33/9-19 A

General information
Wellbore history
GeneralWell 33/9-19 A is situated in the Tampen Spur area. The well 33/9-19 A was drilled to the Statfjord Nord Nordøst Segment (SFNNÏS) of the Statfjord Field. This segment lies at the north-eastern extension of the Statfjord North Field structure in both blocks 33/9 and 34/17. The primary objective for the well 33/9-19 A was to identify the level of oil-water contact or a deep "oil-down-to-situation" within the Nord Nordøst Segment. The secondary objective was to test the SFNNÏS Brent prospect on the north-western side of the Nordøst Segment main fault.Operations and resultsThe well 33/9-19A was spudded on the 23 of July 1996, using the semi-submersible installation "Transocean Wildcat". The well 33/9-19 A was sidetracked from well 33/9-19 S in a north- north-western direction. Well 33/9-19 A was drilled from kick off at 2000 m to TD in the Lower Jurassic Dunlin Group at 3514 m (3057.1 m TVD RKB). The section from 2000 - 3514 m (1999.9 - 3057.0 m TVD RKB) was drilled in one bit run with Ancovert Oil based mud.Repeated overpull and short stuck events made the logging-run operations difficult. Reservoir characteristics were similar to the Statfjord Nord Field. The oil-water contact was in the Rannoch Formation at approximately 2942 m (2735 m TVD RKB). The Brent Group sands were not encountered northwest of the main fault. TD was at 3514 m (3032 m TVD RKB) in the Dunlin Group. No fluid samples were collected and no coring was performed in the well.The well was permanently plugged and abandoned as an oil appraisal well on 9 August 1996.TestingNo drill stem test was performed -
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory2800.0[m]DCUOS2810.0[m]DCUOS2820.0[m]DCUOS2830.0[m]DCUOS2837.0[m]DCUOS2840.0[m]DCUOS2846.0[m]DCUOS2852.0[m]DCUOS2858.0[m]DCUOS2861.0[m]DCUOS2867.0[m]DCUOS2870.0[m]DCUOS2876.0[m]DCUOS2885.0[m]DCUOS2894.0[m]DCUOS2903.0[m]DCUOS2912.0[m]DCUOS2921.0[m]DCUOS2930.0[m]DCUOS2951.0[m]DCUOS2960.0[m]DCUOS2969.0[m]DCUOS2978.0[m]DCUOS2987.0[m]DCUOS2996.0[m]DCUOS3005.0[m]DCUOS3014.0[m]DCUOS3023.0[m]DCUOS3032.0[m]DCUOS3041.0[m]DCUOS3050.0[m]DCUOS3059.0[m]DCUOS3068.0[m]DCUOS3076.0[m]DCUOS3085.0[m]DCUOS3095.0[m]DCUOS3104.0[m]DCUOS3113.0[m]DCUOS3122.0[m]DCUOS3131.0[m]DCUOS3140.0[m]DCUOS3149.0[m]DCUOS3158.0[m]DCUOS3167.0[m]DCUOS3176.0[m]DCUOS3185.0[m]DCUOS3194.0[m]DCUOS3203.0[m]DCUOS3212.0[m]DCUOS3221.0[m]DCUOS3230.0[m]DCUOS3239.0[m]DCUOS3248.0[m]DCUOS3257.0[m]DCUOS3266.0[m]DCUOS3275.0[m]DCUOS3284.0[m]DCUOS3293.0[m]DCUOS3302.0[m]DCUOS3311.0[m]DCUOS3320.0[m]DCUOS3329.0[m]DCUOS3338.0[m]DCUOS3347.0[m]DCUOS3356.0[m]DCUOS3365.0[m]DCUOS3374.0[m]DCUOS3383.0[m]DCUOS3392.0[m]DCUOS3401.0[m]DCUOS3410.0[m]DCUOS3419.0[m]DCUOS3428.0[m]DCUOS3437.0[m]DCUOS3446.0[m]DCUOS3455.0[m]DCUOS3464.0[m]DCUOS3473.0[m]DCUOS3482.0[m]DCUOS3491.0[m]DCUOS3500.0[m]DCUOS -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit328960113116811681171418691869221928252825284028402939307030703171319432833319 -
Composite logs
Composite logs Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.16 -
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired) Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf14.70 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]DIL BHC GR AMS19513160LDL CNL GR AMS19513144MWD - DPR II19523514 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeOPEN HOLE3514.08 1/23514.00.00LOT -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured23141.6245.0ANCO VERT27891.6235.0ANCO VERT28381.6847.0ANCO VERT29251.6240.0ANCO VERT35141.6342.0ANCO VERT