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General information (in Norwegian only)
General information (in Norwegian only) Tillatelse585Gyldig fra dato04.02.2011Gyldig til dato04.02.2014NPDID for utvinningstillatelser20109152 -
Operatorship — current (in Norwegian only)
Operatorship — current (in Norwegian only) -
Owner — current (in Norwegian only)
Owner — current (in Norwegian only) SelskapAndel [%] -
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only)
Mortgages from the Petroleum register – current (in Norwegian only) Ingen heftelser registert. -
Notifications from the Petroleum register – full history (in Norwegian only)
Notifications from the Petroleum register – full history (in Norwegian only) Dokument nummerRegistreringsdatoUtdrag av dokumentType570502.03.2011Utvinningstillatelsen er innført i Petroleumsregisteret.Ny tillatelse775524.03.2014Olje- og energidepartementet bekrefter i brev datert 24.3.2014 at utvinningstillatelsen anses som bortfalt fra 4.2.2014, jf. utvinningstillatelse 585 pkt. 4b. samt brev fra departementet av 5.2.2013Andre meldinger