
General information
Wellbore history
GeneralWildcat well 6407/1-3 was drilled in the Haltenbanken area off shore Mid Norway. It is situated on a separate but related structure to 6407/1-2, which found gas-condensate in the Middle Jurassic Garn Formation. The primary target of well 6407/1-3 was Middle Jurassic sandstones. Secondary target was Early Jurassic sandstones. Other zones of interest were the Late and Early Cretaceous and the coal unit in the Early Jurassic.The well is Type Well for the Brygge Formation and Reference Well for the Hordaland Group, it is Type Well for the Garn Formation, and it is Reference Well for the Ile and Not Formations.Operations and resultsWildcat well 6407/1-3 was spudded with the semi-submersible installation Dyvi Delta on 17 September 1983 and drilled to TD at 4469 m in Late Triassic sediments of the Åre Formation. Hole problems occurred when running back in the hole after a period of bad weather. The hole had collapsed and had to be reamed back to bottom at 3136 M. A drilling break occurred at 3746 to 3748 m. All in all, there was a total of 16 days downtime caused by bad weather. Still, the well was drilled 22 days faster than prognosed. This was mainly due to fast penetration in the 17 1/2" and 6" hole, an efficient coring operation and favourable weather conditions compared to well 6407/1-2. The well was drilled with seawater/gel down to 948 m, with lignosulphonate/gypsum from 948 m to 3608 m, and with bentonite gel from 3608 m to TD.Hydrocarbon bearing Middle Jurassic sandstones (Garn Formation) were encountered at 3600 m. A gas cap extended to 3687.5 m followed by an oil zone down to 3709 m. At this point the sand grades rapidly into the underlying silt and clay of the Not Formation at 3709.5 m. This makes it difficult to conclude on an OWC for the discovery. The Nise Formation from 2448 m to 2601 m had good gas shows whilst drilling and oil contamination of drilling mud. Mud log data suggested a possible light oil accumulation with associated gas and an oil water contact at approximately 2560 m. Reservoir properties were however poor with a lithology consisting of siltstone grading to very fine sandstone interbedded with claystone. Hydrocarbon shows were also recorded in zones in the Early Cretaceous and in the lower parts of the "Coal Unit". None of these zones were of good reservoir quality. The Early Jurassic sandstones showed only traces of hydrocarbons. No good source rocks were found above base Cretaceous. Late Jurassic shales from 3521 m to 3545 m had excellent source potential with type II/III kerogen and TOC in the range 3 -7%. Hydrogen Index was typically 400 - 500 mg HC/g TOC and the shales had reached early oil window maturity. Also Early Jurassic shales and coals has potential for light oils and gas.Seven cores were cut in the Middle Jurassic sandstones from 3619 m to 3717 m and from 3748 m to 3758 m. RFT pressure points were sampled over the Middle to Early Jurassic sandstone sequences. Three RFT fluid samples were taken at 3695 m, 3692 m, and at 3676.2 m.The well was permanently abandoned on 16 January 1984 as an oil and gas discovery.TestingTwo drill stem tests were performed in the Middle Jurassic sandstone in the oil zone from 3697.5 - 3702.5 m and in the gas zone from 3665 - 3670 m. DST1 produced 396.1 Sm3 oil and 58430 Sm3 gas per day, with a gas/oil ratio of 148 Sm3/Sm3. DST2 produced 191.8 Sm3 oil and 725400 gas per day, with a gas/oil ratio of 3782 Sm3/Sm3. -
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cuttings available for sampling?YESCuttings at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cutting sample, top depth [m]Cutting samples, bottom depth [m]420.004467.50 -
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Core sample numberCore sample - top depthCore sample - bottom depthCore sample depth - uom13619.03619.7[m ]23621.03639.0[m ]33639.03657.7[m ]43657.03684.0[m ]53684.03710.4[m ]63711.03716.2[m ]73748.03758.0[m ]Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Total core sample length [m]106.0Cores at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Cores available for sampling?YES -
Core photos
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Palynological slides at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Sample depthDepth unitSample typeLaboratory2110.0[m]DCLAP2190.0[m]DCLAP2215.0[m]DCLAP2230.0[m]DCLAP2245.0[m]DCLAP2260.0[m]DCLAP2275.0[m]DCLAP2290.0[m]DCLAP2305.0[m]DCLAP2333.0[m]SWCLAP2335.0[m]DCLAP2339.9[m]SWCLAP2365.0[m]DCLAP2367.0[m]SWCLAP2380.0[m]DCLAP2440.0[m]DCLAP2455.0[m]SWCLAP2470.0[m]DCLAP2476.0[m]SWCLAP2507.0[m]SWCLAP2515.0[m]DCLAP2521.9[m]SWCLAP2526.0[m]SWCLAP2537.0[m]SWCLAP2546.0[m]SWCLAP2555.0[m]SWCLAP2565.0[m]SWCLAP2570.0[m]DCLAP2579.9[m]SWCLAP2585.0[m]DCLAP2585.0[m]SWCLAP2600.0[m]DCLAP2615.0[m]DCLAP2630.0[m]DCLAP2645.0[m]DCLAP2660.0[m]DCLAP2675.0[m]DCLAP2690.0[m]DCLAP2695.0[m]SWCLAP2705.0[m]DCLAP2720.0[m]DCLAP2735.0[m]DCLAP2750.0[m]DCLAP2765.0[m]DCLAP2780.0[m]DCLAP2795.0[m]DCLAP2810.0[m]DCLAP2825.0[m]DCLAP2840.0[m]DCLAP2855.0[m]DCLAP2870.0[m]SWCLAP2885.0[m]DCLAP2900.0[m]DCLAP2915.0[m]DCLAP2930.0[m]DCLAP2945.0[m]DCLAP2960.0[m]DCLAP2975.0[m]DCLAP2990.0[m]DCLAP3005.0[m]DCLAP3020.0[m]DCLAP3035.0[m]DCLAP3040.0[m]DCLAP3050.0[m]DCLAP3065.0[m]DCLAP3080.0[m]DCLAP3090.0[m]SWCLAP3095.0[m]DCLAP3110.0[m]DCLAP3125.0[m]DCLAP3155.0[m]DCLAP3160.0[m]SWCLAP3170.0[m]DCLAP3185.0[m]DCLAP3195.0[m]SWCLAP3200.0[m]DCLAP3215.0[m]DCLAP3230.0[m]DCLAP3230.0[m]SWCLAP3245.0[m]DCLAP3260.0[m]DCLAP3275.0[m]DCLAP3280.0[m]SWCLAP3290.0[m]DCLAP3305.0[m]DCLAP3320.0[m]DCLAP3335.0[m]DCLAP3350.0[m]DCLAP3365.0[m]DCLAP3380.0[m]DCLAP3395.0[m]DCLAP3410.0[m]DCLAP3424.0[m]SWCLAP3425.0[m]DCLAP3440.0[m]DCLAP3455.0[m]DCLAP3462.0[m]SWCLAP3464.9[m]SWCLAP3470.0[m]SWCLAP3470.0[m]DCLAP3484.0[m]SWCLAP3485.0[m]DCLAP3495.1[m]SWCLAP3499.0[m]SWCLAP3500.0[m]DCLAP3530.0[m]DCLAP3545.0[m]DCLAP3560.0[m]DCLAP3575.0[m]DCLAP3590.0[m]DCLAP3598.0[m]SWCLAP3599.0[m]SWCLAP3605.0[m]DCLAP3619.0[m]CLAP3620.0[m]DCLAP3621.0[m]CLAP3630.9[m]CLAP3642.5[m]CLAP3645.0[m]CLAP3653.6[m]CLAP3666.1[m]CLAP3667.2[m]CLAP3689.3[m]DCLAP3689.6[m]DCLAP3693.4[m]CLAP3693.5[m]CRRI3698.3[m]DCLAP3704.5[m]CLAP3704.6[m]CLAP3704.7[m]CLAP3705.5[m]CLAP3709.4[m]CLAP3709.7[m]CLAP3709.7[m]CRRI3710.1[m]CLAP3711.2[m]CLAP3713.8[m]CRRI3715.1[m]CLAP3715.6[m]CLAP3716.1[m]CLAP3716.2[m]CRRI3717.0[m]SWCLAP3725.0[m]SWCLAP3730.0[m]SWCLAP3733.0[m]SWCLAP3735.0[m]SWCLAP3739.0[m]SWCLAP3744.0[m]SWCLAP3748.1[m]CLAP3751.0[m]CLAP3752.6[m]CLAP3756.1[m]CLAP3760.0[m]DCLAP3775.0[m]DCLAP3790.0[m]DCLAP3794.0[m]SWCLAP3805.0[m]CLAP3820.0[m]CLAP3835.0[m]CLAP3847.0[m]SWCLAP3850.0[m]CLAP3854.0[m]SWCLAP3865.0[m]CLAP3880.0[m]CLAP3883.0[m]SWCLAP3895.0[m]CLAP3910.0[m]CLAP3915.0[m]SWCLAP3925.0[m]CLAP3928.0[m]SWCLAP3937.0[m]SWCLAP3940.0[m]CLAP3944.0[m]SWCLAP3954.0[m]SWCLAP3955.0[m]CLAP3963.0[m]SWCLAP3970.0[m]CLAP3982.0[m]SWCLAP3985.0[m]CLAP3987.0[m]SWCLAP4000.0[m]CLAP4015.0[m]CLAP4030.0[m]CLAP4045.0[m]CLAP4047.0[m]SWCLAP4060.0[m]CLAP4075.0[m]CLAP4090.0[m]CLAP4092.0[m]SWCLAP4105.0[m]CLAP4117.9[m]SWCLAP4120.0[m]CLAP4125.0[m]SWCLAP4135.0[m]CLAP4150.0[m]CLAP4165.0[m]CLAP4180.0[m]CLAP4195.0[m]CLAP4210.0[m]CLAP4225.0[m]CLAP4240.0[m]CLAP4255.0[m]CLAP4270.0[m]CLAP4285.0[m]CLAP4300.0[m]CLAP4315.0[m]CLAP4330.0[m]CLAP4345.0[m]CLAP4360.0[m]CLAP4375.0[m]CLAP4390.0[m]CLAP4405.0[m]CLAP4420.0[m]CLAP4435.0[m]DCLAP4450.0[m]DCLAP4460.0[m]DCLAP4465.0[m]DCLAP4467.5[m]DCLAP -
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Oil samples at the Norwegian Offshore Directorate Test typeBottle numberTop depth
MD [m]Bottom depth
MD [m]Fluid typeTest timeSamples availableDSTTEST13697.503702.5022.12.1983 - 00:00YESDSTTEST23665.003670.0004.01.1984 - 00:00YES -
Lithostratigraphy Top depth [mMD RKB]Lithostrat. unit31531514491763176322132213230023462346244826012601346634703500352135213545360036003704374138133813395041504455 -
Composite logs
Composite logs Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.81 -
Geochemical information
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired)
Documents – reported by the production licence (period for duty of secrecy expired) Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf38.11pdf4.48pdf4.26pdf87.24pdf18.62pdf22.11pdf5.62pdf2.26pdf1.23pdf2.16pdf7.20pdf3.08pdf6.79pdf5.95pdf4.73pdf8.94pdf1.12pdf1.24pdf2.34pdf1.52pdf1.23pdf1.47pdf10.02pdf1.20pdf1.28pdf1.27pdf1.16 -
Drill stem tests (DST)
Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFrom depth MD
[m]To depth MD
[m]Choke size
[mm]1.03698370319.12.03665367025.4Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberFinal shut-in pressure
[MPa]Final flow pressure
[MPa]Bottom hole pressure
[MPa]Downhole temperature
[°C]1.02.0Drill stem tests (DST) Test numberOil
[Sm3/day]Oil density
[g/cm3]Gas grav. rel.airGOR
[m3/m3]1.01378670000.8720.6651582.02538750000.7760.6553458 -
Logs Log typeLog top depth [m]Log bottom depth [m]CBL VDL GR19802280CBL VDL GR30823595CBL VDL GR33854469CST23333598CST35973963CST39824469DLL MSFL SP GR35953976ISF BHC MSFL SP GR39644469ISF BHC SP GR35953976ISF LSS MSFL SP GR3153606LDL CNL GR35963975LDL CNL NGL22883601LDL GR9472297MWD - GR RES DIR22803970NGT33003600NGT35953976RFT GR22883467RFT GR33934024RFT GR35953950SHDT GR22883608SHDT GR35953976SHDT GR39644469TEMP7954469VSP5954469 -
Casing and leak–off tests
Casing and leak–off tests Casing typeCasing diam.
[inch]Casing depth
[m]Hole diam.
[inch]Hole depth
[m]LOT/FIT mud eqv.
[g/cm3]Formation test typeCONDUCTOR30415.036415.00.00LOTSURF.COND.20948.026965.01.70LOTINTERM.13 3/82286.017 1/22300.01.87LOTINTERM.9 5/83595.012 1/43608.01.82LOTLINER73969.08 1/23976.00.00LOTOPEN HOLE4469.064469.00.00LOT -
Drilling mud
Drilling mud Depth MD [m]Mud weight [g/cm3]Visc. [mPa.s]Yield point [Pa]Mud typeDate measured4501.0866.0WATER BASED5751.0950.0WATER BASED6701.1060.0WATER BASED9201.1147.0WATER BASED10401.0844.0WATER BASED12101.1245.0WATER BASED13801.1547.0WATER BASED14801.1647.0WATER BASED16101.1544.0WATER BASED18001.2744.0WATER BASED18901.4055.0WATER BASED22051.5558.0WATER BASED23101.66WATER BASED25251.6651.0WATER BASED26001.7048.0WATER BASED37201.2055.0WATER BASED43201.3073.0WATER BASED44501.2977.0WATER BASED -
Pressure plots
Pressure plots The pore pressure data is sourced from well logs if no other source is specified. In some wells where pore pressure logs do not exist, information from Drill stem tests and kicks have been used. The data has been reported to the NPD, and further processed and quality controlled by IHS Markit.Pressure plots Document nameDocument formatDocument size [MB]pdf0.28