER BASED29.12.198529201.6618.09.0WATER BASED29.12.198529201.6620.011.0WATER BASED30.12.198529471.6617.011.0WATER BASED02.01.198629751.6617.010.0WATER BASED02.01.198630141.6620.012.0WATER BASED02.01.198630191.6617.09.0WATER BASED12.02.198630191.6614.08.0WATER BASED13.02.198630191.6619.012.0WATER BASED10.02.198630191.6620.09.0WATER BASED12.02.198630191.6620.09.0WATER BASED17.02.198630211.6621.07.0WATER BASED10.02.198630231.6620.08.0WATER BASED10.02.198630351.6620.08.0WATER BASED10.02.198630441.6620.012.0WATER BASED05.01.198630651.6629.09.0WATER BASED05.01.198631851.6620.010.0WATER BASED05.01.198632471.6622.09.0WATER BASED07.01.198632781.6620.09.0WATER BASED07.01.198633181.6620.09.0WATER BASED08.01.198633411.6621.08.0WATER BASED09.01.198633441.6620.09.0WATER BASED13.01.198633441.6620.08.0WATER BASED13.01.198633441.6620.08.0WATER BASED14.01.198633441.6821.09.0WATER BASED15.01.198633511.6620.09.0WATER BASED16.01.198633511.6820.010.0WATER BASED19.01.198633511.6720.08.0WATER BASED19.01.198633511.6720.010.0WATER BASED20.01.198633521.6824.010.0WATER BASED21.01.198633681.6620.08.0WATER BASED22.01.198634551.6621.09.0WATER BASED28.01.198634841.6720.09.0WATER BASED28.01.198635121.6621.010.0WATER BASED28.01.198635281.6619.010.0WATER BASED28.01.198636101.6620.015.0WATER BASED28.01.198636101.6619.011.0WATER BASED28.01.198636101.6622.011.0WATER BASED30.01.198636101.6619.011.0WATER BASED30.01.198636101.6618.09.0WATER BASED02.02.198636101.6619.010.0WATER BASED03.02.198636101.6619.010.0WATER BASED04.02.198636101.6618.09.0WATER BASED06.02.198636101.6621.011.0WATER BASED02.02.198636101.6621.010.0WATER BASED02.02.198638851.5612.02.0WATER BASED08.03.1986 -
Thin sections at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Thin sections at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate DepthUnit2855.55[m ]4292.92[m ]4273.76[m ]2879.35[m ]3519.45[m ]3514.55[m ]3512.30[m ]3308.17[m ]3298.30[m ]3057.70[m ]3047.68[m ]2954.70[m ]2943.16[m ]2925.65[m ]2911.60[m ]2900.50[m ]2889.30[m ]2851.57[m ]2847.73[m ]2825.30[m ]2814.70[m ]2799.48[m ]2789.20[m ]2768.00[m ] -
Pressure plots
Pressure plots The pore pressure data is sourced from well logs if no other source is specified. In some wells where pore pressure logs do not exist, information from Drill stem tests and kicks have been used. The data has been reported to the NPD, and further processed and quality controlled by IHS Markit.Pressure plots Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.23