
General information
Wellbore history
GeneralWell 6204/11-2 is located in the eastern part of the Slørebotn sub-basin, ca 3 km east-northeast of well 6204/11-1. Well 6204/11-1 proved shows in the Cretaceous Lysing Formation Equivalent and made a sub-commercial gas discovery in the Middle Jurassic. The objectives of well 6204/11-2 were to prove hydrocarbon reserves in the I-prospect, in a Coniacian/Turonian Sandstone and in the O-prospect, an Albian/Aptian Rødby SandstoneOperations and resultsExploration well 6204/11-2 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation Deepsea Trym on 6 December 1997 and drilled to TD at 2920 m in the Late Jurassic Sognefjord Formation. The well was drilled with seawater and PAC sweeps to 1352 m and with PAC / KCl mud from 1352 m to TD.The 6204/11-2 well proved no hydrocarbons in the I- and O-prospects. This has been deduced by FMT sampling and petrophysical evaluation of wire line logs. The O-prospect was prognosed to be sandy, but a conglomerate was encountered. Gas readings were low throughout the well. The highest readings were in the claystones above the Lysing Formation Equivalent, ranging from less than 0.1 % to 0.6%. Traces of fluorescence were reported at several intervals throughout the well below 1984 m. Only in the Sognefjord Formation (2892 m to TD) moderate direct fluorescence were observed, but the poor cut fluorescence compared with the moderate direct fluorescence indicates residual HC only, in accordance with the wire line logs. FMT fluid samples were taken at 1992.3 m and at 2893.0 m. Both 10 l chambers were drained off shore and were observed to contained mud filtrate and formation water. Oil film was observed in the sample at 1992.3 m, but analysis showed that it was from a base oil, either due to lack of cleaning of the FMT chamber prior to use or due to trace of base oil in the mud used in the well. No cores were taken. The well was permanently abandoned as a dry well with shows on December 28t 1997.TestingNo drill stem test was performed. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]1360.002920.00 -
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory1360.0[m]DCRRI1380.0[m]DCRRI1400.0[m]DCRRI1420.0[m]DCRRI1440.0[m]DCRRI1460.0[m]DCRRI1480.0[m]DCRRI1500.0[m]DCRRI1520.0[m]DCRRI1540.0[m]DCRRI1560.0[m]DCRRI1590.0[m]DCRRI1600.0[m]DCRRI1620.0[m]DCRRI1640.0[m]DCRRI1660.0[m]DCRRI1680.0[m]DCRRI1700.0[m]DCRRI1720.0[m]DCRRI1740.0[m]DCRRI1760.0[m]DCRRI1780.0[m]DCRRI1800.0[m]DCRRI1820.0[m]DCRRI1850.0[m]DCRRI1870.0[m]DCRRI1900.0[m]DCRRI1912.0[m]DCRRI1924.0[m]DCRRI1942.0[m]DCRRI1948.0[m]DCRRI1966.0[m]DCRRI1972.0[m]DCRRI1978.0[m]DCRRI2005.0[m]DCRRI2013.0[m]DCRRI2017.0[m]DCRRI2023.0[m]DCRRI2035.0[m]DCRRI2041.0[m]DCRRI2047.0[m]DCRRI2053.0[m]DCRRI2059.0[m]DCRRI2076.0[m]DCRRI2095.0[m]DCRRI2128.0[m]DCRRI2164.0[m]DCRRI2200.0[m]DCRRI2218.0[m]DCRRI2236.0[m]DCRRI2272.0[m]DCRRI2290.0[m]DCRRI2308.0[m]DCRRI2326.0[m]DCRRI2365.0[m]DCRRI2380.0[m]DCRRI2392.0[m]DCRRI2404.0[m]DCRRI2422.0[m]DCRRI2437.0[m]DCRRI2452.0[m]DCRRI2467.0[m]DCRRI2482.0[m]DCRRI2497.0[m]DCRRI2512.0[m]DCRRI2526.0[m]DCRRI2542.0[m]DCRRI2560.0[m]DCRRI2573.0[m]DCRRI2617.0[m]DCRRI2632.0[m]DCRRI2647.0[m]DCRRI2659.0[m]DCRRI2686.0[m]DCRRI2709.0[m]DCRRI2716.0[m]DCRRI2722.0[m]DCRRI2728.0[m]DCRRI2734.0[m]DCRRI2740.0[m]DCRRI2752.0[m]DCRRI2758.0[m]DCRRI2779.0[m]DCRRI2788.0[m]DCRRI2797.0[m]DCRRI2815.0[m]DCRRI2824.0[m]DCRRI2833.0[m]DCRRI2842.0[m]DCRRI2851.0[m]DCRRI2860.0[m]DCRRI2869.0[m]DCRRI2878.0[m]DCRRI2896.0[m]DCRRI2914.0[m]DCRRI2920.0[m]DCRRI -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit222632770770104212751275187023522402265926592690270027302769280028002892 -
Composite logs
Composite logs Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.44 -
Geochemical information
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired) Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf24.89 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]DLL MLL ZDL GR TTRM13432917FMT GR19082910FMT GR28932893MAC DSL TTRM10192917MWD - DPR13582911MWD - RNT2821058SWC GR18302905VSP GR4732898 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR30282.036285.00.00LOTSURF.COND.9 5/81344.012 1/41346.01.59LOTOPEN HOLE2920.08 1/22920.00.00LOT -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured00.00DUMMY2481.04DUMMY9781.04SEAWATER/PAC13521.04SEAWATER/PAC18431.2516.0KCL/GLYCOL/POLY21881.2516.0KCL/GLYCOL/POLY23541.2515.0KCL/GLYCOL/POLY27151.2518.0KCL/GLYCOL/POLY27431.2516.0KCL/GLYCOL/POLY28081.2518.0KCL/GLYCOL/POLY29201.2519.0KCL/GLYCOL/POLY -
Pressure plots
Pressure plots The pore pressure data is sourced from well logs if no other source is specified. In some wells where pore pressure logs do not exist, information from Drill stem tests and kicks have been used. The data has been reported to the NPD, and further processed and quality controlled by IHS Markit.Pressure plots Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.26